Looking Aft
Out On the Water Again
Photo courtesy of Greg Gettens 

Schooner American Eagle Newsletter
June 2011
In This Issue
Cruise News
Crews News
Ralph's Food Shot
Why do we go windjamming?

To provide a bit of adventure and a lot of fun.

To preserve perishable skills

To pass along what little we have learned of what our sailing predecessors forgot

To share the art and fabric of working sail in our small but beautiful corner of the oceans

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Our 26th sailing season is well underway with our sixth cruise boarding tonight.  There's something about the coast of Maine: we may not go more than a hundred miles on one of our short trips but so far in 2011 already we have shipmates from Hawaii, Arizona, Canada, and seven foreign countries...    
Rotary kids

Foreign students sponsored by Maine Rotary clubs on their annual overnight cruise

photo courtesy of Al Feather 

and Texas!  Actually there have been eleven volunteers aboard from the Galveston 1877 iron barque Elissa and we have raised several thousand dollars towards her restoration. 
Eight hardy adventurers took us up on our "if you're older than the schooner come for free with a full-fare friend" and we all made it back.


Should you have interest in sailing with us but with a charitable purpose (other than keeping the American Eagle sailing) you missed the Freeport Historical Society's raffle and the Elissa Plankowners auction but still have a chance with the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce auction later this summer.




Cruise News



Boothbay Harbor Dressed

Dressed For the Occasion

photo courtesy of Ralph Smith

  The best cruise you can take with us is the one you have time for.  We dress ship as above once in a while, but most of our time at anchor is spent in quiet coves and harbors.  An event on our schedule which is popular every year is the WoodenBoat Sail-In, boarding Sunday, September 11th, combining good fall sailing, a gathering of the fleet, and ashore tours of the boat school, a genuine steel band, and refreshments including steamed mussels and cider. Return Saturday, September 17th. $895 per person. 

Crews News

American Eagle Galley

American Eagle Galley         

photo courtesy of Greg Gettens

Here's where Nola and Rachael preside, where pies (apple, blueberry, whoopie) and pastries are created, all with good cheer and a little help from the rest of the crew.  It's a welcoming place of long hours and excellent results with gleaming brass, new varnish, and hot coffee all day long.  The galley makes the weather on deck irrelevant and is a good place for evening conversations and stories.  Behind the ladder is a cast iron wood burning stove that has converted fifty cords of firewood to dinners over the past 25 years and behind that is the wooden icebox (with ice in it).

Island Picnic

photo courtesy of Ellen Kovarik

  Sometimes, actually on a regular basis, we have takeout from the galley:  either meals served on deck or on as many trips as possible on a pristine Maine island for a picnic.
June 5th Picnic Attendees

Photography Cruise; one with film, the others digital

photo courtesy of Brian Fornear 


Ralph's Food Shot 

Breakfast Burrito

photo courtesy of Ralph Smith






While we are ashore exploring islands, we pick up a lot of stuff including some shells amidst the beach debris, hopefully left by the tide and not by previous island visitors.  We're never going to see anything like the shells on this card but I'm not so sure they're this color in Florida either.


 Greetings from Florida



Two of our loyal shipmates sailed on this contraption in Turkey.  Private showers but very little sailing.  On the other hand, we have a notable lack of Roman ruins here on the Maine coast.  "We will take the Eagle any day!"


Card of Sailing the Mediterranean 



We've never had a card from Cyprus before.  Looks like a beautiful place.  Where are the sheep?  While we're on the subject, at least one of the Maine coast conservation groups is looking for sheep to keep meadows open on some of their islands.  Know any good shepherds?


Cyprus Countryside 


Cabin and tugboat pictures next issue ,
 John's signature
Captain John Foss, Schooner American Eagle

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Schooner American Eagle
P O Box 482 
Rockland, ME  04841
(800) 648-4544