Kateri Update Fall 2011
Pinata Group 2
In This Issue
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Christine Krenzel and Sara Stephenson receive the 2011 Kateri Most Valuable Angel Award
Keep up with the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund with our new blog
Women's Groups Start a Microcredit Fund
September Pledge Campaign
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Kateri Angel 
Kateri Angels make an annual pledge of $100 or more to the General Fund that supports all our work. As we expand our programs we need more Kateri Angels who can make a yearly pledge. We can then set our budget with the assurance that we will have the money that we need. Pledges can be paid monthly, quarterly, or annually. A $25 a monthly pledge adds $300 of support to the Fund.

Think about what you can afford and make a pledge today. Click on Donate Now!

Thank you of your support of our work to empower Indigenous Guatemalans through education and economic development.
Mission: Guatemala Sale Schedule
Coming to a place near you!

September Schedule:


St. Joseph Parish Community
582 Hope Street
Mountain View CA 94041

650 967 3831

9 AM to 2:30 PM

Our First Sale of the Season!
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Kateri Update Fall 2011

Dear Friends of Kateri,  


August is my month to spend in Guatemala working with our staff, Rosa Garcia, Carmela Paz Bal, and Cadelaria Sut, and visiting our projects.  It is a tradition to celebrate all of our birthdays at the August meeting of the scholarship young women.  This year was special for me  as I celebrated the completion (as we say in Guatemala) of 80 years.  It is a milestone for me.  We had a cake, sang the Manzanitas and Happy Birthday, and enjoyed each others' company.  A good time was had by all.


Before I left the U.S., we had our first annual Recognition Brunch and honored two women who have contributed to the Fund since its beginning.  Read more about them below.


There also is more information about the progress of the Women's Development Project led by Candelaria Sut.  It has its ups and downs and we are always adjusting to new circumstances, but the women remain enthusiastic.  See the story below for more details. 

Christine Krenzel and Sara Stephenson receive the 2011 Kateri Most Valuable Angel Award

In July the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund recognized the contributions of Christine Krenzel of Pacifica, California and Sara Stephenson of Lincoln, Nebraska with the 2011 Most Valuable Angel Award. The MVA is awarded annually to outstanding supporters of the Fund. 


Krenzel is the owner of Christine Krenzel, CPA, a Pacifica accounting service. Since 1997, Krenzel has supported the Fund in numerous ways, including preparing and filing the Fund's taxes each year. Her advice setting up and keeping our books has made it possible for the Fund to comply with 501(c)3 requirements. By donating her services for more than 14 years, she has saved the Fund thousands of dollars. This money in turn has been used to award scholarships to indigenous Guatemalan women.


Stephenson, a retired school teacher, met Kay Sweeney, Fund Managing Director, in 1990 when on retreat in Mexico. Stephenson supported Sweeney's work as the Fund developed. When Sweeney returned from Guatemala, Stephenson drove her all over the mid-west, selling the women's handicrafts. Stephenson has been a longtime contributor to the Fund as well; supporting young women on scholarship. At present she is supporting the Women's Development Project.


Two new Board of Director members, Jessica Flores and Sr. Kathleen Curtin, PBVM were installed along with new Board of Director's Chair, Kathy Green.


The Fund also honored, Kathy Bray, a founding Board of Director's member, as she retired from the Board. She was praised for her longtime contribution to the Fund as it has grown from a "seat of the pants" operation to a stable, well organized Fund.


Managing Director Kay Sweeney also enjoyed her 80th birthday and received a card containing the well wishes of all present.

Keep up with the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund

Our new blog features photos, stories and articles from Kateri Fund recipients, the women of Mission: Guatemala, and our volunteers and supporters. Tune in each week to read about the exciting things that former recipients are doing, like Gladys Macario Mux, who is now working for a business, where she buys and sells materials to make elaborate güipiles, or Juana Quiacain Petzey, who is a social advocate in San Pedro La Laguna, or the Kateri Fund's own Rosa Garcia Quina, who does the Fund's bookkeeping.


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Women's Groups Start a Microcredit Fund

In response to our newsletter, "The Mission", we received a donation from Eleanor Oakley for loans for the women in Santa Clara la Laguna, so that they could buy their sewing machines. They all signed contracts for the loans and are paying them back. Candelaria Sut who is in charge of the Women's Development projects and Rosa Garcia, our bookkeeper, are planning a loan program that will start when the sewing machine loans are paid back.  With this new project,  the women will be able to use the pool for loans to help them get started with small businesses or for other purposes that will generate income. One woman already has repaid her loan!


Follow us on Facebook to see pictures of the Women's Group projects like the ADEMNI gardening project, another exciting activity being led by one of the Women's Groups.


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September Pledge Campaign!


This month, we are conducting our annual pledge campaign. In the 2010-11 fiscal year, we were able to maintain scholarships for 20 young Indigenous Guatemalan women, like those you can read about on our blog, one intern, and continue our work in Women's Development though Mission: Guatemala. Our budgeted expenses to pay for these programs for another year total $43,000. We have $30,000 in pledges and other income. We need to raise an additional $13,000 from this pledge campaign to continue these programs. We need your donation now! Click here to Be an Angel and go to our website to donate now. 


Everything is possible with a little help from a friend!



Kay Sweeney, Managing Director
Kateri Tekakwitha Fund/ Mission: Guatemala 
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