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From the Office
From Parents' Club
From the Auction Committee
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Key Dates



  • Sep 06-07 - Kindergarten, 11:50am dismissal, lower lot pick up
  • Sep 06 - Magazine Drive Kick-off
  • Sep 07 - All School Mass, Dress Uniform Required, 9am, church
  • Sep 08 - Fr Steve's Installation & Reception, 5pm church; free dress pass for students in full dress uniform
  • Sep 10-13 - Kindergarten, 12:15pm dismissal, lower lot pick up
  • Sep 10 - Called to Protect class for volunteers, 6-9pm, Moore Theatre
  • Sep 12 - First Magazine Drive turn-in date
  • Sep 14 - No School
  • Sep 15-16 - Catechetical Sunday masses free dress pass for students in full dress uniform
  • Sep 16 - Parish Festival, 12-3pm
  • Sep 19 - Second Magazine Drive turn-in date
  • Sep 21 - All School Mass, Dress Uniform Required, 9am, church
  • Sep 23 - CYO Cross Country Meet
  • Sep 26 - Final Magazine Drive turn-in date
  • Sep 30 - CYO Cross Country Meet
  • Oct 02 - Individual Photo Day
  • Oct 04 - 1st Reconciliation Parent Mtg, either 10-11am OR 6:30-7:30pm, church
  • Oct 08 - No School



From the Office


Our first Friday mass is at 9am tomorrow morning.

Please be sure that your student is dressed in full uniform.

Please note, that we will also be having a 9am mass on the third Friday of each month.

Please see the calendar for the full mass schedule.

As always, parents, siblings and grandparents are welcome to sit with their students during these masses.


ESS - Extended School Services Program

Please click on this link for more information on ESS changes and drop-in procedures.


Morning Daily Prayer  8:30am                                                                                     

Beginning this fall, our Student Council will be leading the school in Morning Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and other important announcements over our school's PA system every morning at 8:30am.  We hope that all of our students will be here and in their classrooms to take part in these announcements by 8:30am.


Fr. Steve's Installation

Let's gather together to give Fr. Steve an official welcome as our new pastor at his Installation Mass on September 8th at the 5:00 Mass. **All students who attend the Installation Mass in their school uniform will receive a free dress pass.**  A reception will follow the Mass - with cupcakes for all children. No need to RSVP, but you may want to arrive early as I expect that there will be many in attendance.


Parish Festival

The annual Parish Festival will take place this year on Sunday, September 16th from 12-3 p.m. Middle School volunteers are needed to assist. Hours worked count toward the student's service requirement. To sign up, please e-mail your name and times during which you are available to Jenney Burroughs. Sign up right away as spots are filling quickly.


Catechetical Sunday

This year we will celebrate Catechetical Sunday on Saturday, September 15 and Sunday, September 16 at all Masses. Students who attend Mass at Sacred Heart in their full uniform at one of those three Masses will receive a free dress coupon.


Safe Environment Program

Everyone who volunteers with children at the school or parish is required to complete the Safe Environment/Called to Protect program. All school parents are encouraged to complete this program in if you are not currently volunteering with students in case you want to do so in the future. This three-hour training is designed to teach participants how to recognize the signs of abuse, how to respond to suspected abuse and how to keep our ministries, programs and schools safe. The Called to Protect for Ministers and Volunteers class will be offered here at Sacred Heart School in the Moore Theater on Monday, September 10th from 6-9 p.m. Please sign up for the class here.

Parents and staff who have completed the initial training class must participate in an annual online update. You can access your annual update by clicking here.


Uniform Reminders

We are off to a great start.  I have asked teachers to go over the Uniform Code as they are setting classroom expectations and reviewing expected behaviors.  Overall, everyone is doing a great job of coming to school ech day wearing the proper uniform, but we have noticed a few things I want to bring to your attention:

  • Shoes/Socks/Leggings:  Our uniform policy states that students may wear non-marking dress shoes, lace-up, Velcro shoes, or snug fitting athletic shoes.  Socks and tights must be a solid white, navy, or green colors for socks/tights.  Girls may also wear navy ankle-length leggings with matching ankle socks.  In the first few days we have seen several students wearing slip-on Toms which is not an appropriate option, students may wear the lace-up Toms.  We have also seen students wearing socks that are not solid in color and socks/leggings in a variety of colors.  Socks and tights must be a solid white, navy or green and leggings must be navy and worn with matching ankle socks.  We would appreciate your help in assuring that students come to school in proper attire.
  • Fingernail Polish:  Girls may wear light-colored, sheer or opaque nail polish only.
  • Head-wear and Hair Accessories:  Hair accessories (head bands, clips, hair bands) must be white, green, blue, black, brown or plaid to coordinate with uniform colors.  Headbands cannot have any decorations.  Hair feathers/feather extensions, as well as hats or other coverings/head-wear are not permitted at school.

