San Francisco Bay Area NARI

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In This Issue
Co-Presidents Message
2011 REMMIES Awards/Leadership Dinner
Annual Election Held At REMMIES Awards/Leadership Dinner
2011 REMMIES Winners Showcase
New Member Recruitment Incentive Program
Executive Director's Corner - Are You Ready to Get Certified?
Legal Advice Column - Bryant Byrnes, Esq. - Social Media and Non-Disparagement
BuilderLink Webinars
NARI National Online Courses
Build It Green Upcoming Training and Events
Sponsors Corner
Quick Links




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January 11

January Board and Chapter Meeting

Location TBD



February 8

February Board and Chapter Meeting

Location TBD



March 14

March Board and Chapter Meeting

Location TBD





SFBA NARI embraces the entire remodeling community and provides members with the benefits of a national organization dedicated to the remodeling industry. We offer members opportunities for enhanced professionalism, camaraderie, business growth, and success through education, advocacy, networking, recognition and promotion. We create opportunities to inform the public about NARI through educational activities, community service, public relations and our everyday interactions.

To advance and promote the remodeling industry's professionalism, product and vital public purpose.

All remodelers will want to be part of NARI and customers will insist on contracting with our members. 


$430 - Annual Dues
$50 -  New
         Application Fee

To see all the benefits of membership or to get an application, visit
or call (415) 391-2886.

Published monthly by the San Francisco Chapter of NARI.

Opinions expressed herein are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of the
members, officers or directors of SFBA NARI.

  Jeff Kann
  Matt Podesta
  Chip Doyle
  Mark Calender
Chairman of the Board:  
   David Ostrom,
Executive Director:
  Judy Tufo
Board Counsel:
  Bryant Byrnes
Board of Directors
David Frane 
Cameron Habel, CR,
Michael Hamman 
Heidi Headapohl 
Treve Johnson
Toby Karlitz
Steve Mongan
Ryan Neuhoff
Sally Power
Mike Roth

National Representatives
Everett Collier, CR
David Freer
David Ostrom, MCR, 

San Francisco Bay Area
Chapter of the
National Assn of the Remodeling Industry


P.O. Box 883783


San Francisco, CA


Judy Tufo


Executive Director
Phone: (415) 391-2886




 December 4, 2011

Co-Presidents Message

Chapter Winds up 2011 and Prepares for 2012


It is hard to believe that we are concluding another year.  We hope 2011 has turned out to be a successful year for our members.   
Jeff Kann 2011

Jeff Kann


The Chapter celebrated the achievements and contributions of our members at the Annual REMMIES & Leadership Awards Gala.  Congratulations to the REMMIES winners and heartfelt thanks to all of the recipients of the Chapter's Leadership Awards.   We would also like to thank the following retiring Board Members:  David Frane-Tools of the Trade, Cameron Habel, CR, CKBR-Cmaeron Habel Construction, Inc., Toby Karlitz-CLP Resources, Steve Mongan-Flying Colors, and Ryan Neuhoff-Ferguson Enterprises.  As a Co-President, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our other Co-President, Jeff Kann, who is concluding his term as
Matt Podesta Photo

Matt Podesta

Co-President at the end of December but will continue on the leadership team as a Board member.  As most of you are aware, this was the first year our Chapter piloted the Co-President programWith  Jeff's leadership, we may have created a blueprint for a sustained approach to continuity of the Presidency position.  The Chapter is fortunate to have this model sustained with Mark Calender stepping into the role of Co-President for 2012.   


We would also like to welcome our new Secretary, Treve Johnson, and our new Treasurer, Adam Haedt.  Chip Doyle will transition into the Vice President position that was vacant during 2011. 


We look forward to the upcoming holiday celebration on Friday, December 9,  at the Sobel Design Building in San Francisco, where the AIA, ASID, IIDA, NKBA and the Luxury Marketing Council will join us in raising money for the St. Anthony Foundation.  This will be an exciting event and excellent networking opportunity for our members.  Happy Holidays and a wish to all for a healthy and prosperous 2012!



Jeff Kann 

2011 Chapter Co-President


Matt Podesta

2011 Chapter Co-President


2011 REMMIES Awards/Leadership Dinner

A Wonderful Evening at the 2011 REMMIES/

Leadership Dinner

The annual REMMIES and Leadership Dinner was held on November 9, 2011 in the Franciscan Ballroom of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco.  It was a wonderful evening to honor the 2011 REMMIES Award Winners and 2011 Chapter Leaders.  


Congratulations to the following Winners for 2011:






REMMIES Award Winners 


Commercial Interior

First Place-Jasper Construction and Design 


Entire House $250K-$500K
First Place-Houseworks, Inc.

     (Team with Andrew Morrall, Architect)
First Place-Leff Construction

Merit Award-Andrew Morrall, Architect 

     (Team with Houseworks, Inc.) 


Entire House $500K-$1M
First Place-FMS Projects, Inc. 


Entire House over $1M 

First Place-McCutcheon Construction, Inc.


