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From the Heart09/15/2011
In This Issue
From the Office
Auction News
From Parents' Club
Sacred Heart CYO News
From the Parish
Quick Links

Join Our Mailing List
Key Dates



  • Sep 16 - No School *Tomorrow*, Staff Professional Day
  • Sep 18 - Annual Parish Festival, 12pm, upper school parking lot
  • Sep 20 - Chess Club begins, 2pm
  • Sep 21 - Magazine Sale - 2nd Turn-in Day
  • Sep 25 - X-Country 1st Prelim Meet, 3pm Lower Woodland
  • Sep 25 - Latin Fusion Auction Party, 5:30-10pm
  • Sep 28 - Magazine Sale - Final Turn-in Day
  • Oct 02 - X-Country 2nd Prelim Meet, 12:30pm Lower Woodland
  • Oct 04 - Individual Picture Day
  • Oct 06 - 2nd Grade Parents Sacramental Prep Mtgs, church, 10am & 6:30pm
  • Oct 07 - All School Mass, 9am - Families are encouraged to attend
  • Oct 09- 6th Grade Retreat
  • Oct 09 - X-Country Championship Meet K-3rd, 12:30pm Lower Woodland
  • Oct 16 - X-Country Championship Meet 4-8th, 12:30pm Lower Woodland
  • Oct 27-28 - Student Led Conferences
  • Feb 11 - Save the Date, Oh the places you'll Go!  Gala Auction



From the Office

Lost and Found

Our lost and found closet is located in the foyer beside the art room.  Please help us keep the closet from filling up by marking your student's name on articles of clothing, especially the SHS sweatshirts.  

There are three easy ways to mark your student's sweatshirt:

1) Write your last name in sharpie on the white tag located toward the bottom left side of sweatshirt.

2.) Have your student's last name embroidered on the back of neck in small yellow/gold letters.

3) Use an iron-on label on the inside of the neck.  

There is no way to return a sweatshirt to their rightful owner without a name.   Marked sweatshirts and clothing are returned to the student's classroom.  Unmarked sweatshirts will go into the used uniform closet and unmarked clothing will remain in the closet until December and then donated. Please also mark lunchboxes on the outside.  Unmarked lunchboxes are only kept in closet for few days then disposed of.  Small lost items, especially those with high value, are turned into the office.  


Tardy Policy

At Sacred Heart School, we believe it is important for everyone to start school on time and that repeated tardies have an impact not only on the individual student(s), but the class as well. 


If a student arrives in their classroom after 8:30am they *must* come to the office and pick up a tardy slip. 


In grades K - 5, student who receive three (3) unexcused tardies in one trimester will receive a recess detention on their fourth (4) unexcused tardy.  An email notification will be sent home by the child's teacher after the third (3) unexcused tardy informing parents that if there is an additional unexcused tardy during the trimester their children will receive a recess detention.  Detention is served during the last recess.  Once detention is served, the student starts again at "0" for the trimester.



If your child will be missing a school day for any reason, please contact Kerry Wyman at the front office. For Pre-K through 5th grades, please also cc: your home room teacher.


Yearbooks have arrived!

Sorry for the delay with last year's school yearbooks. We will be handing them out at the Parish Festival this Sunday from noon until 1:30 pm. If you cannot attend the Parish Festival, we will be distributing them out at the lower parking lot next week at pick up time.


Auction News

2012 Auction Banner Sponsorship and Procurement 



Now that you have received all the information on Sponsorship andProcurement, please consider sponsoring the SHS "Oh the places you'll Go" Auction!  SHS has created new, exciting Sponsorship opportunities to Fundraising this year.

If your family owns a business or your workplace would be perfect fit please consider sponsoring! There are levels ranging from $125-$2000. The marketing exposure will mutually benefit your business and our school!   Check out the new brochure and sign your business up today!


A big thanks to our new sponsors:

  • EFESTE Winery
  • Pot O' Gold Coffee Service
  • Dr. Kate McKinney DDS
  • Randell Walton Photography
  • Silpada Jewelry
  • Bellevue Kids Dentist
  • David Eastern - Windermere Real Estate
  • Michelle Biggs-Treeview203
  • Angie Lampkin - Personal Trainer   
  • Julie Prince - Northwestern Mutual Life
  • Mylroie Painting
  • Crown Social Agency
  • Zeman Law Group
  • Wadeware
  • Bellevue Brewing Company
  • Medina Montessori School
  • Embrace Life - Mate Rivera-Uribe - Professional Life Coach

Check out our idea board outside the school office or follow the link to see the wish list online.  Follow the links to donate toTheme Packages or cash Donations Online. Or fill out a Procurement Form.