Special Posting to our Facebook Page

Steve Cho, owner of Blissberi, "Only 2nd day at school and our son (Tyler) loves his 1st grade class. That makes us very happy to be a part of the community. Kelly and I would like to extend all SHS students in uniform 10% off Blissberri : Bellevue Square from here on out."  

-Thank you to the Chos!



From Parents' Club

Parents' Club Survey - Deadline TOMORROW

The Parents' Club is seeking your input about fundraising and social activities here at Sacred Heart School. Please take a few minutes to share your opinions here





Scrip is an easy way to fulfill your Flexible Fundraising requirement and support our school!

It's a bonus to then have gift cards available in your home for immediate purchasing or gifting needs!


Many of us shop in the same places each week, set up a monthly standing order

and cards will be at the front desk for pick up or sent home with your child.

(Please note, you must fill out a registration form if you choose to send scrip home with your child.)

Our Scrip volunteer team is ready to take "on demand" orders anytime via our single order forms that can be filled out and submitted online or at the front desk with Kerry Wyman.


**All orders will be filled the first and third Monday of the month.**


For reasons of safety and sheer man power please note, parking lot sales are no longer available for Scrip.  Help us keep this important fundraiser thriving by filling out your form today!


  Magazine Sale


Magazine Kick Off on September 6!   Save up your Renewals!

Last year we raised 50,000 for our school through the Magazine Drivel!  We will have three turn in dates in September 12th,19th and 26th.  This year the prizes are cumulative, so you have all three weeks to accumulate points towards prizes.  Fight the urge to purchase at the news stand, subscribe during our sale.  Thank you for your support!  


Links are available on our school site to order just enter our school code 2529428 and register your child.



From the Auction Committee


SAVE THE DATE for the 2013 SHS Auction 

Saturday, February 9, 2013 at the Bellevue Westin



Carry Your School Spirit!SpartanBag 

SHS Spartan Gym Bags are now available.

Navy Blue bag with White accent trim

100% cotton durable canvas duffel bag with industrial strength zipper, inside mesh valuables pocket and shoulder strap

11" diameter x 22" long

Personalized side panel optional

       Order yours today!

Orders will be placed on 9/14, 10/1 and 11/1.

$58 + tax.  Submit your order form with payment to the office.



Sacred Heart After-School Art Classes

Thursdays: September 27th - November 15th

From 3:00 - 4:15

Cost per student is $140.00

Please go to Smart with Art website  to register.

Master "Pieces" in Art

Discover the unique artistic qualities of famous artists from across Europe!  Here is a taste of what young artists will discover:  Create abstract figures with watercolors based on Spanish artist, Miro.  French artist, Matisse will inspire students to create their own multi-media piece.  Explore plexi-glass and tissue paper to create a stain glass rendering like Russian artist, Chagall.  Design charcoal portraits featuring Dutch artist, Rembrandt's style.  Create 3D-Art in the style of Mondrian!  Students will have an opportunity to learn historical art content in a fun, engaging way while working with new materials for each art assignment in a process-oriented, artistic atmosphere.  Come travel with Smart with Art on this whirlwind journey of Europe, and, dress for mess!




Sacred Heart CYO News

Cross Country

Click here to register now for the 2012 Cross-Country Season!

Please register today!  Practices will be on Monday, September 17th, 24th and October 1st from 3:10-4:00 p.m. 

4-8 grade runners will also praactice on Monday, October 8th.  Please meet in the gym for attendance and directions.

We're still looking for several parent volunteers and students looking forward to community service hours.  More information please contact Coach Murphy or Anne Richmond



From the Heart is published weekly during the school year on Thursdays.  If you have content to include in future newsletters please obtain administration permission, and then send to Tracy Takeuchi, by Tuesday night.

Mission Statement: Sacred Heart School is a Catholic community which provides an excellent academic education in an environment of faith and virtue for families of Sacred Heart Parish and the surrounding community.