Summer is upon us, wild roses are in bloom on the islands, lobsters are plentiful, and we'd love to see you soon. Nola's planning strawberry rhubarb pie for tomorrow's picnic. My new motto: "weight and sea". |
| Cruise News
There are something approaching sixty lighthouses along the Maine Coast, and it would take us the best part of a month to sail by all of them. We expect to see twenty of them in our six day LIGHTHOUSE CRUISE boarding Sunday night July 11th. That adventure includes a lighthouse parade on Friday afternoon, tickets to the lighthouse Museum in Rockland, and a lighthouse calendar as well. $975 per person.
photo credit Garrett Lovell  |
Pumpkin Island Light
The flagpole is not up yet. No light on and nobody home. |
 | Shipyard Wildlife
Wildlife is not just how the crew behaves between trips. As soon as we finished our spring busyness in the paint shed our resident woodchuck presented us with her two children. Here they are peeking out from under the front step.
photo credit Garrett Lovell  |

The schooner Bowdoin launched this morning having spent a couple of weeks up on the marine railway here at the Shipyard. She tied up to the American Eagle for a few hours before heading back to Maine Maritime Academy in Castine.
 Yes, we do a one day overnight International Cruise every spring with students sponsored by Rotary International. No passports needed for this one -- high school students from Europe, South America, and Maine. 14 of the 18 went swimming in 50 degree water. The girl from Finland stayed in the longest. photo credits to Su Wood and John Foss |
| Crews News
How can one keep from smiling on the first sailing day after two months of outfitting?
photo courtesy of Su Wood
photo courtesy of Capt. Brenda Thomas.

Spring Training for team American Eagle at the annual safety seminar in May. Six crew in a four person life raft. Left to right: Capt John, Kelly, deckhand - Nola, cook - Gerard, deckhand - Rachael, messcook - and Alec (the hat), the mate. |
Ralph's Food Shot |
Dinner served on deck: crusted roast pork, applesauce, mushroom risotto, string beans, home made bread.
| Postcards from schooner crew
Mir is on a cadet cruise in the Mediterranean. Tacking the American Eagle is a lot easier.

This is from a former schooner cook who took her fiddle to New Zealand, contacted a mutual friend who is chief mate on the topsail schooner Alvei, and now expects to sail the South Pacific for a few months. |