Proposal submitted to MCI's partnership grants program
NACY was pleased to see that we suited the capacity building priorities of the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration's Partnership Grants Program. A proposal was submitted for funding support of a 3 year project (tentatively) titled "Collaboration, Creativity and Change: Supporting Child and Youth Agencies in Ontario ". We wanted to say thanks to those who were able to provide letters of support, given the tight timelies and summer vacation season. We expect to hear back by no later than October and will keep you posted on the outcome.
NACY & Imagine Canada Partnership
NACY is pleased to report that we will be partnering with Imagine Canada on the Sector Monitor in continued efforts to help monitor the state of child and youth charities and nonprofits across the country and their ability to deliver on their missions. The Sector Monitor will provide relevant and timely information on issues facing charities and nonprofits to the child and youth sector itself and to various sector stakeholders, including policymakers, the media, etc. Stay tuned for your invitation to take part in the Sector Monitor!
NACY is looking to profile your good work in photos. If your organization has photos that convey the essence of your work and/or its impact in your community, we'd love to see them and show them to everyone else! Photos help explain ideas, concepts and convey stories. As we all know -- a picture is worth a thousand words. If we use your photos in our publications or on our web properties, we'll give credit to the organization. Your photos may be used in general NACY materials. Please email them to info@nacy.ca.
Join NACY's SuperSearch Network
Within our Taking Stock project, one activity is to provide sector colleagues with a more robust NACY website to: share project and sector solutions; provide a central access site for the child and youth sector; and profile a catalogue of child and youth sector nonprofit agency best practices. The NACY website will therefore be updated and enhanced with additional features, the first of which is NACY's new SuperSearch engine.
NACY's SuperSearch feature enables users to search through child and youth sector and other relevant websites using just one central search engine. It is a one-stop solution to search for useful information and resources on issues that impact (or are relevant to) the sector specifically and the nonprofit world in general.
NACY is asking organizations to join our SuperSearch network. For more information about NACY's SuperSearch we invite you to read the factsheet. If you are interested in joining our SuperSearch network please fill out the form.
Call for NACY e-Digest Contribution
A vital part of NACY's mandate is its unique ability to bring together a wide variety of child and family serving organizations. This monthly e-Digest presents an excellent opportunity for NACY's members to communication with one another and to keep fellow activits updated on their organization's activities.
Whether you are preparing a press release, applying for governmetn grant, or planning a workshop or conference, NACY wants to hear about i! This e-Digest is here to profile the invaluable work of NACY's members. Please send your contributions to info@nacy.ca. |
Strengthening Urban Aboriginal Families - A Call for Promising Practices
The National Collaborating Center for Aboriginal Health at the University of Northern British Columbia has contracted Kishk Anaquot Health Research to prepare a document outlining promising practices that strengthen urban Aboriginal families. They are very keen to secure suggestions of promising practices within urban based service organizations (both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal) where innovative strategies are working well for urban Aboriginal families. Read more
Scott Haldane appointed Chair of the National Panel on First Nation Elementary and Secondary Education
The Honourable John Duncan (Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Government of Canada) and Shawn Atleo (National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations) officially launched an engagement process to consider how to improve First Nation elementary and secondary education on-reserve. Scott Haldane, President & CEO, YMCA Canada, has been selected to Chair the National Panel on First Nation Elementary and Secondary Education. Read more
CWLC Partners with Children's Aid Foundation
The Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) today announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership with the Children's Aid Foundation (CAF). The announcement was made by CWLC Chief Executive Officer, Peter Dudding, at the International Foster Care Organization (IFCO) Conference in Victoria, BC. Read more
Changing families, new understandings
Report from Vanier Institute of the Family by Dr. Meg Luxton "explores key debates about the roles and responsibilities of families in Canada today". Read the Report
CWLC's Call for Papers for Canada's Children "Foster care in Canada"
A reminder that the deadline for submitting an article or editorial for the next edition Canada's Children, the Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC)'s quarterly journal, is fast approaching. This entire edition will be devoted to CWLC's Every Child Matters project and will focus on issues related to foster care and kinship care in Canada. Should you be interested in submitting an article or editorial, please send in your submissions before August 10, 2011. Submissions are welcomed in French or English. Guidelines for Canada's Children are available by clicking here. Please contact Anna Ekins, Knowledge Development Coordinator at (tel) 613-235-4412 ext 26 or anna@cwlc.ca to submit your article.
CRRU's new blog posts
Two new posts by Martha Friendly on ECEC key current issues:
Newsflash: Mothers still need child care - straight from the horse's mouth
Pass the gravy
Violence by Women and Girls
While still much lower than rates for men, rates of violent crime by women have almost tripled since 1979, despite a decrease in overall crime rates. However, it is unclear whether this increase is due to an actual rise in female offences or a change in enforcement practices.
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has put together a numbe of publications on violence by women and girls:
Introducing www.IMHPromotion.ca
IMHP (Infant Mental Health Promotion) is pleased to introduce the new IMHP website which will be the NEW HOME for Infant Mental Health Promotion membership, resources, calendar of events, registration and sales through the new IMHP E-Store. IMHP hopes that this site will provide a networking hub for infant mental health practice in Canada and beyond with the new Community Events, Job Posting and News Bulletins. Once the new site is fully operational all traffic previously directed to the old site will automatically be redirected to www.IMHPromotion.ca.
