Inside the Rockland Breakwater

  Photo courtesy of Mikael Carstanjen 

Schooner American Eagle Newsletter
November 2011
In This Issue
Classic Boats
Cruise News
Crews News
Galley Shots

The commemorative medal from the 1938 Fishermen's Races between the

Gertrude L. Thebaud and the Bluenose.
 1938 commemorative medal showing the Thebaud
Thank you e-bay!
1938 commerative coin showing the Bluenose 
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We'll start off this month's newsletter with a postcard:  the American Eagle making sail by the Rockland breakwater light.  Mike has captured the look of a tinted postcard, such as this one I came by recently!
 Gloucester Knockabout
It's possible that the American Eagle and this knockabout schooner were fishing out of Gloucester at the same time in the 1930's
And before we get onto glowing descriptions of the cruises for next summer, here's a November magazine article from across the pond.
Nov 2011 Classic Boat Cover
The editors chose the American Eagle as one of ten iconic American boat designs - and we're on the cover! 


Cruise News



The best cruise is the one you can fit into your schedule.  There are a lot of choices in our 2012 calendar, from 2 to 9 days.

End of day furling the main sail
photo by Grieg Cranna

I haven't figured out where we have just anchored in this picture, but it's a sunny day with a nice little breeze. This image is typical of the best recollections of a vacation afloat. What we have for sure on cruises is time; for sailing, exploring, visiting with family and friends, or playing cards in the galley.

photo by Grieg Cranna



Fireworks? You can count on these evening extravaganzas on three of our 2012 cruises: June 24 to Boothbay Harbor, July 1 Great Schooner Race somewhere (or over the rail with our annual sparkler toss), and August 29 to Gloucester following the lighted boat parade.

Summer Fireworks
photo by Nola Logan


Crews News 


This year's crew is down to Nola and Matt  right now, dividing their time between varnishing out the galley on the American Eagle and helping ready the tug Cadet  for launching this Saturday, the 26th at 11 am.  Over the last ten years there have been a lot of  hands on the tug project.  We took the building down on Sunday and this was what was inside. 

Cadet ready for launch day

The Great Unveiling on Sunday


Logan, who has been an able crew member on many of our longer trips in recent years, has finished hiking the Appalachian Trail and starts work here next week.  By the time he is sailing with us again in May he'll know every bolt, plank, and block -- and paintbrush. 

Galley Shots 


Its not all cakes and pies, bagels and buns, aboard the American Eagle.  Here's Nola's presentation of a summer Cobb salad on that same card table.

A good salad 

photo courtesy of Nola Logan


And, in closing, here's a striking picture taken in September.  Once again we were the only original fishing schooner in the Mayor's Race. 
American Eagle leading
photo courtesy Amy Beaudet

If you're wondering where your fall mailing/holiday card is, there's been a "logjam" at the printers and you should see something in the mail very soon. 

Hope to see you aboard during the coming season,
 John's signature
Captain John Foss, Schooner American Eagle

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Schooner American Eagle
P O Box 482 
Rockland, ME  04841
(800) 648-4544