NSA Virginia

NSA Communicator

A Newsletter for Members of NSA Virginia

September 2012

In This Issue
Presidents Remarks
Excelerate Your Speaking Business
NSA VA Notables
NSA VA Notables
Tools of the Trade
Did You KNOW?
New Member Spotlight
Save the Date: Upcoming Events
2013 NSA Virginia Board
Quick Links


Newsletter Coordinator:

We appreciate any comments, article submissions and other ideas.

This Month in NSA Virginia:

"Communicating Client Return on Investment When they Hire YOU"
Speaker: Chris Clarke-Epstein


 If a meeting planner asked you-"What do you do in your programs to ensure ROA and can you prove it?"-would you have an answer? Have you noticed that in any meeting or training magazine they'll be an article about the importance of proving ROA? Do you know what ROA actually means in the meetings world? After this meeting, you will have answers to all three questions.


 More than ever, speakers are being asked to explain their content and methodologies, while justifying their fees. Increasingly, speaking the language of ROA and knowing how to deliver on a ROA promise will allow you to differentiate yourself in the marketplace. During this interactive session, you'll not only learn the ins and outs of the meeting industry version of ROA, you'll have the opportunity to put ROA into your speaking and your business process.


Early Bird Deadline is September 14th! Click HERE to register NOW





Presidents Remarks:

Our 2012-13 year for NSA Virginia is off to a great start! We had awesome attendance, interaction and networking going on at our August 17 first meeting of the new year. We are in high gear promoting and enrolling our 2012-13 Pro Track class which will meet for the first time this year at our September 21st meeting at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel at the Richmond Airport. Who do you know who could benefit from Pro Track? We all know someone who could benefit. Make sure that you introduce those people in your life to one of the greatest gifts our chapter offers. Pro Track enrollment translates into career success for people. Invite someone you know to attend our next meeting and consider Pro Track! Gloria Thomas is going to rock their world at the first meeting that takes place immediately after our September 21 workshop. Don't let them miss it!



Thanks to the efforts of Joan Bowling, we have a great workshop date reminder tool this year. Joan distributed business card-sized reminders to our members and guests at the last workshop. If you did not get yours, let me know and we'll make sure you get one for yourself and some to give to friends at the next workshop.



NSA Va. sponsorship opportunities are now available to our members as well as outside vendors thanks to the work of Liz Garrett. For just $150, it is possible to have your company message and logo projected on the wall at our workshops and have an enthusiastic promotion presented to our attendees by one of our board members as well as putting your company materials on tables and have a display table in the room as well as other perks. This is a huge value to our members who will learn about services useful to them or promote their businesses.



If you've ever been on the NSA national website or attended a national convention, you've heard about PEG's. A PEG is a professional enrichment group. We are starting such our first PEG at NSA Va. We are calling it the Entertainment Peg. The Entertainment Peg is a post Pro Track experience for our members who have either graduated from Pro Track or who are national members. The Entertainment PEG will meet for lunch after our meetings starting in September. The Entertainment PEG is a PEG dedicated to the things we do to entertain our audiences using story telling, humor, drama and other techniques. The Entertainment PEG will provide participants a peer group where they can share work in progress and even demonstrate their work. Interested in joining the Entertainment PEG after the September 21 meeting? Just click on the Entertainment PEG icon at registration. Participation in this PEG is $5 per meeting (which you pay at registration) plus the cost of your lunch which you will pay directly to the restaurant.


Thank you for telling your friends about NSA Va. We had a record number of guests at the August meeting. We are keeping track of visitors and who sent them. There will be a prize at the end of the year for the NSA Va. member who inspires the highest number of new guests to attend our workshops.


Additional things we are doing at NSA Va. to spread the word about our organization is to reach out to other organizations who might have interests in common with us. We are reaching out to universities in towns where we meet and to Toastmasters. What other organizations do you recommend? Let me know, I'd love to hear from you!



Pam Rambo, Ed.D

NSA Va. President 2012-13


Allow ProTrack To Raise You Up To New Heights!

Class of 2013 is filling fast and starts on September 21st.


"ProTrack launched my business.  It was exciting to be in a class with educators, authors, stock brokers, healthcare professionals, insurance executives and leaders from other professions all of whom were interested in achieving excellence in their fields.  It created incredible synergy.  Expert instructors helped us move to our most authentic selves and cultivate amazing messages."