Children's Mental Health Ontario Conference - Call for Proposals
The Conference theme "Partnering for a Better Child and Youth Mental Health System" will provide an opportunity for us to share knowledge, new experiences and build community networks that will lead to a better mental health system for children and youth. The conference will be held at the Delta Chelsea Hotel in Toronto on November 21-22, 2011. Deadline for submission is August 5, 2011. To submit a proposal online go to www.kidsmentalhealth.ca
Children's Rights in Canada 2011: Show Your Support!
The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of the Child (CCRC) is currently preparing national, community-based reports on various aspects of children's rights, in cooperation with other groups across the country. A series of Working Documents (with more to come) are currently posted on the CCRC website. When all of the thematic reports are completed, they will be consolidated for submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, for use in the official review of Canada's implementation of the Convention. To access these reports, please visit the CCRC website. |
Nunavik childcare centres develop new assessment toolA new way of assessing children's development has travelled from New Zeland's indigenous Maori people to the Inuit of Nunavik. Called "Learning Stories," this assessment approach shows what children do, not what they didn't do, through photos and stories. Read more Federal funds vital to social health (Toronto Star, July 19, 2011) The premiers' meeting in Vancouver provideed a vital opportunity to deal seriously with critical issues related to the Canada Social Transfer (CST) and the Canada Health Transfer (CHT) - two major federal funding programs that touch the lives of all Canadians. Premiers were urged to vigorously renegotiate enhanced CST and CHT agreements that support publicly funded and administered health care, child care and public housing systems. Read more
Acrimony on acronyms
Commentary from the Caledon Institute of Social Policy argues that the ubiquitous use of acronyms in social policy often makes it difficult to understand major arguments being presented for or against certain policy changes.
Quality of early childhood development programs in global contexts: Rationle for investments, conceptual framework and implications for equityRecent issue of the Social Policy Report from the Soc. for Research in Child Development "presents a conceptualization of quality across settings and systems and identifies implications for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers on how they can work together to measure, improve and sustain program quality." Read more
mesh: the network for young nonprofit professionals in the national capital region
NACY's coordinator, Amanda Mayer, and Lee Rose (HR Council, Ten Oaks Project) have launched a network for young nonprofit professionals in the National Capital Region. The concept of mesh networking, that it relies on peer-to-peer interaction and engagement, is an apt description for the new network for young nonprofit professionals. It's not about the organization you work for. It's not about your boss, your board, or your funder. It's about you. It's about me. It's about us. People who are enganged in nonprofit work and are looking for ways to connect, to share, to learn. So it's real. It's here. It has a name and it's building momentum. Read more about this exciting initiative here.
Metcalf Innovation Fellowship Program
The George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of a new, Foundation-wide Innovation Fellowship Program. In this time of profound change, simple solutions to the complex, interconnected issues we are facing - from growing income inequality to the rapid depletion of our natural environments - are not adequate. We need new ways of seeing and acting to tackle the ecological, social, economic, and cultural challenges confronting us today. These are the challenging issues that will be funded by this new initiative. The Metcalf Innovation Fellowship Program is directed at supporting new "thinking and doing" and want to create opportunities for this work to be developed, disseminated and heard. These Fellowships will give individuals of vision and creativity working in one or more of Metcalf's program areas, the freedom to pursue powerful ideas, models, or practices that have the potential to contribute to building a healthier, more resilient community. For more information about the Innovation Fellowship, please visit the Foundation's new website. |
Prevention Matters Conference: Supporting Children's Well-Being
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan - September 21-23
The aim is to inform and share knowledge on the needs of children whilst empowering individuals and organizations to work together to enable children to take their rightful place in today's world. The theme for this year's WorldForum is "education and Children's Wellbeing - Philosophy, Policy and Practice".
Canadian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference
Be Visible: Connecting Evidence to Action in Injury, Violence and Suicide Prevention
Vancouver, British Columbia - November 16-18
Partnering for Better Child and Youth Mental Health System
Children's Mental Health Ontario
Toronto, ON - November 21-22
Imagine Canada's National Summit 2011November 28-30 (Ottawa, ON) The National Summit for the Charitable and Nonprofit Sector is bringing together leaders from across sub-sectors and from across the country. We're moving on the top four priorities for action identified nationally:
- Improved conditions for the attraction and retention of paid staff
- More diversified and sustainable financing
- Better understanding of our work and our impact
- Enhanced support for the engagement of volunteers/external talent
The Summit is also a great learning opportunity for Young Leaders who want to explore the issues facing our sector and to be part of the collective action going forward. For more information on the Young Leaders Initiative, click here.
The Early Years Conference
The Development of Children's Mental Health: How Do We Become Who We Are?
Vancouver, British Columbia - February 2-4, 2012
First National Parental Mental Health Conference. First International Young Carers Congress, Third International World Congress on Children of Parents with Mental Illness
Vancouver, British Columbia - May 6-8, 2012
International Social Service Assembly and Conference
Banff, AB - May 23-25, 2012
www.issbanff2012.com |
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The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)
is a nonprofit umbrella organization which brings national organizations
together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing
the well-being of children and youth in Canada.
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National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)
130 Albert Street | Suite 1705
Ottawa, ON | K2P 1G4
613.292.0569 | info@nacy.ca | www.nacy.ca | |