Kateri Tekakwitha Fund/ Mission: Guatemala
Most Valuable Angel Award Announced

The Kateri Tekakwitha Fund is a small 501 c (3) non profit organization whose purpose is to empower Guatemalans, especially women, through education as well as income producing activities 

Most Valuable Angel Award 2009-10

Monica Olsen and Kathy Green

MVA award Kathy G and Monica

  At its annual retreat May 15 & 16, the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund gave its first annual Most Valuable Angel award to Kathy Green, member of the Board of Director in charge of development.  Kathy has worked untiringly over the year to raise funds to support the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund's work in Guatemala to provide scholarships for young indigenous women. The young women are able to better their lives through this education.  It not only affects their lives, but also the lives of the next generation when they marry and teach their own children.  
   The Fund also provides services for
the older women involved in Mission: Guatemala whose crafts they have been selling for more than 12 years.  Candalaria Sut, KT's staff in Guatemala facilitates needs assessments with the groups and helps the womne find ways to fill the needs that they identify.
    As well as Kathy, the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund recognized Monica Olsen, a founding Board member, whi is leaving the Board of Directors this year.  
 Monica has been a strong supporter of the scholarship program and will continue to serve on the Fund's scholarship committee where her knowledge of the Fund will be a great asset.



  New Board Members Sought

  Kateri Tekakawitha Fund announces openings for two new Board members.  Board members serve  three year terms.  Their job is to guide and support the work of the Fund in Guatemala.  At this time, the Fund is especially recruiting  those who have expertise in non-profit finance or technology.  Those who have a connection to Guatemala are also asked to consider  applying.  The deadline for applications for 2010-11 is July 1, 2010, but applications are always accepted so that there will be applicants available when there is an opening.  Contact Kay Sweeney, Managing Director for further information and an application.
 Board at Retreat 2010
Board Members: Standing- Linda Wheeler, Kathy Bray, and Chris Galvez.  Seated- Kay Sweeney, Monica Olsen, Kathy Green
Coming Soon
Giant Garage Sale
Save the dates
June 26 & 27
 9 am to 4pm 
Drop off items for sale at the Fund Office
830 Rosita Road.
In the little building at the eastside of Linda Mar School
Call 650 557 1591 for more information. 
Everything is possible with a little help from a friend!
 Thank you to all our friends especially our Kateri Angels!
Contact Kay Sweeney, Managing Director
Phone: 650 557 1591
for a Board application or more information about the Fund.
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