- Pam Rambo, President NSA Virginia


Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Executive, Leader, Entrepreneur, and those of us just seeking excellence in our lives ... NSA Virginia is excited and pleased to offer the ProTrack Speaking Academy to its members. Challenge yourself to be launched in a manner that is consistent with Pam Rambo's experience!


The ProTrack experience for 2013 begins with Gloria Thomas on September 21st and her program - "Topic Development - Dig Deeper to Find the Magic", an exercise in self discovery and understanding. Imagine this, as Gloria states, the most boring speaker, in terms of platform skills, can prove fascinating and memorable - when delivering exciting, interesting, and unique content!


The value of the ProTrack series extends beyond the actual class time of 1:00 to 4:00 on the afternoon of the regular NSA monthly program. The series lasts for 10 months and concludes in June of 2013 with the Virginia Idol speaking contest and some really cool prizes. Lunch prior to the afternoon session is included and fair warning, it is a working lunch. Additionally, ProTrack members receive a $22 discount on the morning program. And we have not even talked about the value of access to the NSA Virginia members and of membership itself!!!


We invite you to visit http://www.nsavirginia.org/ to learn more about NSA Virginia and the ProTrack Speaking Academy, and to sign up. Please contact Winston Bersch at 757-273-7371 or winston.bersch@cox.net for a conversation around ProTrack and how the Speaking Academy may benefit you!


2013 ProTrack Registration Form

Take advantage of limited opportunity to sponsor an NSA Virginia Workshop

Do you have what other speakers need? This may interest you...


NSA Virginia is pleased to announce a new program to increase value to workshop attendees and enhance members' resources. NSA members are hearing it here first, but this opportunity will soon be offered to a wider audience. Because of the low introductory price of only $150 and limited number of sponsor slots, this opportunity is expected to be available for only a short period. If you are interested, act now! Email administrator@nsavirginia.org.


Workshop Sponsor benefits include:

  • Two (noncompeting) per event
  • exclusive right to put promotional materials and giveaways on guest tables in addition to speaker and NSA materials
  • logo or company name projected on screen at meeting
  • logo or company name published on email invitation and reminders, as well as event page of website
  • sponsor receives 1 registration to workshop and display table at the event
  • sponsor representative to be recognized at meeting (with introduction they provide)
  • Can provide short article in newsletter (2 to 3 paragraphs)

Indicate your preference for Meeting Dates and Cities and we will try to accommodate (first come, first served).



19-Oct-12, Williamsburg, A Funny Thing Happened to Me on the Way to the Podium, NSA Virginia All Stars Featuring Humorists Hope Mihalap, Jerry Teplitz and Harold Wood  SOLD OUT!

16-Nov-12, Norfolk, Getting Better Faster Using Speaking Secrets of the Champions, Ed Tate, CSP

14-Dec-12, Williamsburg, Holiday Party (Members Only!)

18-Jan-13, Richmond, Speaking of Books, Blogs and Business, Monica Wofford, CSPOne Spot Available

15-Feb-13, Williamsburg, Putting Polish and Pizzazz in Your Next Presentation, Patrick Donadio, CSP

15-Mar-13, Norfolk, Speak Softly and Carry a Big Schitck, Mikki Williams, CSP

19-Apr-13, Richmond, So You Think You Can Speak NSA VA Competition, (Members Only!)

17-May-13, Williamsburg, Grow Your Business with the Growth Expert, Ed Robinson, CSP

21-Jun-13, Norfolk, Do it Well, Make it Fun and Laugh All the Way to the Bank, Ron Culberson, CSP and NSA President One Spot Available


Dave Miles Book JacketNSA Virginia Notables


By Pam Rambo


Dave Miles has a book coming out in the next month: Keeping Your Best Onboard: Guidelines to hiring and retaining top talent.  Covering topics ranging from strategic planning, Culture & Values; job design; leadership & management; human resource development; advancement, rewards, & compensation; to performance & recognition - this book looks to give the organizational leader, manager, and human resource professional a timely resource for the challenges of retaining top talent.  It starts with hiring well, hinges on the relationship between employees and the organization, and continues long-term with a good work/life balance.  This book seeks to point professionals in the right direction in order to 'Keep Your Best Onboard'.  

NSA Virginia September Workshop Sponsors:

Barb Upchurch, Relayfoods   

What is Relayfoods.com?

