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Month, Year - Vol 1, Issue 1
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Your introduction sets the tone for your newsletter and encourages the recipient to read further. Your style may be warm and casual, or technical and no-nonsense depending on your audience.
Feature Headline
Many organizations have membership levels based on financial contribution. Be sure to include the various benefits of each level and suggest membership upgrades. Add a "Find out more..." link to additional information on your website.
Article Headline
Try using case studies, success stories, testimonials or examples of how others used your product or service successfully. Solicit material from clients and vendors, or ask your readers to write. It's a win-win! You get relevant content, and they get exposure.
Insert a "read on" link at the bottom of your article to drive traffic to your website. Links are tracked, allowing you to see which articles create the most interest for your readers.
Article Headline
Include "How-to" articles or hints and tips on related subjects. Try a reader's poll. People love to give their opinion, and you can publish the results in your next newsletter. Drive traffic to your website by entering teaser text for the article with a link to your website for readers to view the full text.
End your promotion with a kick -- consider a postscript to reinforce one of the key product or service benefits.
Nigel M. de S. Cameron, President and CEO
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If you are using a special coupon or promo code, include it here. Or, indicate if the coupon must be printed and presented in person. Is the coupon transferable? If so, encourage recipients to share the offer with friends and family to maximize the viral effect of the coupon. Add a link to your website with more information to drive traffic and to gauge what offers your fans find most appealing.
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