Town of Ajax
Your E-News for November 6, 2009
Featured Articles
Calling for an H1N1 Clinic in Ajax
Moving Ajax Forward for the next 25 years
Carry the torch on Olympic Day in Ajax
Town recognized as Youth Friendly Community
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Upcoming Council & Committee Meetings
November 9 at 7 p.m.
Council Chambers
Community Affairs & Planning Committee
November 16 at 7 p.m.
Council Chambers  
General Government Committee
November 19 at 2 p.m.
River Plate Room 
Meetings are held at Ajax Town Hall, 65 Harwood Ave. S.
Featured Events
Live OUT Loud - TONIGHT!
For youth, ages 13 to 19
Fall Hike 
Greenwood Conservation Area 
Nutrition Workshop
Healthy eating during the holidays
Santa Claus Parade
Lights, music and community
Ajax on Stage
Tickets on sale NOW!
Public Meetings
Dog and Cat By-law
Nov. 11 at 7 p.m., Ajax Town Hall
Adult Entertainment Est. By-law
Nov. 11 at 7 p.m., Ajax Town Hall
Basement Flooding Study
Nov. 12 at 6 p.m., ACC
Which transit works best for you? 
Nov. 14 at 10 a.m., ACC
St. Andrew's Park Design
Nov. 18 at 6:30 p.m., ACC
Nov. 18 at 6:30 p.m., ACC 
Neighbourhood Ice Rink Program
Nov. 18 at 6:30 p.m., ACC
Ajax in the News
Ajax questions why it was bypassed clinic
Sharing flu shot clinic with Pickering 
Turn on the tap instead of grabbing bottles of water
Ajax sticks to its guns on development issues 
Town claims victory over employment lands fight at OMB
Ajax anti-idling bylaw in effect
Town launches Every Minute Counts campaign

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Don't forget to check us out on Facebook. The Town of Ajax has a fan page on the popular networking site, featuring news and announcements, photos, event listings, discussion boards and general information. Join the 1,500-plus people who have already signed up!
Calling for an H1N1 Clinic in Ajax
Mayor Parish and Town Council are calling on the Region of Durham to open an H1N1 Clinic in Ajax. Currently there are only sites in Bowmanville (Clarington), Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering and North Durham. Mayor Parish has sent a message to Regional Chair, Roger Anderson and Dr. Robert Kyle, Chief Medical Officer of Health for the Region formally requesting a site in Ajax. Ajax Town Council will discuss a Notice of Motion requesting that the Region establish a clinic in Ajax at their November 9 Council meeting. If you would like to write and voice your concerns, e-mail Roger Anderson and Dr. Robert Kyle.
H1N1 Update
Please be reminded that immunizations currently being administered are only for those who will benefit most from the vaccine, including:
  • People from six months to under 65 years of age with chronic medical conditions
  • Pregnant women
  • Healthy children from six months to under five years of age
  • Persons living in remote and isolated settings or communities
  • Health care workers
  • Household contacts and care providers of persons at high risk who cannot be immunized or may not respond to vaccines 
As more vaccine becomes available and the above identified groups have been vaccinated, the clinics will be opened to all Durham Region residents. As well, it is anticipated that residents will have access to the vaccine from their primary care provider (i.e. doctor) soon after the immunization of the priority groups.
NOTE: For those women who were previously unable to be vaccinated because they were less than 20 weeks pregnant with no underlying medical conditions, the Region now has unadjuvanted vaccine at its Health Department flu clinics.
People are being asked to visit or call Durham Health Connection Line at 905-666-6241 (toll free at 1-800-841-2729) for information and updates on clinics and vaccine availability.
Moving Ajax Forward for the next 25 years

Ajax Forward

A phased review of the Town's Official Plan - Ajax FORWARD - is underway to update the planning principles and policies that will determine how the physical development of Ajax will be managed for the next 25 years. A series of public meetings are planned in November that will address Transportation Policies and Growth Plan Policies.
Carry the torch on Olympic Day in Ajax 
Small ODA BannerBe a part of Olympic Day in Ajax on December 5 by registering for the Mock Torch Relay. Successful applicants will be torchbearers for the mock relay, receive Town of Ajax apparel, and have their photo taken with Town Council and the Olympic Torch when it visits Ajax on December 17 at 6:45 a.m.
Town recognized as Youth Friendly Community
YFC Award
The Town has been recognized as a Youth Friendly Community for its commitment to providing Ajax youth with opportunities to play, participate in, and contribute to the Town. The Honourable Margarett Best, Minister of Health Promotion, hosted a reception on October 27 to present the Town with its Youth Friendly Community (Gold Status) plaque to Mayor Steve Parish, Town staff and the Town's Youth Engagement Committee.
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