Relay is the online grocery store where you'll find stuff you need from the best local stores, restaurants, and farms from right in your own neighborhood. We've partnered with folks you already know to provide all your grocery shopping needs-from basics, to specialty foods, to local produce, to... you name it!  We operate local markets in Richmond, Charlottesville, DC, Baltimore and Philadelphia.


At Relay, the discoveries are one click away. Shop by your favorite vendor, shop by aisle, or use the search engine for a quick in-and-out. With Relay you find just what you need and discover more than you knew.

How Do I Relay?

Easy. Add items to your cart, check out with a credit card, and pick-up your order free at a location convenient to you-or have it delivered to your home or office.

Why Relay?

Save time, save your community, save the planet! With Relay, you support area shops and farms-keeping dollars local. You drive less, so the earth is happier. By not driving all over town, well, you're happier. Simple!

Relay has fundraising programs for both PTA's and non-profit organizations.  We sponsor events around town and have partnerships with many different companies to make their employees lives easier! 


For more information about Relay and the programs we offer, contact barb@relayfoods.com, or shop online at www.relayfoods.com


Jim Gordon Head shotCaptain Jim Gordon of Successful Life Sailing:

working with women leaders who want a proven system that insures their success


Navigating the waters of life may be tricky and full of perils. Shoals and rocks can slow you, becalming a career. Eddies and flood tides may turn relationships muddy and murky. Even a person who feels she is moving full speed ahead may feel unfulfilled, knowing she could be the Best professionally and personally..


Captain Jim Gordon has taken the pain out of the game.


With his proven thirty-day Success Program, a leader taps into the power within.

You can reap a personal harvest as abundant as from the sea. Inner strength, new levels of income, and improved personal image are a few proven and dramatic bounties.


Sail from your safe harbor to ports of beauty and personal adventure with

Captain Jim Gordon, the Master Empowerment Creator for Women Executives.







Tools of the Trade  

By Dave Miles


     The April 2012 edition of Speaker magazine highlighted doing business with the 'World's Largest Consumer' - the United States Federal Government. The author was NSA Va. member Dona Storey who is the CEO and President of Quality Technical Services Inc.

      She recommended going to www.gsaelibrary.gsa.gov and typing in 'keynote speaker' in the search box to see some of the opportunities that exist within the federal government. According to the article, in 2011, $5.1 billion was spent nationwide on training, consulting, and coaching services by Uncle Sam.

The question is - Have you ever wondered how to sell your speaking, training, or consulting services to the federal, state, or local government? There is a program here in Virginia that may make this entire process just a little less daunting for all of us.

     I was recently told about this program through George Mason University that may help in the process called PTAC. The not-for-profit Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAC) is a statewide program serving businesses in the Commonwealth of Virginia, interested in doing business with Federal, state or local government. Dona Storey is a frequent trainer at PTAC.

They offer technical consulting, one-on-one counseling, marketing/bid-match service, educational seminars, market research, and a resource/reference library. Headquartered in Fairfax, they have locations in Central Virginia (www.CVPTAC.org) and Hampton Roads (www.HRPTAC.org).

     They exist to increase contracting activity between small businesses, prime government contractors and the federal government and according to their site, their mission is to:

  • To generate employment and improve the general economy of a locality by assisting business firms in obtaining and performing under DoD (Department of Defense), other federal agencies, and state and local government contracts; 
  • To expand the industrial base of the DoD and other federal agencies; to provide a link between the federal government, major prime contractors, and small businesses; 
  • To provide technical assistance to small businesses interested in federal, state and local government contracting; 
  • To apply George Mason University resources to improve the business climate and economic development in local communities.

     With the large amount of local, state, and federal agencies within Virginia, this is a good opportunity for NSA-Virginia members to look into for resources in helping grow their business. We are so proud to have Dona Storey as a member and resource at NSA Va.

      Visit either www.CVPTAC.org or www.HRPTAC.org for more information and check out the NSA Speaker magazine article (April 2012) at www.NSASpeaker.org.




Did You KNOW?   

By Dave Miles



     Did you know that our own Dr. John Lewis has volunteered this year to assist the board in drafting a strategic plan for NSA-Virginia? We would like to thank John for taking time out of his schedule to help with this process.

Over the next few months, we would also like to let everyone know a little bit more about what strategic planning is, the process, and why this is will help build a stronger organization over the long run. This month we will highlight what a strategic plan is.

     Strategic planning for any organization is a process for defining the direction that it wants to go (its strategy). Based on that strategy, the organization makes decisions and directs its time, talent, and treasure to best accomplish those goals.

