Song in Our Silence
The title of Bill's column is drawn from song lyrics by the Monks of Weston Priory:
"Song in our silence,
Light in our darkness,
Water of life for our thirst..."
To read the full lyrics, or listen to the song, click here. |
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Light In Our Darkness
After forty years, I still remember the darkness. So dark I literally could not see the hand in front of my face. I tried, waved my hand in front of my eyes, and saw nothing. I was deep inside Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico when the ranger turned out the lights. He told us what he was going to do, told us to be still. Despite instructions, the utter darkness was shocking.
After failing to see my own hand, I turned around, expecting that somewhere, something must be visible. Nothing, black nothing. I turned back to face forward - and discovered I had no way of telling where forward was! I was completely disoriented, overwhelmed by darkness.
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who lived in a land as dark as death a light has dawned (Isaiah 9:2).
Then, in the dark, I heard the ranger strike a match, one single match. The faces of my companions appeared. The cave walls could be seen, albeit dimly, and the pathway we would follow to safety. One single match conquered the cave's oppressive darkness.
I shall them along paths they do not know; I shall turn darkness into light before them (Isaiah 42:16).
On Sunday, December 13, 2009, the choir of Central Christian Church in San Antonio presented the Christmas Cantata of Arcangelo Corelli, with lyrics from the nativity story in Luke's gospel. At one point, two soprano voices entwined in a beautiful duet that had only two words, repeated over and over: "Fear not. Fear not."
In the beginning the Word already was.... In him was life, and that life was the light of mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has never mastered it (John 1:1-5).
Merry Christmas!
May the light of Christ be with you.
Fear not.
Trust that God in the coming year will guide you along paths you do not know, turning darkness into light before you.
Bill All scripture quotations from the Revised English Bible.
The Eye Celebrates Light
Christmas, 1944, Corpus Christi, Texas--
Christmas began on Christmas Eve when Grandmother, Uncle George and Aunt Adline drove in from Houston. A few drinks and dips and the anticipation began. Would Santa come again this time while we were looking at the lights? Right at dark we drove around the neighborhoods with childlike and elderly wonder at lights, alert to the slightest flicker. Simply the sheer beauty of shining lights. If we drove by a house that was dark, we wondered if they were sick or out of town, and usually my parents knew. There was no distinction in rich or poor neighborhoods; Christmas meant that homes glowed with lights, many reflecting inner light.
My eyes must have glowed as a child's reflection of wonder. For it happened the same way every year - when we returned home, it was all dark except for the lights on the manger scene, on the Christmas tree, and guess what! Santa had come! I was always amazed at the timing. My hopes were fulfilled.
Sixty-five years later I again marvel at the magic of Christmas - a second naivet�. Santa, the symbol of giving, and the religious symbols illumine my memory of the loving and happy family together, simple gifts and the joy of sharing, and then the peaceful sleep through a Silent, Holy Night content with the hopes fulfilled, the Baby Jesus born in the little town of Bethlehem. I marvel at the glow of light etched upon my soul so many years ago.
May your eyes celebrate light and your soul marvel at this Child named Emmanuel - God With Us. May your home be warmed by the glow of inner light. May you sleep in peace with hopes fulfilled.
Jan |
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