NACY's on the road again ... next stop, Toronto!

NACY has been conducting a series of Think Tank sessions across Canada, with our third one to be held in Toronto on October 26 (see highlights from Ottawa Think Tank & Atlantic Canada Think Tank). The theme - Inform, Inspire, Innovate - aims to assist the sector in developing a series of strategies and best practices for dealing with and overcoming organizational and sectoral challenges. This will be a unique opportunity for child and youth leaders in to gather and to take stock of the sector in Canada, to share their knowledge and experience, and to provide guidance and advice that will be shared nationally on how to survice and grow during challenging times. If you are interested, please email us at:


NACY Hosts AGM and Welcomes New Boad Members

Members, Directors of the Board, Stakeholders and Staff came together on September 22 to celebrate NACY's fifth anniversary. NACY also welcomed 4 new Boad Members from across Canada. For details on our 2010-11 activities, download our Annual Report.


NACY & Imagine Canada Partnership

NACY is pleased to report that we will be partnering with Imagine Canada on the Sector Monitor in continued efforts to help monitor the state of child and youth charities and nonprofits across the country and their ability to deliver on their missions. The Sector Monitor will provide relevant and timely information on issues facing charities and nonprofits to the child and youth sector itself and to various sector stakeholders, including policymakers, the media, etc. Stay tuned for your invitation to take part in the Sector Monitor! 


Join NACY's SuperSearch Network

Within our Taking Stock project, one activity is to provide sector colleagues with a more robust NACY website to: share project and sector solutions; provide a central access site for the child and youth sector; and profile a catalogue of child and youth sector nonprofit agency best practices. The NACY website will therefore be updated and enhanced with additional features, the first of which is NACY's new SuperSearch engine.  


NACY's SuperSearch feature enables users to search through child and youth sector and other relevant websites using just one central search engine. It is a one-stop solution to search for useful information and resources on issues that impact (or are relevant to) the sector specifically and the nonprofit world in general.


NACY is asking organizations to join our SuperSearch network. For more information about NACY's SuperSearch we invite you to read the factsheetIf you are interested in joining our SuperSearch network please fill out the form.


Call for NACY e-Digest Contribution

A vital part of NACY's mandate is its unique ability to bring together a wide variety of child and family serving organizations. This monthly e-Digest presents an excellent opportunity for NACY's members to communication with one another and to keep fellow activits updated on their organization's activities.


Whether you are preparing a press release, applying for governmetn grant, or planning a workshop or conference, NACY wants to hear about i! This e-Digest is here to profile the invaluable work of NACY's members. Please send your contributions to


MEMBER & Child and Youth SECTOR NEWS

Girl Guides of Canada e-Bulletin

The fall edition of Guiding Matters is now online. Click here to read more.


FRP Canada updates

The Fall 2011 issue of FRP Canada's Play and Parenting newsletter has just been released, including the Benefits of Play in Natural Settings resource sheet. They have also posted their pre-budget submission to the Federal Government.  


NEW CIHI Report - Return on Investment: Mental Health Promotion and Mental Illness Prevention 
The Canadian Population Health Initiative (CPHI) of the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) commissioned the Canadian Policy Network at the University of Western Ontario to complete a scoping study that examines the return on investment and cost effectiveness of mental health promotion.
Mental health issues will be among the leading causes of disability in Canada by 2030, yet there is limited information about the costs of interventions for mental illness prevention and mental health promotion. This scoping study found that there is research showing a return on investment for some mental health promotion/illness prevention interventions. The strongest evidence was for interventions targeting children and youth (such as those that focus on conduct disorders, depression, parenting, and suicide awareness and prevention), while the weakest evidence was from the workplace sector. Downlaod the report. For more information, contact Karen Weir at


Calls for Proposals - Women Living in Rural and Remote Communities and Small Urban Centres

Status of Women Canada is launching a Call for Proposals to solicit funding applications for projects that promote equality and support the advancement of women and girls living in rural and remote communities and small urban centres. Projects under this Call for Proposals fall under one of two thematic areas: 


1.  Community planning to reduce violence against women and girls in rural communities and small urban centres in Canada.

2.  Community planning for women's economic security in rural and remote communities in Canada.


The deadline for application to this Call for Proposals is November 4th, 2011. For more information about this Call for Proposals, visit their website. Status of Women Canada reminds organizations that applications to the Women's Program are also accepted on an ongoing basis.


Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in the fall 2011 provincial/territorial elections

CRRU collects information about how ECEC is being addressed in elections in
 Newfoundland and Labrador, PEI, Ontario, Manitoba,Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory.                


National Council on Welfare's Report: The dollars and sense of solving poverty
Report looks at the high cost of poverty and the long-term investments needed to solve it; says "the importance and cost-effectiveness of quality early learning is one of the most well-documented fields of study."



BullyingCanada is now a registered national charity They are Canada's first youth created anti-bullying website. Find out more here.  


Effectiveness of early educational intervention Article by W. Steven Barnett in the journal Science examines the effectiveness of early childhood programs designed to offset the impacts of poverty and inadequate learning environments on child development and school success. Full-text available online.  



Help CEECD Identify the next topics for the Encyclopedia 


The Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development showcases the latest scientific knowledge on the development of young children (0 to 5). It currently covers 45 topics, and keeps growing. They would like to know which topics you would like to find in the Encyclopedia in the upcoming months and years. You can fill out their survey by October 27, 2011.


