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Dear Colleagues,


In January 2010, NACY launched a 3-year project titled "Taking Stock: Supporting Canadian Child and Youth Agencies during Economic Crisis" The project's objectives are to strengthen NACY's member agencies to:

  1. Take stock of current economic realities impacting our member agencies in the child & youth sector in the areas of: capacity building, knowledge acquisition/mentorship and sustainability,
  2. Identify the best crisis management, models and/or approaches available or being practiced by agencies in these areas, and
  3. Share, germinate ideas, solutions and approaches in the Child & Youth sector to support agencies to:

(a)   build increased capacity and/or more efficiencies;

(b)   gain more knowledge/mentorship abilities to support agencies facing crisis;

(c)   support and strengthen agencies to achieve greater sustainability.


Within this project, one activity is to provide child and youth sector colleagues with information on best practices, innovation and sector solutions to challenges by means of Case Studies. NACY is in the process of documenting Case Studies of initiatives (success stories) across organizations, focused on the range of issues addressed above (capacity building, knowledge acquisition/mentorship and sustainability).


We want to ensure that we hear from our colleagues across the county and are sending out this call for Case Studies. Sharing your learnings will be of great value to not only NACY but other child and youth sector colleagues. Please don't hesitate to spread the word!


General Information

Case Studies should follow the outline below:


Background of the organization

Issue or situation (What issue/situation has the organization faced or dealt with?)

Challenges (What were some of the challenges dealt with in dealing with the issue?)

Actions taken (What was done?)


Coordinates of the individual we can connect with should we require more information



The deadline for the receipt of Case Studies is January 30th, 2011. Case Studies should be emailed to in a Word format.


Got Questions?



Next Steps

The Case Studies collected from across the country will be published on NACY`s website and will tie into the Taking Stock project's final report. The findings will be posted in NACY's resource centre and circulated via email.


We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance!


Michelle Dagnino                                          Amanda Mayer

Taking Stock Project Director                     NACY Coordintor 

The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)
is a nonprofit umbrella organization which brings national organizations together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing the well-being of children and youth in Canada.
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National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)

130 Albert Street | Suite 1705 

Ottawa, ON | K2P 1G4 

613.292.0569 ||