According to the Strategic Management Journal, there are normally three questions that are answered in whole or part by a strategic plan:

  1. "What do we do?"
  2. "For whom do we do it?"
  3. "How do we excel?"

     Typically, strategic planning involves forecasting and planning 3-5 years out, but can go as far as 10, 15, or 20 years out.

     Strategic plans most often involve things that we are all familiar with in some fashion, vision statements, mission statements, our values as an organization, and our strategy... the end goal. Although there are many, many ways to analyze and accomplish strategic planning and forecasting, one of the more familiar methods is by conducting a S.W.O.T. analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats.

     Next month we will discuss why the strategic planning process in important to us as an organization and fill you in on the progress of our strategic plan as details become available. Once again, thanks to John Lewis, Ed.D. (www.ExplanationAge.com) for spearheading this process for us this year. Go NSA-Virginia!


New Member Spotlight on Bill Holland 

By Pam Rambo



            New NSA Virginia member Bill Holland is affectionately known as The Right  Job Guy-a well-deserved moniker. As the owner of R. William Holland Consulting, he offers clients the opportunity to learn how to navigate the path to career survival and prosperity through individual job search counseling, job search workshops and the funniest and most inspiring key note addresses you have ever heard. What people like to say about Bill is that "he gets it."


            NSA Virginia is glad to have gotten Bill who attended his first meeting August 17, 2012 and discovered that he had found a group of kindred spirits. Armed with a PhD in political science from Michigan State University, his career has included significant value-added accomplishments as a scholar athlete, senior business executive and entrepreneur. He makes good use of the successful teaching style he developed at Michigan State U's distinguished James Madison College and the University of California to teach people how to operate in the new job market. He appears regularly on radio and TV programs including NPR's Talk of the Nation, Squawk Box, Heard on the Street, and WHRO's Hear-say.  


            Bill has a wealth of experience in human resources including Executive Vice President at Right Management, Inc. (a global human resources consulting and career transition company with annual sales of 500M), Chief Human Resources Officer at Meridian Bank, the University of Pennsylvania and the Business Process Outsourcing Division of Accenture (Andersen Consulting). He also held senior HR positions at Chase Manhattan Bank, Charles Schwab and PepsiCo..


            Like many of our members, Bill is an accomplished author. In 2006 he published the first in a series of three books on career management, Are There Any Good Jobs Left? Career Management in the Age of the Disposable Worker (Praeger)--Chosen by The Miami Herald and San Jose Mercury News as one of the top 10 business books written that year. His second, (Cracking the New Job Market: The 7 Rules for Getting Hired in Any Economy AMACOM, July, 20110 features a foreword by Barbara Ehreinreich, author of best-selling books Nickel and Dimed and Bait and Switch. Bill's next book, Career Ready at Graduation: Advice for Parents with College-aged Children (working title) is in progress. Welcome Bill at our next meeting. He is a resident of Williamsburg and can be reached at bholland123@gmail.com.

  • 10.19.2012 8am-Noon A Funny Thing Happened to me on the Way to the Podium.  Crowne Plaza Williamsburg At Fort Magruder, Williamsburg VA
  • 11.16.12 8am-Noon Getting Better Faster Using Speaking Secrets of the Champions. Holiday Inn Norfolk Airport, Norfolk VA

       Please note: As we strive to have the highest caliber of speakers, with that comes last-minute changes at times. Therefore, speakers and topics are subject to change. Watch your email for details on these meetings. Registrations for these workshops will be open soon! 


View Photos From Past NSA Virginia Workshops 

2012 - 2013 Officers and Executive Board


President- Pam Rambo
President-Elect- Jim Gordon
Immediate Past President- Coleen Kenny

Vice President- Ron Chapman
Secretary- Nancy Giere

Treasurer- Shirley T. Burke

Member at Large- Gloria Thomas

Member at Large for Planning- John Lewis



 Chapter Growth:

Membership Chair- Joan Bowling
Hampton Roads Liaison- Cathy Lewis

Richmond Liaison- Barb Upchurch

Peninsula Liaison- Lori Hobson

Sponsorship- Liz Garrett
Publicity- Dave Miles

   Member Education:

ProTrack- Winston Bersch
Newsletter- Jayme Miles

Librarian- Kittygayle McMoon


CLICK HERE to VIEW their profiles and see contact information on the NSA Virginia Website.