NACY's Primer on Canada's Children & Youth: Planning for our Future

The draft research and policy overview document captures what we think are 7 Key Issues affecting Children and Youth in Canada that we hope will help to influence the election debate.


Comments and reaction to this issues paper are welcome, as we plan to continue this work with a view to creating a new policy framework for children and youth in Canada. Please share your thoughts and election issues and strategies with us by replying with messages and documents to


Join NACY's SuperSearch Network

Within our Taking Stock project, one activity is to provide sector colleagues with a more robust NACY website to: share project and sector solutions; provide a central access site for the child and youth sector; and profile a catalogue of child and youth sector nonprofit agency best practices. The NACY website will therefore be updated and enhanced with additional features, the first of which is NACY's new SuperSearch engine.  


NACY's SuperSearch feature enables users to search through child and youth sector and other relevant websites using just one central search engine. It is a one-stop solution to search for useful information and resources on issues that impact (or are relevant to) the sector specifically and the nonprofit world in general.


NACY is asking organizations to join our SuperSearch network. For more information about NACY's SuperSearch we invite you to read the factsheetIf you are interested in joining our SuperSearch network please fill out the form.


Call for NACY e-Digest Contribution

A vital part of NACY's mandate is its unique ability to bring together a wide variety of child and family serving organizations. This monthly e-Digest presents an excellent opportunity for NACY's members to communication with one another and to keep fellow activits updated on their organization's activities.


Whether you are preparing a press release, applying for governmetn grant, or planning a workshop or conference, NACY wants to hear about i! This e-Digest is here to profile the invaluable work of NACY's members. Please send your contributions to  




UNICEF Canada Election Survey

With the federal election upon us, we have the opportunity to ensure that the critical issues affecting children receive the attention they need. While many Canadian children are doing well, there is a widening gap between them and the children that are being left farther and farther behind. There are 600,000 children living in poverty, 67,000 children in out-of-home welfare care, and one in five children with a mental illness who cannot access treatment. Globally 22,000 children die every day from mostly preventable diseases.


UNICEF Canada surveyed the federal election candidates of Canada's largest political parties and asked which key issues in the UNICEF Canada Charter for Children they would champion if elected. While the Conservative party has yet to respond, responses from the other four major Canadian parties can be found here.


The Role and Impact of Civil Society Upon Child Rights in Canada

The Honourable (Ret.) Landon Pearson and Tara Collins authored a case study that summarises some findings about how civil society in Canada has affected policy efforts in relation to children and highlights the challenges it confronts. Research has found that most advances that Canada has made in implementing child rights have been strongly influenced by the efforts and dedication of actors in civil society, the non-profit and charitable sector as well as academics and research organisations. However, this sector is increasingly vulnerable to budget cuts and other adverse factors.
The article examines on the status of several general measures of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which are the structures and processes that the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child considers to form part of the general obligations of State parties. Discussion concentrates on four general measures namely: law reform, budgeting, monitoring, and education and awareness-raising. The article concludes with several recommendations. To view the case study, please click here.

New Policy Paper from FRP Canada

FRP Canada released a policy paper entitled Family is the Foundation: Why family support and early childhood education must be a collaborative effort. The current reorganization of early childhood services in Canada is a matter of much interest to FRP Canada and its members. Since the long-term wellbeing of children is profoundly influenced by their  earliest experiences in utero and during their first three years, FRP Canada believes strongly that a comprehensive system of programs which supports healthy child and family development must be available to families prenatally and during the critical period before children start school. The paper makes the case for maintaining and strengthening community-based programs for families and their young children. English and French (forthcoming) versions of the paper are downloadable at

Maternity and Parental Leave 

Latest fact sheet from Vanier Institute of the Family's "Fascinating Families" series examines Canada and Quebec's maternity and parental leave programs including a side by side comparison. Read more 
National Victims of Crime Awareness
In honour of National Victims of Crime Awareness Week, CWLC held a webinar that highlighted the results from the 2008 Canadian Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect (CIS-2008), presented by Dr. Nico Trocmé of McGill University and Dr. Lil Tonmyr of the Public Health Agency of Canada.The CIS-2008 report can be accessed by clicking here. For a copy of the presentation, please contact CWLC at  

Federal Election 2011: What do the party platforms say?
CRRU has gathered links to the parties' election platforms and highlighted excerpts from their ECEC platforms or related family policies where include. Read more
Children and the 2011 Election
The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children has created a factsheet on children's rights and the current federal election. It provides information and suggested questions to ask candidates, to raise the profile of the issue that advances respect for the rights of children in Canada.
OECD 2011 - Doing Beter for Familes
This book looks at how family policy is developing in the changing family context, and consideres the different ways in which governments support familes. Read more
Children's Rights in Canada 2011: Show Your Support!
The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of the Child (CCRC) is currently preparing national, community-

based reports on various aspects of children's rights, in cooperation with other groups across the country. A series of Working Documents (with more to come) are currently posted on the CCRC website.