From Parents' Club

Latin Fusion Auction Party - September 25th 5:30-10pm

This is an auction party that was sold during last year's Legacy of Love auction and will be a festive evening of Spanish themed food, drinks, music, and dancing!  We have just a few slots available so please contact Laura Capestany  or Susana Knapp  if you are interested in joining other Sacred Heart parents at this fun gathering and celebration during Hispanic Heritage month!  Cost is $75/person.


Magazine Sale

The Magazine Sale is off to a great start! There are still 2 more turn in days for great prizes on 9/21 and 9/28. In order to help you market to family and friends, here is some text for an email you can customize send to out. Just cut and paste this text with the links into your email:


We are excited to announce the start of our QSP magazine/gift sale - and we really need your support.  This year we are encouraging you to place your orders online - you get your orders more quickly and it saves our volunteers time with accounting.

Go Green and order online!

When you click on this link you can start shopping, and if you register your student you can send emails to family, as well as send notices to your Facebook friends. 


We have 2 turn in days scheduled where we will process orders and award prizes:

9/21 and 9/28.


Speaking of prizes, once again, one of the "prizes" your student can earn is a REAL chicken sent to a family in need in Bangladesh.  

Our fundraiser truly is a win, win, win situation: 

  • You get huge discounts on your favorite magazines
  • Our school retains 45% of all orders to help fund programs, equipment, and much more
  • We can help change the lives of kids and families in Bangladesh

Check out all the details in the packet of information that your student has received, and we'll keep you posted with updates and some of the fun promotion items we have this year.
Thank you for your support!


Scrip (Gift Cards) Update

Scrip sales are in full gear for the new school year, it is a great time to either sign up for monthly standing orders or purchase those extra gift cards at one of the following regular times

Tuesday mornings (Lower and Upper Parking Lot (Upper lot is new for 2011/2012)

Thursday afternoons (Lower parking lot sales)


Safeway Club Card eScrip Back-to-School Promotions

Please register your Safeway Club Card on eScrip so the school can automatically receive credit on your purchases.

*Look for a message that prints on your receipt between September 19 and October 9.  If the receipt has a redemption code - turn it into the school office.*




Speech Team

Students in grades 6-8 who are interested in participating in the school's speech team should come to an introductory meeting next Wednesday after school in the Moore Theater from 3:15 to 3:45. No experience necessary, just a willingness to work hard, learn, and have fun.


Art Classes

Afterschool Art Classes are back at Sacred Heart.  Join in the creative fun!  This class will be on Thursdays, beginning on September 29th for 8 consecutive weeks at the cost of $120.00.  This includes all materials, instruction, hand-outs and art creations.  This session is focused on American Artists and will cover a variety of mediums to explore and discover.  Don't miss out on the fun - signup here.  For more information feel free to check out our website or contact Amy Friedman, Middle School Art Teacher.


Chess Club

 It's time to sign up for the fall session of Chess Club!  Session runs from Sept. 20 - Dec. 6 (not 11/22) on Tuesdays from 2:00-3:00.  Any student in grades K-8 who is interested in learning or increasing his/her knowledge of chess is invited to join.  The cost for the 11 week session is $155.  (Price goes up to $165 on Sept. 13.)  All levels are welcome.  We will have experienced coaches from Chess4Life.  This is Sacred Heart's Chess Club's third year.  Last year, we had several students participate in area tournaments and six students qualified to play in the Washington State Chess Tournament.  Chess study has shown to increase math skills, memory, and self-confidence.  It also improves patience, concentration, and sportsmanship.  Consider signing your child up!  Registration can be done online.

 Sacred Heart CYO News

Cross Country Registration Underway

**First Practice is Monday, September 19th 3:15-4pm**

There is still time to sign up to be part of a winning tradition!  

Join the Sacred Heart Cross Country team!

Your participation will add to the success of our team. If you cross the finish line - our team earns a point. All Sacred Heart School and Parish youth grades K through 8th are invited to join.


Register online by October 1st - the fee is $15 per child.  Participants must participate in a preliminary meet to qualify for the championship meet.  Each finishing team member will receive a commemorative t-shirt at the end of the season.

For more details on practice schedules & meets, visit the Cross Country page on the SHS website.


Parents:  We are looking for parent coordinators for each grade.   Please contact Coach Murphy or 425 451-1773x205 if you are interested in helping out.  



 From the Parish

*Annual Parish Festival This Sunday*

All are invited to our Annual Parish Festival this Sunday, September 18th beginning at 12pm in the upper school lot.  There will be games for the kids, activities for all ages and lunch provided. Come join us for this free and fun event!



If you have content to include in future newsletters *please first obtain administration permission* by e-mailing your submission into the school office.  Newsletters are published weekly and content must be received by Tuesday evenings. - Tracy Takeuchi

Mission Statement: Sacred Heart School is a Catholic community which provides an excellent academic education in an environment of faith and virtue for families of Sacred Heart Parish and the surrounding community.