September 22, Ottawa (ON) - NACY members, board directors, staff and other stakeholders came together for our Annual General Meeting to reflect on the activies of 2010/2011 and to celebrate our 5th anniversary.
Since many of you were unable to attend, please feel free to download our Annual Report for details on our 2010/2011 activities.
We would also like to take this opportunity to extend a warm welcome to our new Board Members:
Maria Cain (Executive Director, HeartWood Centre for Community Youth Development) - Halifax, NS
Amy Mapara (Coordinator, Operations and Youth Engagement, Canadian Red Cross) - Ottawa, ON
Carol Matusicky (UWLM Chair, Early Childhood Development and Middle Childhood Matters Advisory Committee, Board Voice Society of BC Co-Chair, Former Executive Director BC Council for Families) - Burnaby, BC
Amanda Penrice (Coordinator, Middle Childhood Matters Coalition) - Toronto, ON
Thank you to everyone who attended. It looks like we are in for another great year!
Amanda Mayer
NACY Coordinator