April 2010
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Catholic Charities Spokane E-News

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 Dear Friends,

Each Easter we as Christians are reminded of the most powerful aspect of our faith - the glorious celebration of Christ's eternal life. The darkness of death conquered by the light of unconditional love is indeed central to what we all hold dear. Here at Catholic Charities we see that darkness conquered by love each and every day throughout our fifteen programs and 900+ Housing units.  The power of love - the strength of conveying "you are loved,"- is one of the greatest tools we use in our daily work.

The work of Catholic Charities is the work of love. It is the work that the Gospel calls us to do and is the work of everlasting life as told in the Passion of Christ. Teenage mothers, at-risk infants and children, seniors, immigrants, the homeless and the mentally ill are all called to the table at Catholic Charities. It is a table that provides nourishment of the body and soul. Providing this table is an essential part of our Catholic faith life and our Diocesan mission to serve the poor.

This month, you will notice a spotlight on the Catholic Cemeteries in our FAITHWORKS publication. For many years, the Catholic Cemeteries have played a key role in helping many of our Catholic Charities clients and families with the provision of eternal rest in a wonderful quality setting of peace and tranquility. When a homeless person passes away, or a senior citizen without any remaining family goes home to God, it is often the Cemeteries that come to the rescue and become that beacon of unconditional love that conquers the darkest moments.

Everything we do at Catholic Charities is in a team effort to use the power of love to overcome pain, suffering and darkness. Catholic Cemeteries is one of the many players that help us fight that good fight. You are as well, an incredibly important and integral part of our team effort. Thank you for your continued help in providing nourishment to the most needy in this community.  We could not walk this path without you. 

Please know that you are in our prayers in a special way during this Easter Season!

Many prayers,
Rob McCann
Executive Director

Catholic Cemetery Ministry

St. JosephIn the Diocese of Spokane we are truly blessed to have three beautiful, sacred cemeteries.  

Holy Cross Cemetery on the north side of Spokane was established in 1931 by Bishop White. Covering 80 acres, the beauty of the grounds is complemented by an impressive mausoleum building. The ascending Jesus is a landmark feature in this area.  

St. Joseph Cemetery in the Spokane Valley was established in the late 1800s as a parish cemetery. Purchased in the 1990s by Catholic Cemeteries of Spokane, it is known for its beautiful hillside grotto. This 50 acre cemetery is situated on rolling farmland surrounding a historic church building and mausoleum.  

Queen of Peace Cemetery on Spokane's south hill is located on the campus of the Immaculate Heart Retreat Center. The peaceful ambiance adjacent to the retreat center makes it a natural location for a cemetery. Dedicated in 2008, this 20 acre setting is the newest Catholic cemetery and will provide space for generations into the future.

The Catholic Cemeteries play an important role in our Catholic faith. They are a symbol of the reverence we hold for the human body when the soul passes on to God. 

Jim Falkner
Executive Director
Catholic Cemeteries of Spokane
467-5496   jimf@cathcem.org

Click here to read more about Catholic Cemetery Ministry
Letter from Rob
Cemetery Ministry
Director's Corner
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Childbirth and Parenting Alone


Easter is a special time of forgiveness, renewal and rebirth. It is about letting go of the mistakes in our past and moving towards a better future. It is a chance for us to begin again, to be reborn. At Childbirth and Parenting Assistance (CAPA) Program, we are privileged to see this rebirth in the women and babies we work with everyday. CAPA is a place of birth; babies are born, and the women we work with are reborn. They find themselves, their voices, their inner mother, and the gifts they can give to this world. Last week I was reminded of this by a young mom who wrote this letter following her closure
from counseling.

Dear CAPA women,
     I realized at our last session that I am finally on the journey to discovering me and it feels good.  Although I am not exactly where I   ultimately want to be, I know that I am on the right path and with the tools that I have gained at CAPA, I know I can overcome anything.  I also know I am the one who did the work, but without you I could not be where I am today.  When I first came to CAPA, I was hiding in my apartment, afraid of everything and everyone.  I was eating everything in sight to dull my pain, struggling with my addiction, being a not so good mother, and too codependent in my relationship to see that anything was wrong.  It has taken me
many tears and fears, but I am not the person I was back then.  What it comes down to it....I am happy, truly happy with myself and I'm a better mother.

Click here to read the rest of Rachel's letter and learn more about the work that CAPA and Catholic Charities are doing every day.
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Catholic Charities Spokane
12 East 5th Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99210-4250
Volunteer Chore Services
Spring Yard Clean Up! 

Here's a great way to celebrate Earth Day with family and friends!  Sign up to rake weeds and do general yard clean up for low-income seniors and low-income disabled adults in Spokane County.  To register, please call Cyndie at (509) 459-6173 or Judy (509) 459-6172 or email Cyndie at clapke@ccpokane.org