  1. Introduction:  Why Are Children's Rights Important for Canada in 2011?   
  2. General Principles
  3. General Measures
  4. Progress on Previous Recommendations
  5. Awareness of Children's Rights
  6. Right to Be Free From Violence
  7. Sexual Exploitation:  Canada's First Report and CCRC Analysis
  8. Right to Healthy Conditions and Health Care
  9. Free from Poverty and Workplace Exploitation
  10. Right to be educated
  11. Rights and Effectiveness in Youth Justice
  12. Right to Play
  13. International Development
  14. Refugee and Immigrant Children
The reports are available for two purposes:
  • Use these reports for information and discussion about children's rights;
  • Send feedback, based on your knowledge and experience, to, for use in the next steps. If possible, include references or documentation.
When all of the thematic reports are completed, they will be consolidated for submission to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, for use in the official review of Canada's implementation of the Convention. To access these reports, please visit the CCRC website.
Newfoundland and Labrador Budget 2011: Standing Strong 
NFLD government promises "two-year pilot project focused on the development of child care spaces in family homes". Read more

Manitoba Budget: Funding for 25 new child care centres raises family choices. Comitment to 54 new centres over five years

Manitoba budget includes $21.3 million for child-care centres including 46 capital projects; promises 2,100 newly funded spaces. Read more
2011 Ontario Budget: Turning the Corner to a Better Tomorrow
Highlights include 200 additional schools offering full day learning in September 2011. Read more
2011-2012 Saskatchewan Budget: The SK Advantage
Highlights include funding to develop 500 new child care spaces. Read more

Quebec's childcare universal low fees policy 10 years after: Effects, costs and benefits

Paper by Lefebcre, Meffigan and Roy-Desrosiers examines if Quebec's childcare system meets the objectives of increased maternal labour market participation and enhances child development. Read more


Community plan for a public system of integrated early care and learning

Plan developed by the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC and Early Childhood Educators BC "provides a framework for significant and lasting system change in BC." Read more 

Early learning-kindergarten programs and Ministry Department integration of education and child care in Canada

A summary of early learning-kindergarten programs by jurisdiction and a description of the state of integration of Education and Child Care under provincial-territorial ministries or departments. Read more


Creating a Network for Young Nonprofit Professionals in the National Capital Region

NACY's coordinator and Lee Rose (HR Council) are exploring the feasibility of creating a network for young nonprofit professionals in the National Capital Region. They've prepared a brief background document with some additional context and would like to invite you to complete a brief online survey to get your thoughts and perspectives on this initiative. You can access the background document outlining our rationale and a brief survey (in both English and French) here: 


This is an open initiative. Please take a few minutes to read our rationale and complete our 20 question survey. Also please disseminate this message to other young nonprofit professionals in your networks. If you have any questions, email



Bill 173, Better tomorrow for Ontario Act (budget measures)

Budget bill from the Minister of Finance, Ontario, including amendments to the Education Act permitting the operation of afterschool programs by third parties. Read more 
2011 Walk for Kids Help Phone
On Sunday, May 1, thousands of Canadians will come together to break the silence on mental health. Will you be one of them? More information here
Reflecting in practice
Darmouth - June 11 to 12
Child Care Connection Nova Scotia hosts the province's 2011 child care conference and trade show, featuring a keynote address and professional development workshop with Margie Carter.

Imagine Canada's National Summit 2011

November 28-30 (Ottawa)

The National Summit will bring together sector representatives from across the country to advance the priorities identified in the revised Framework for Action (Summary Framework for Action) that will emerge from the provincial events and extended community conversations in 2010.

The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)
is a nonprofit umbrella organization which brings national organizations
together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing
the well-being of children and youth in Canada.

National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)

130 Albert Street | Suite 1705 

Ottawa, ON | K2P 1G4 

613.292.0569 | |