The Lancet Early Childhood Development Series

The Lancet released new research in a series of papers focused on Early Childhood Development. The 2011 series examines risks and protective factors for early child development, and new evidence on program effectiveness from 40 studies and program evaluations. Tthis series represents a significant opportunity to amplify the importance of investing in Early Childhood Development and of models that can go to scale. Also, see UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre's take on the series and other related material at 


Children's Rights in Canada 2011: Show Your Support! The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of the Child (CCRC) is currently preparing national, community-based reports on various aspects of children's rights, in cooperation with other groups across the country. A series of Working Documents (with more to come) are currently posted on the CCRC website. When all of the thematic reports are completed, they will be consolidated for submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, for use in the official review of Canada's implementation of the Convention. To access these reports, please visit the CCRC website.  



Community Plan for a Public System of Integrated Early Care and Learning in BC The Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC and the Early ChildhoodEducators of BC are pleased to share their Community Plan for a Public System ofIntegrated Early Care and Learning in BC. The Plan offers a "made-in BC" solution to the current child care crisis and incorporates the best of quality child care and the bestof public education. Now it is time for decision makers to endorse the Plan and move it forward so that children, families, communities and our economy are served by ahigh quality, universal, democratic and accountable system of early care andlearning. To endorse the Plan and see the wide range of organizations that are supporting the Plan, go to:



Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth A Memo was sent out out at the end of July to the Endorsers of the Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth. The Memo summarizes Canadian and international developments and research regarding physical punishment of children and are posted to the CHEO website. Read the memo. The Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth was developed by a national coalition of organizations facilitated by the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO). Based on an extensive review of research, the Joint Statement provides an overview of the developmental outcomes associated with the use of physical punishment. Click here for more information, and to read the Joint Statement on Physical Punishment of Children and Youth or its executive summary.


International Bureau for Children's Rights Report The International Bureau for Children's Rights has published a report entitled "The Protection of Child Victims and Witnesses of Criminal Acts in Quebec" (« La protection des enfants victimes et témoins d'actes criminels au Québec - Étude sur la mise en œuvre des Lignes directrices en matière de justice pour les enfants victimes et témoins d'actes criminels »). Please click hereto read the report (in French only).





MESH: the network for young nonprofit professionals in the national capital region

NACY's coordinator, Amanda Mayer, and Lee Rose (HR Council, Ten Oaks Project) have launched a network for young nonprofit professionals in the National Capital Region. The concept of mesh networking, that it relies on peer-to-peer interaction and engagement, is an apt description for the new network for young nonprofit professionals. It's not about the organization you work for. It's not about your boss, your board, or your funder. It's about you. It's about me. It's about us. People who are enganged in nonprofit work and are looking for ways to connect, to share, to learn. So it's real. It's here. It has a name and it's building momentum. Read more about this exciting initiative here.


Aviva Community Fund

The is a competition created to inspire local or national ideas to create positive changes within communities across Canada. Individual Canadians or charitable organizations can submit an idea for a cause within their community they feel passionate about and then become actively involved in promoting the cause to start making change happen. The top ideas, as chosen by Canadians, have a chance to share in $1,000,000 of funding. Voting began on October 3.


Executive Directors! Help Imagine Canada develop Guides to support your Professional Development

The Nonprofit Library needs your feedback to help develop resource guides targeted to meet the professional development needs of Executive Directors. Please

 take the brief survey so we can learn about your professional development needs as an Executive Director. The survey should take no more than five minutes to complete.



IFCW World Forum
Melbourne, Australia - October 18-21
The aim is to inform and share knowledge on the needs of children whilst empowering individuals and organizations to work together to enable children to take their rightful place in today's world. The theme for this year's WorldForum is "education and Children's Wellbeing - Philosophy, Policy and Practice".

Canadian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference
Be Visible: Connecting Evidence to Action in Injury, Violence and Suicide Prevention
Vancouver, British Columbia - November 16-18

Partnering for Better Child and Youth Mental Health System
Children's Mental Health Ontario
Toronto, ON - November 21-22
Imagine Canada's National Summit 2011
November 28-30 (Ottawa, ON)
The National Summit for the Charitable and Nonprofit Sector is bringing together leaders from across sub-sectors and from across the country. We're moving on the top four priorities for action identified nationally:
  • Improved conditions for the attraction and retention of paid staff
  • More diversified and sustainable financing
  • Better understanding of our work and our impact
  • Enhanced support for the engagement of volunteers/external talent

The Summit is also a great learning opportunity for Young Leaders who want to explore the issues facing our sector and to be part of the collective action going forward. For more information on the Young Leaders Initiative, click here.


The Early Years Conference

The Development of Children's Mental Health: How Do We Become Who We Are?

Vancouver, British Columbia - February 2-4, 2012

First National Parental Mental Health Conference. First International Young Carers Congress, Third International World Congress on Children of Parents with Mental Illness

Vancouver, British Columbia - May 6-8, 2012


International Social Service Assembly and Conference

Banff, AB - May 23-25, 2012


Models of Early Childhood Services 

Montreal, QC - June 5-6, 2012

What does it take to implement effective early childhood programs in Canada or in another country? How can countries maintain and fund these programs? What are the challenges met and the lessons learned?

Through keynote presentations, workshops and discussions, discover the challenges that governments and foundations of Canada, New Zealand, Finland, Brazil, Ireland and Great Britain have faced while implementing best ECD practices. The conference Website will soon be available. For more information, visit and


The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)
is a nonprofit umbrella organization which brings national organizations
together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing
the well-being of children and youth in Canada.

National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)

130 Albert Street | Suite 1705 

Ottawa, ON | K2P 1G4 

613.292.0569 | |