Spring 2011
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Welcome to the first quarterly Seattle City Light green
e-newsletter! Read on for news and information about our voluntary renewable energy programs and initiatives.
We offer these voluntary renewable energy programs to support our customers' interest in sustainable energy solutions:
- Community Solar is a program pilot with the goal of increasing solar energy access by providing solar electricity and its associated financial benefits to customers who are unable to install a system on their own home.
- Customer Generation refers to City Light customers who produce their own electricity through renewable energy systems.
- Green Up supports development of renewable energy generation projects in the Northwest through renewable energy credit (REC) purchases.
We hope you enjoy learning more about City Light renewable energy programs and initiatives and welcome your feedback and suggestions.
Community Solar to Launch Later This Year
Seattle City Light is making solar power more accessible to customers through our Community Solar pilot program, which will launch later this year. Beginning in June, on a first-come, first-serve basis, up to 500 City Light customers will be able to purchase a portion of the solar energy generated by three new solar picnic shelters at Jefferson Park. Customers can buy into the community solar project for $600 per solar unit (limit two units per participant). Participants will receive an annual bill credit for the electricity generated by their portion of the Community Solar project. They may also be eligible for production incentives over the course of the nine year project term.
In partnership with Seattle Parks and Recreation, City Light has designed innovative picnic shelters with roofs made of solar panels to be installed at Jefferson Park later this year. The new solar picnic shelters will provide park goers a place to enjoy the park while generating approximately 24,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of clean electricity annually for Community Solar program participants. The solar shelters are funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy's Solar America Cities program, and customer enrollment in this first project will go into a revolving fund to build a second community solar project.
Stephanie Bower, Architectural Illustration.
Sketch of one of the solar picnic shelters to be installed this year at Jefferson Park as part of our first Community Solar project.
Program launch details, including enrollment and a community celebration are being finalized. If you are interested in receiving updates on the Community Solar program, please sign up for our Community Solar email update list here.
New Interactive Online Map of Renewable Energy Demo Projects
Click to learn more about our 31 demonstration projects
Quick Stats*
Green Up Participation
11,358 total customers
11,162 homes
196 businesses
6 LEED Green Buildings
REC Purchases
76,784,000 kWh equal to
8,881 cars removed from the road/year**
Customer Generation
325 total
270 homes
55 businesses
Energy Produced
1,032,000 kWh/yr equal to 119 cars removed from road/year**
State Incentives Paid
$68,700 to
178 customers
*All figures as of
Dec 2010
**Calculated using
EPA's Green Power Equivalency Calculator
for the NW region
Woodland Park Zoo Historic Carousel Goes Solar
Click the image to watch a video of the installation
Woodland Park Zoo received a $70,000 grant from Seattle City Light to install a 9 kW solar electric array on its historic carousel pavilion early this year. The grant was funded by City Light voluntary green program customers who support renewable energy demonstration and education projects. Energy from the sun will create enough electricity to power 100,000 rides per year. The solar carousel shows that solar works in Seattle and is an example of how the zoo is adopting sustainable practices.
In celebration of the solar carousel, rides will be free on Saturday, April 30 and Sunday, May 1. The zoo is also offering a coupon (located at the end of the e-newsletter) for $2 off admission for up to four people through the end of May.
Customers Produced More Than 1,000 MWh Last Year
Solar works in Seattle
City Light customers have now installed more than one megawatt of renewable energy production capacity on their homes and businesses. Last year, these customers generated more than 1,000 Megawatt-hours (Mwh) of clean electricity. Almost all of these customers produce their own power from the sun but there are also a few who harness the wind. As federal and state policies have encouraged the adoption of renewable energy technology on a small scale, we've seen more customers install solar electric, or photovoltaic (PV), systems on their homes and businesses. Our first "customer generator" installation was in 2000. Currently we have 325 such customers. Fueled in part by a 40% drop in the price of PV systems, more than half of those customers have come online in the last two years!
In upcoming editions of this e-newsletter we want to share stories about our customers and why they started generating their own electricity. If you're one of these customers, and want to share your story, contact us at SCL_Renewables@seattle.gov.
Want to 'go solar'? Visit our website to learn how!
Green Up Grows to 11,358 Participants in 2010 |
Last year, customers enrolled in Green Up in record numbers, and the response far exceeded our expectations. More than 3,000 new customers chose to support the development of new renewable energy generation throughout the Northwest! Green Up customers purchase renewable energy credits (RECs) through small payments added to their electricity bills. By creating a strong market for RECs, also called green tags, energy project developers are able to produce and sell clean electricity at market prices. This year, Green Up participants are supporting the following Northwest renewable energy generation projects: geothermal from the Raft River project in Idaho, dairy biogas from Idaho and Washington, and small hydro from Idaho.
If you'd like to Green Up your home, business, or event, visit our website for more information. Thank you for supporting Green Up!
Seattle City Light's Green Up program is Green-e Energy Certified. Green-e Energy certifies that City Light's Green Up program meets the strict environmental and consumer protection standards established by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. For more information on Green-e Energy certification requirements,
call 1-888-63-GREEN or visit www.green-e.org.

Print Out for Your Visit to the Zoo
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