Huna Mua Wellness presents
The Mind's True Liberation 
"...When the moon is in the 7th house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then Peace will guide the planets...
and Love
Will Steer the Stars..."  

Are you feeling it?
The celestial events of this summer are approaching peak!
 "As above, so below."
Learn how the profound planetary events of 2009 influence your life. You will receive valuable information to guide you through the ebb and flow of change towards a future of greater happiness and fulfillment. 
Solar Eclipse/New Moon Meditation
July 21
Solar eclipses bring to light that which is hidden. New Moons are known to herald significant endings and beginnings. This particular eclipse creates a magical and mystical feeling, high tides of emotional swells, and metamorphosis!
Our journey will gently stir your inner self to dissolve old patterns, reveal new beginnings and learn methods that will support the process of change in your life. 
July 21 - Tuesday
$38 Donation
~ Special Event ~  
Dragon Moon Meditation/Workshop- Aug. 1
(Moon Nodes Shift) 
A New 18-Year Cycle Begins.  Are you ready?
The North and South Node of the Moon are points that take into account the relationship between the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The Nodes, sometimes referred to as the Dragon's Head and Tail, are major karmic indicators and act as compass points for the entire world. Every 18 years, the Nodes begin a new cycle. The new cycle begins July 27!

The theory behind the Nodes of the Moon suggests that we all come into this world with some underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The North represents our spiritual growth, the South our life's lessons.
This mini, but intense meditation/workshop provides valuable information that will help you understand the needed balance of your character to achieve happiness and fulfillment during this new 18-year cycle. 

August 1 - Saturday
$74 Donation
Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon Meditation - Aug. 5 
eclipse_lunar in aquarius
Eclipses are times when it's good to let go of what is ready to be released, and to let into your life what is right for you now. Shake up times at eclipse points are times when you are assisted by the Universe to enter new phases of your life. In your personal life it is time to say goodbyes and to allow your life and consciousness to go through greater transformation on the way to an Aquarian Age.
Through guided visualization, reflection and introspection you will be prepared to handle the changes of life with grace.  
August 5 - Wednesday
$38 Donation
Solar Eclipse Meditation
July 21 - Tues.   7-9pm
Dragon Meditation
(Nodes of the Moon)
Aug.1 - Sat.   2-6pm  
Lunar Eclipse Meditation  
Aug. 5 - Wed.  7-9pm 
New Moon Meditation  
Aug. 18- Tues.  7-9pm 
Full Moon Meditation  
Sept. 4 - Fri.  7-9pm 
EESystem Open House
Scalar Room Sweet Dreams!
 Now you can spend the night in The Energy Enhancement System for an ultimately profound healing experience. 8 consecutive hours is equal to nearly eight 2-hr sessions!
Space limited. 2 people per night. Air mattress, linens provided.
In at 10pm. Out at 7am
per person
By Reservation Only
Call for availability 
More...later !
All events are held in our "Scalar Room" with the EESystem at
6025 Overbrook Ave., Phila., PA   19131
RSVP required for all events. Seating Limited.
Attend all 3 Moon Meditations (Solar, Dragon, Lunar) and receive a Complimentary 2-Hr Session in the Energy Enhancement System.
Session must be used by September 5, 2009