Town of Ajax
Your E-News for October 1, 2010
Featured Articles
Celebrating Customer Service Week
Ajax in Bloom 2010 Winners
Election Debate Series
Watch, Share & Win!
Ajax Public Library Board
E-waste Collection Event
Run Ajax 2010 - Volunteers wanted
Ajax Municipal Election
Ajax Municipal Election
Voting is not only a democratic right, it is also the easiest way to have a say in how your community is governed. For more info visit
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Upcoming Council & Committee Meetings
Community Affairs & Planning 
No meetings - Election Recess
Council Chambers 
General Government Committee
No meetings - Election Recess
River Plate Room 
No meetings - Election Recess
Council Chambers 
Meetings are held at Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S.
Minutes and Agendas are available on the Town's Website
Featured Events
Ajax Farmer's Market
Vandermeer Nursery,
Thursdays from 2 to 7 p.m.
until October 28
Fire Prevention Week
October 3 to 9
Ajax Fire & Emergency Services Headquarters
Eco-Business Phase II Launch
October 4, 11 to 11:30 a.m.
Entrance to Duffins Creek Trail at Elizabeth Street and Old Kingston Road

Movies Without Borders
October 12, 6 to 9 p.m.
Ajax Library - Main Branch
Ajax in the News
 Watch us on Youtube
Check us out on Youtube.
Check us out on Facebook.
Customer Service Week - October 4 to 8

During Customer Service Week, October 4 to 8, Town staff are given the chance to step away from their usual service delivery roles to recognize customers. Patrons at Ajax Town Hall, Ajax Commnity Centre and McLean Community Centre will be treated to free popcorn, free temporary tattoos and draws to win a variety of Ajax souvenirs. For more info visit

Pumpkinville - October 16
PumpkinvilleOn October 16 the Town will host its annual Pumpkinville event from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Greenwood Conservation Area. Activities include a haunted house, pumpkin patch and carving contest, horse drawn wagon rides and plenty of tasty treats at the Pumpkinville Grill.
Ajax in Bloom 2010 Winners

Ajax in Bloom 2010The winners of the 2010 Ajax in Bloom gardening competition were announced on September 23. This year's recipient of Red Rose of Lancaster Award is 30 Keeble Crescent. Click here to see the full list of winners.

The Labelle Blog - Ajax Municipal Election 2010
Blair LabelleI'm Blair Labelle, the Deputy Returning Officer for the Town of Ajax. I'll be blogging regularly from now until election day about election news and important things you need to know before you cast your ballot.

This weeks topic:
Did you get one? - Voter Notification Cards are in the mail

2010 Municipal Election Debate Series
On Tuesday, October 5, CDCD will host a Mayoral Candidate debate at Ajax Town Hall, Council Chambers, 65 Harwood Avenue South at 7 p.m. This event will provide voters with an opportunity to meet the candidates, share their ideas and ask questions. For additional info on the debate series visit
Watch, Share & Win!
Watch, Share & WinWatch and share the Town's "Get out the Vote" video with your friends and family to win one of two prizes: a Samsung� Wave™ 3G phone from Bell (valued at $299.95)* or a Town of Ajax Recreation gift certificate (valued at $150)! For contest details visit
The Ajax Public Library Board Requires 7 New Members

Ajax Public Library BoardContribute to your Library and your community by serving on the Ajax Library Board. Application forms are available online and at all three Library branches. For further information please contact Chief Librarian, Donna Bright at 905-683-4000, ext. 8825.

E-waste Collection Event - October 16
E-waste Collection EventAn e-waste collection event will take place on October 16 at the Ajax Sportsplex located at 2001 Audley Road North. Help keep electronics out of our landfills by bringing your unwanted or broken electronics for FREE recycling. Appliances and tools are not accepted.
RUN Ajax 2010 - Volunteers needed

The Town is seeking volunteers to assist with the 3rd Annual RUN Ajax Waterfront Half Marathon & 5k on October 24. Duties may involve working water stations and refreshment stands, providing parking direction, and working the finish line area. Anyone interested should contact Recreation Supervisor, Warren Edwards at or 905-619-2529, ext.7255 by October 20.

For more information on these articles, and to stay up-to-date on Council decisions, corporate initiatives and special events, visit us at