Historical Preservation-Residential 

First Place-Custom Kitchens by John Wilkins, Inc.


Home Theater & Media Rooms Under $150K 

First Place-Soundvision

Merit Award-Soundvision 


Home Theater & Media Rooms $150K & Over 

Merit Award-Soundvision

Merit Award-Soundvision 


Residential Addition $250K-$500K 

First Place-Daniel Mackey Construction, Inc. 

Residential Bath $30K-$60K 

Merit Award-Altera Design and Remodeling, Inc. 


Residential Bath Over $60K

First Place-McCutcheon Construction 

Second Place -Altera Design and Remodeling, Inc.


Residential Interior Over $100K

First Place-Basic Modular Facilities

Merit Award-Custom Kitchens by John Wilkins, Inc. 

Recognition Award-McCutcheon Construction, Inc. 


Residential Kitchen $80K to $120K 

First Place-McCutcheon Construction 

Second Place-Altera Design and Remodeling 


Residential Kitchen over $120K 

First Place-Altera Design and Remodeling, Inc. 


Grand Prize 

Custom Kitchens by John Wilkins, Inc. 

McCutcheon Construction, Inc.






Leadership Award Winners 


Retiring Board Members

David Frane-Tools of the Trade

Cameron Habel, CR, CKBR-Cameron Habel Construction, Inc.

Toby Karlitz-CLP Resources

Steve Mongan-Flying Colors 

Ryan Neuhoff-Ferguson Kitchen and Bath 


Community Service Award 

Steve Mongan-Flying Colors  


Rookie of the Year
Adam Haedt-Caesarstone US


Marilyn Thurau Women in Remodeling Award 

Claudia Hacker-Tileshop, Inc. 


Committee Chair of the Year
Treve Johnson-Treve Johnson Photography
Sally Power-Sally Power Interiors

President's Award

Mark Calender-Calender-Robinson Co., Inc.
David Ostrom, MCR, CKBR-Collier Ostrom, Inc.
                                                   Remodeling Contractors
Supplier of the Year
Collier Warehouse, Inc.

Everett J. Collier Professionalism Award

David Ostrom, MCR, CKBR-Collier Ostrom, Inc.
                                                   Remodeling Contractors

Milestone Memberships


The following companies were honored for their milestone memberships in San Francisco Bay Area NARI:


20 Years

Bonacker Associates

Collier Ostrom, Inc. Remodeling Contractors
Collier Warehouse, Inc.

Gilman's Screens & Kitchens

More Than A Carpenter


10 Years

J.P. Lindstrom, Inc.

Roberts Electric Co., Inc.

Wooden Window, Inc.


5 Years

Flying Colors

Fox Marble & Granite

Greenforest Builders

Sandler Training




Annual Election Held At REMMIES Awards/Leadership Dinner

New Officers and Board Members for 2012


The membership of SFBA NARI voted on officers and directors at the REMMIES Awards/Leadership dinner.


The following officers and directors have been elected to serve effective January 2012:




Chairman of the Board David Ostrom
Collier Ostrom, Inc. Remodeling Contractors


Co-President Mark Calender

Calender Robinson Insurance


Co-President Matt Podesta

Podesta Construction, Inc.


Vice President Chip Doyle

Sandler Training


Secretary Treve Johnson

Treve Johnson Photography


Treasurer Adam Haedt

Caesarstone US



Board of Directors 


Michael Hamman

Michael Hamman, General Contractor


Heidi Headapohl

Tulip Hardwood Floors


Jeff Kann

Houseworks, Inc.


Sally Power

Power Interiors


Mike Roth

McCutcheon Construction



National Representatives


Everett Collier, CR, Collier Ostrom, Inc. Remodeling Contractors
David Freer, Collier Warehouse, Inc.
David Ostrom, MCR, CKBR, Collier Ostrom, Inc. Remod. Contractors

2011 REMMIES Winners Showcase

Each month we feature photos of a current REMMIES winner: 

Commercial Interior over 100K

First Place:  Jasper Construction and Design





Member Recruitment Incentive Program

New Member Incentive Program from NARI National


Recruit New NARI Members ~ Reap Real Rewards


How to Participate

Recruit new NARI members to receive cash rewards.  Previous members are considered new only if they have been inactive for over a year.



All active individuals from NARI member companies in good standing have an opportunity to receive cash for recruiting new members.  Honorary Lifetime members are also eligible.


Program Period

Credit will be given for new member dues payments received at NARI National between October 1, 2011 and September 30, 2012, and accompanied by recruiter identifying information.



All recruiters have a chance for rewards depending on the number of new members recruited.


Checks will be made payable to individuals and mailed directly on a quarterly basis as award levels are reached. Chapters will be notified so they may announce at monthly meetings and provide local recognition. The individual with the most new recruits will be awarded an additional $500 and will be presented with a certificate of honor at the Fall House of Delegates meeting.In the case of a tie for the most members recruited, the additional $500 reward would be presented to the individual with the most recruits, whose new-member information and payment arrived at the national office earliest.


