NSA Virginia

The Communicator

A Newsletter for Members of NSA-VA

September 2011

In This Issue
September Meeting
Save the Date!
What's So Great About National?
Lending Library
Platform Presence
Quick Links



Newsletter Coordinator:

We appreciate any comments, article submissions and other ideas.

Dear NSA-Virginia Chapter,

    I hope you were with us August 19 when Bill StaintonColleen helped us kick off our 2011-2012 season with "What I Learned from Winning 29 Emmys that Every Speaker Needs to Know." The room was full and we welcomed several new faces, some of whom we'll be introducing as new chapter affiliates at the September meeting.

     Besides Bill's energetic and applicable presentation, the meetings, greetings, reunions, and even the business of the day were upbeat. I witnessed lots of hugs and handshakes among seasoned members and our visitors; I don't think anyone had a chance to feel alone, and that's one of the things I love most about our chapter.

     Another focus of the meeting was not only what's great about our chapter, but also "What's Great About National" facilitated by our Chapter Champion Mary Foley. In addition to personal insight from recent convention attendees, I also shared that the day's presenter, Bill Stainton, stepped up at the last minute to cover the originally scheduled speaker who'd undergone surgery. The spirit of camaraderie is alive and well at NSA.

     So as we move into the fall season, I encourage you to check the website for upcoming programs. Jay Speyerer, Immediate Past President of NSA-Pittsburgh, will be presenting "Writing for the Page and Stage." Whether you're interested in learning how to create your speech on paper before your event, blogging to market yourself, or turning your knowledge into a book, this is the event for you! (Be sure to invite any writer or speaker friends as well!)

     See you September 30!


Coleen Kenny

President, NSA-Virginia

Dances With Words: Writing for Page and Stage 


     Join NSA-Virginia as we welcome our Friday, September 30th speaker, Jay Speyerer, Immediate Past President NSA-Pittsburgh. For over three decades, Jay has helped business leaders and speakers put on their "platform shoes" to create more effective communications, both on stage and off.   

     The Hilton Norfolk Airport will be our host venue for this wonderful morning presentation. During this presentation you will learn how to:

  • Use the techniques of image control through body language that sends the right message
  • Craft the finer points of story structure, description and dialogue
  • Learn the right way to self-publish
  • Incorporate proofreading secrets for the written word
  • Compose for both the page and the stage

     Find out how writer, speaker, author and educator, Jay Speyerer has been successfully helping people achieve their goals in memoir writing, email issues, cross-cultural communication and presentation skills.


Click here to register now!


Save the Date!


     Be sure to mark your calendars for our upcoming top-quality meetings. You won't want to miss any of these events:

  • Friday, October 28 - Scheduled speaker: Michel Neray
  • Friday, November 11 - Scheduled speaker: Todd Cohen 
  • Friday, December 9 - Mastermind Session - Location TBA

      Please note: As we strive to have the highest caliber of speakers, with that comes last-minute changes at times. Therefore, speakers and topics are subject to change. Watch your email for details on these meetings. Click here to view details about these events.


What's So Great About NSA National?

Submitted by Mary Foley


     What you're about to read is a new, monthly column in the NSA-VA newsletter about what's so great about the National Speaker's Association (NSA), the leading organization for speakers since 1971, and how everyone at NSA VA can benefit. Expect to find info and tips to help you be a better speaker, no matter your level.

     First things first. You might be wondering "What's the difference between NSA-VA and NSA? Aren't they one in the same?" Well, yes and no. Yes, both organizations exist to help speakers grow and improve. However, anyone who wants to improve their speaking skills or learn about the profession can join NSA VA, while becoming a member of the national organization involves meeting certain qualifications.

     At NSA-VA, "Affiliates" are people who are actively pursuing knowledge and expertise in the field of speaking but have not reached or applied for NSA membership. NSA-VA members who have qualified for and become NSA national members arecalled simply "Members." You can quickly identify national members by their gold plated name badge at NSA VA meetings. (NSA-VA has 3 other membership categories, too - Emeritus Member, Bureau Participant, and Service/Supply Participant.)

     NSA membership does have education, networking, and economic privileges! Some you'll want badly and others may not mean as much, but there are so many that we can't list them all here. Click here to get the full list of NSA national membership benefits. 

     Who knows, you may qualify for one of the three options for NSA national membership without even knowing it (or be real, real close)! Why not find out by clicking here


New CDs in the NSA Lending Library

  • Glenna Salsbury, CSP, CPAE: The Essence of Presence . . .How to Harness the Authentic You -Opening General Session NSA Convention 2011
  • Lou Heckler, CSP, CPAE: How Do You Catch Success? - General Session NSA Convention 2011
  • Crafting a "Killer" Keynote, Hosted by Nido Qubein, CSP, CPAE; Panel: Glenna Salsbury, Lou Heckler, Ken Dychtwald, Kyle Maynard - General Session - Master Class NSA Convention 2011

Please see Jim Gordon for details.

Platform Presence 


     Congratulations to the 2011 ProTrack graduates on their outstanding presentations at the June "Virginia Idol" competition.  Not only did they get the diploma, they got the job! Here's where they will take the platform on their Fall 2011 speaking engagements:

  • Lisette Johnson - MCV Patient Advocates, September 2011 and in October at the Crossroads Art Center
  • Joan Bowling - NACE/Richmond, September 2011
  • Nancy Giere - US Coast Guard Human Performance Conference, September 2011; Williamsburg Area Learning Tree, October 2011; and Peninsula Glass Guild, October 2011; and HBW/Richmond, October 2011
  • John Lewis - Ignite at Virginia Beach Convention Center, October 2011


2011 ProTrack Graduates

A High Tide Raises All Ships

Submitted by Jim Gordon


And so it was at the National Convention.

Many ships (speakers experienced & new)

Rising together in a tide of Positivity & Friendship.


My intuition led me to Lisa Jimenez & her session

     Creating Extraordinary Experiences

In a packed room, Lisa began Boldly

       Her first exercise:

Write: What lights you up?

             What are your passions? (3 items)

Next: 60 seconds of Silence

       (to receive your Next Step)


Miracles happened in that room, including mine

   A transformation for my speaking business

       (Captain Jim's Sailing Adventures)

               More to come on that program


The result of attending the National Convention

Was so powerful that Alison & I are

already planning the road trip to Indianapolis

   for next summer's Convention.


The High Tide awakens our Sense of Belonging -

       Our Can-Do Attitude

And gives us the tools to rise

To our True Potential!!