NACY Members & Colleagues,

As we usher into the New Year, we have all had the opportunity to reflect on our accomplishments during the past year and plan our activities for 2011. NACY has had much to celebrate and be thankful for during 2010:
  • secured funding for a 3-year project funded by HRSDC: Taking Stock.
  • hosted a Child & Youth Think Tank session in Ottawa
  • given our website a makeover: read more about our website makeover.
  • built a SuperSearch feature that will be launched in 2011: a one-stop source for searching a range of websites within the child & youth sector at your fingertips (including our Member's websites).
  • just launched the first of two Surveys that we are conducting to 'take stock' of the state of organizations in the child and youth sector and their ability to deliver on their missions: click here to take the Survey.

Now our sights are firmly set on the activities for the months to come in 2011: 

  • meeting with key senior officials,
  • building an agenda for our public policy efforts,
  • launching the SuperSearch feature,
  • hosting a Child & Youth Think Tank session in Atlantic Canada,
  • organizing Focus Groups,
  • and more!

Thanks to your continued support in NACY. We look forward to working with you in 2011. 


Amanda Mayer, NACY Coordinator 


Take our Survey!
If your organization supports children, youth and/or their families, we would like to hear from you. Take part in our Survey and let us know how the economic downturn has had an impact on your organization. (version française du sondage)

Join NACY's SuperSearch Network

Within our Taking Stock project, one activity is to provide sector members with a more robust NACY website to: share project and sector solutions; provide a central access site for the child and youth sector; and profile a catalogue of child and youth sector nonprofit agency best practices. The NACY website will therefore be updated and enhanced with additional features, the first of which is NACY's new SuperSearch engine.  


NACY's new SuperSearch will enable users to search through child and youth sector and other relevant websites using just one central search engine. It is a one-stop solution to search for useful information and resources on issues that impact (or are relevant to) the sector specifically and the nonprofit world in general.


NACY is asking organizations to join our SuperSearch network. For more information about NACY's SuperSearch we invite you to read the factsheetIf you are interested in joining our SuperSearch network please fill out the form.


Call for NACY e-Digest Contribution

A vital part of NACY's mandate is its unique ability to bring together a wide variety of child and family serving organizations. This monthly e-Digest presents an excellent opportunity for NACY's members to communication with one another and to keep fellow activits updated on their organization's activities.


Whether you are preparing a press release, applying for governmetn grant, or planning a workshop or conference, NACY wants to hear about i! This e-Digest is here to profile the invaluable work of NACY's members. Please send your contributions to  


Young people are still waiting for recession to end

The Vanier Institute of the Family's Fascinating Families examines the recessions effect on younger workers. Has the situation improved? What are the consequences of spending large amounts of time out of work? Can the lost ground be recovered? Find the answers to these questions in this fact sheet.


CWLC's AGM & 2010 Achievement Awards

The CWLC will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, February 25, 2011 from 9 to 10 am in the Palladian Room of the Fairmount Chateau Laurier Hotel. The CWLC will also be celebrating the winners of the 2010 CWLC Achievement Awards including the winner of the new 2010 RBC Youth Achievement Award and bursary on Thursday, February 24, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm at the Fairmount Chateau Laurier Hotel. Please RSVP to


In the best interests of children and families: Early childhood education and care in Alberta 

Report from the Muttart Foundation provides an overview of the current funding and delivery of ECEC in Alberta and an alternate vision for ECEC that can better meet the needs of Alberta's children and their families. Read More



Alberta's day care controversy: From 1908 to 2009 and beyond
Book b Dr. Tom Langford traces the development of child care policies and programs in Alberta. Chapters discuss history of Albert child care, the emergence of corporatized chains and issues for the future. Full book available online. Read More

Community Foundations of Canada names new CEO

(January 13, 2011) Community Foundations of Canada today announced that Ian Bird, a former Olympian and community sector leader who's dedicated more than a decade to building vital communities through sport, will become the organization's next President and CEO on May 24, 2011. Read More

Founding HR Council Executive Director to step down in 2011

(January 6, 2011) Lynne Toupin will be stepping down from her post as executive director of the HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector by the end of June 2011. Lynne has been at the helm of the HR Council (and its predecessor, HRVS, a joint venture between Community Foundations of Canada and United Way - Centraide Canada) for nearly nine years. Read More

UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre's Report Card 9 finds that Canada lags far behind in equality of children's material well-being - placing 17th of in equality of children's material well-being - placing 17th of 24 countries.The children left behind: A league table of inequality in child well-being in the world's rich countries 

Early childhood policy provision and practice: Critical questions about care and education. A Symposium

Thursday, February 10, 2011

4 to 6 pm EST

Ryseron University, Room SCC 115, Student Campus Centre

55 Gould Street (TORONTO)

Save the date! Registration coming soon. This conference will bring together international and Canadian educators to discuss the Reggio Emilia philosophy in elementary and middle school contexts.


Reflections in practice

June 11-12 (Dartmouth)

Child Care Connections Nova Scotia hosts the province's 2011 child care conference and trade show, featuring a keynot address and professional development workshop with Margie Carter. 


Imagine Canada's National Summit 2011

November (Ottawa)

The National Summit will bring together sector representatives from across the country to advance the priorities identified in the revised Framework for Action (Summary Framework for Action) that will emerge from the provincial events and extended community conversations in 2010.

The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)
is a nonprofit umbrella organization which brings national organizations
together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing
the well-being of children and youth in Canada.

National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY)

130 Albert Street | Suite 1705 

Ottawa, ON | K2P 1G4 

613.292.0569 | |