A Leader Board will be published on the NARI website on a monthly basis.   (Please Click Here to be Redirected to NARI National)


Recruit # of New Members

Receive Cash




Additional $500


Additional $500


Additional $500

For each additional 5

Additional $500

One individual with the most new recruits at the end of the program year





Executive Director's Corner

Are You Ready to Get Certified?


For a limited time, NARI is providing members a $200 price cut on thJudy Tufo Profile Photoe Certified Remodeler (CR), Certified Remodeling Associate (CRA), and Certified Remodeling Specialist (CRS) exams.   



Was $599 NOW $395! (Members) 

and $799 NOW $595 (Non-Members)  




The CR price cut includes exam fees and study guides only. Participants must sign up before Feb. 29, 2012 and must test by end of May 2012 to receive this special offer.

To prepare for the exam, SFBA NARI would like to offer a Virtual Study Group within our own Chapter, provided there are enough people interested.
We would run the Study Group concurrent with the NARI National schedule and it would include additional fees.  Please see the information below: 
CR/CRA/CRS Virtual Study Group 

starts January 23rd and runs every Monday for 12 weeks.


Virtual study group price for members is $195 and for non-members $295.


If you are interested, please contact me by email ([email protected]) or by calling me at (415) 391-2886.  In order to get this group started, the deadline for contacting me is Monday, January 9, 2012.


Happy Holidays to All! 


Legal Advice Column

Social Media and Non-Disparagement

By Bryant Byrnes, Esq.


[Author's note.  This is an odd article.  Most of my columns discuss issues and then propose solutions.  There doesn't seem to be any easy fixes to the problems discussed here.]


In today's society, we are seeing the huge rise of social media networks - such as Yelp, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, et seq.  It has become an important source of business for many contractors.  However, it can also be problematic, the prime example being when negative comments are posted.  This is commonly known as disparagement.  By its dictionary definition, to "disparage" means to speak poorly of someone or something.  In the more formal legal context "disparagement" often means an injurious and false statement. 


Two examples of recent real world circumstances illustrate the problems.


Example 1.  A contractor contracts with a homeowner for a remodel project.  After execution but prior to the commencement of work, a dispute arises between the parties about the payment schedule.  As he is contractually entitled to do, the job is cancelled by the contractor.  Although no work was actually performed and the contract properly terminated, the homeowner decides to post negative comments about the contractor on Yelp - and he also misstates the facts.  This negative and false comment is the first one seen on the contractor's Yelp site. 


Example 2.  In the midst of working on a project, a dispute arises between the contractor and the client regarding the cost of necessary additional work.  The parties are unable to reach an agreement and therefore discuss a termination of the contract.  But the client threatens to go to Yelp and other social media sites with adverse comments if the contractor does not reduce the remaining balance.


What to Do?  There appears to be no easy solutions to being unfairly (and perhaps falsely) disparaged by a disgruntled client. 


But perhaps one way to avoid this hassle - or at least mitigate it - is to include a "non-disparagement" clause as a part of your home improvement contract (and certainly any termination agreement).  A non-disparagement clause would restrict both parties from saying anything, verbally or written, that negatively impacts the company (or the person), its reputation, management, employees, and/or services.


Also, there does seem to be ways of "cleansing" these social sites once the damage has been done.  Various services, usually for a high price, will help you change and/or remove any negative comments.  I am also told one can for a fee join the social media network itself as a client and thus get preferential treatment with managing negative comments.


#  #  #     


Previous Articles.  For my previous articles, please visit SFBA NARI's website and click on the link "In the News/Newsletter" under "For the Trade."  They are also available on my website under "Articles."  As always, my discussions are summary in nature and intended to simply give the reader a heads up on various topics and issues.   


Bryant H. Byrnes, Esq. practices construction law in the San Francisco Bay Area and is counsel to the SFBA NARI Board of Directors.  Questions?  His website is  Feel free to contact Bryant by email at [email protected]  

BuilderLink Webinars



BuilderLink Webinars




Click Here For A Complete List of Webinars






NARI National Online Courses,

Webinars and Social Media 

NARI Online



Webinars and On-Demand Video 
in live webinars, or watch on-demand from NARI's growing library.

nari webinars




NARI Radio


NARI Radio provides on-the-go education and information, 

and is also available on iTunes.




Explore All NARI Programs, Blogs, YouTube and

 NARI on Facebook and Twitter! 



Click Here for All NARI Education Programs



Build it Green Upcoming Training and Events



For a Complete Listing and Descriptions of Build it Green Trainings and Events for November 2011, please click on the link below:


Click Here - Build it Green Events & Training    

Sponsors' Corner 

Many Thanks To:

Our Club Pro, Hole In One,

Custom and Eagle Sponsors:  



Club Pro Sponsor




Hole In One Sponsors










 Custom Sponsor


Caesarstone Logo 2011


Eagle Sponsor



Thank You for Making The

6th Annual SFBA NARI Golf Tournament

 A Huge Success!