San Francisco --
Today, the Asian Law Caucus, along with 14 other civil rights organizations and
professional bar associations from across the nation, including the Center for
Constitutional Rights and the Jewish Voice for Peace, sent a letter to
Chancellor Michael Drake at the University of California at Irvine ("UCI"),
condemning the recommended suspension of the university's Muslim Student Union
("MSU"). UCI is considering suspending
the MSU for allegedly coordinating the actions of 10 non-violent student
protestors who interrupted the Israeli Ambassadors public speech in February. The fifteen civil rights organizations and professional bar
associations maintain that suspending the MSU would deprive hundreds of current
and future Muslim students of their First Amendment right to freedom of
association. In their letter to the UCI
administration, they also maintain that the recommended ban is unparalleled in
its severity, and constitutes selective enforcement. "The punishments being considered by UCI are unparalleled in
their severity," said Asian Law Caucus attorney Veena Dubal. "Student protestors have a long history of
disrupting speeches, but we have not seen this type of severe sanction against
other groups. The disparate treatment
sends the message that UCI selectively censures particular political views, and
this is unacceptable." In their letter, the civil rights organizations and
associations also claim that the proposed ban sets a dangerous precedent that
affects all groups whose views are opposed by campus officials and influential
outside groups. Summer Hararah, national security and civil rights program
coordinator at the Asian Law Caucus, stated, "Selectively targeting the MSU
sends the message that only certain types of speech will be tolerated at the
UCI. This potential silencing of dissent
is extremely troubling at a public university." The letter requests that the administration abandon any punitive
measures against the Muslim Student Union and states that banning the group
will memorialize UCI as a campus that violates its students' constitutional
rights. Signatories to the letter
include the following organizations: Asian Law Caucus, Afghan-American Bar Association, American Muslims for
Palestine, Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Arab Resource & Organizing
Center, Center for Constitutional Rights, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights
of Los Angeles, Council on American-Islamic Relations - California, Jewish
Voice for Peace, Muslim Bar Association of Southern California, Muslim Legal
Fund of America, National Lawyers Guild, Sikh Coalition, South Asian Americans
Leading Together, South Asian Bar Association - Northern California.
LAW CAUCUS (ALC) - The mission of the Asian Law Caucus is to promote,
advance, and represent the legal and civil rights of the Asian and
Pacific Islander communities. Recognizing that social, economic,
political and racial inequalities continue to exist in the United
States, the Asian Law Caucus is committed to the pursuit of equality
and justice for all sectors of our society with a specific focus
directed toward addressing the needs of low-income and Asian and
Pacific Islanders. Visit: