NSA-VA Logo 
For Experts Who Want to Speak to Be Heard!
Professionally Speaking
 "Professionally Speaking"
is NSA-Virginia's Monthly Newsletter
July 2009
Newsletter Editor
Charlyne Meinhard

Join us

August 7, 2009
at the Willow Oaks Country Club* in Richmond
for a great program plus lunch!
Register online:
Aug. 1
 September Program
September 18, 2009
Greenbrier Country Club in Chesapeake
 Register by
Sept. 11


It's All Here
Save The Dates
August Program
Hooray "NSA Idol" Contestants
From Our President....
Save The Dates

Friday, 9-18-09 
Media Skills for Professional Speakers
Chesapeake, VA

Friday, 10-16-09
How to Develop Stories for Client-Centered Speaking
Richmond, VA

Friday, 11-13-09 Speakonomics!
Richmond, VA 

Monday, 11-16-09
NSA Fall Conference 
Phoenix, AZ

Saturday, 12-12-09
I Made a Half-Million Dollars in 1 year in the Speaking Profession 
Chesapeake, VA 


Looking to Catapult Your Career?
You have NO IDEA how much you can grow in your speaking and presenting ability until you JOIN PRO TRACK.  
Now Forming--
 2009-2010 Pro Track Speaking Development Program
Click below to get your application in now!
What You'll Get--
You'll have monthly opportunities to develop your speaking skills and will gain valuable techniques and coaching from peers and experts.
Note:  over the three years that Pro Track has been in existance, ten ProTrack grads have qualified for NSA National membership, accelerating their speaking careers!

Downloadable application: 
Click on "Pro Track" button on left menu of Homepage 
Log into the "Catapult Your Career" post and click the link to apply.

Kudos & Kazoos!
Cathy Lewis gave the commencement address at Virginia Wesleyan College on May 16 and was awarded an honorary doctorate in humane letters. 
Congratulations, Cathy!
Dorothy Erlanger put together an OUTSTANDING YEAR of programs and speakers for NSA Virginia in 2008-2009.
Thank you, Dorothy!
We thank our Sponsor-- 
The Hampton Roads Business Journal  

Quick Links
Register Now to Attend!
Phil Van HooserAUGUST PROGRAM: 8-7-09
*Change of Location in Richmond

How to Re-Think,
Re-Position and Re-Tool
Your Way to Speaking Success
Common Sense Thinking 
Regarding Uncommon Business Practices
That May Help Grow Your Business and
Possibly Make (or Save) You Gobs of Cash
in the Process
Presented by: Phillip Van Hooser, 
*Location:   Willow Oaks Country Club,  6228 Forest Hill Ave, Richmond, 23225

Can you challenge the conventional wisdom and thrive?
"You bet!" says Phillip Van Hooser.
On August 7, you'll learn why Phil says... 
  • Taking any speech for any fee on your topic may serve to raise your fees...and bottom line.
  • Negotiating your fees can sometimes be a good thing. 
  • Bigger (as in staff, offices and inventory) is not always better.
  • Creating products could be a really lousy idea.
  • Hiring a speech coach could hurt, not help, your performance.
  • Paying big bucks for product development is just plain crazy.
  • Letting clients go can get you more income.
  • Refusing referral fees can result in even more business
  • Working with speakers bureaus may stunt your professional growth.
  • Missing family birthdays, dance recitals and ballgames may make you a better parent.
Maybe you don't consider yourself a contrarian, but you occasionally find that some common "wisdom" touted by speaking, training and consulting self-proclaimed "gurus" just doesn't fit your personal business model.
Maybe you want to grow your business, serve your clients better, get more repeat and referral business and sell more products, but you're just not sure how to make it all happen.
Maybe you want to rethink and retool your business practices, but you're fearful of sacrificing where you are to get where you could be.
If any of these statements rings true with you, our guest for this session will help you see a different perspective that might help you generate more profits, passion and personal satisfaction from your work. 

More reasons you'll want to meet Phil: 

Phillip Van Hooser has created a thriving 21+ year business, a solid bottom line...and healthy family relationships.
Phil will serve NSA's membership as its national President during 2009-2010. 
 In 1993, Phil earned the Certified Speaking Professional designation and in 2006, Phil was inducted into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame.  Phil has been a member of the National Speakers Association since 1988.
Since 1988, Phillip Van Hooser has spoken, written, coached and consulted on leadership and service professionalism issues with groups and organizations around the globe.   As a professional speaker and trainer, Phil has addressed more than 2,800 audiences and has spent more than 8,500 hours-on stage! 
As a successful business author, Phil's unique perspective and expertise have been published in numerous trade journals and publications including Investors Business Daily. Additionally, Phillip Van Hooser is the author of three books: 
  You're Joe's Boy Ain't Ya? Life's Lessons for Living, Loving and Leading;
         �   It Takes More Than Guts;
         �   And his best-seller, Willie's Way: 6 Secrets for Wooing, Wowing and Winning Customers and Their Loyalty 

By way of pertinent content, masterful storytelling and real-world applications, Phillip Van Hooser's audiences experience tried and true leadership and service professionalism lessons drawn from the real world - ideas that can be enjoyed, embraced and easily transferred to current business circumstances to create immediate results.

For more info on Phil and his business, visit:  www.vanhooser.com


Hooray "NSA Idol" Contestants & Winners!
By Charlyne Meinhard
June 19, 2009, Chesapeake, VA--Brains drained, nerves shot, and voices hushed, we sit and wait for the vote tabulations, the judges' deliberation, and the naming of the winners of the third annual NSA Idol Contest. 
We had lived each moment with each presenter, knowing full well that it was their preparation and their presentation that was on view--not ours.  But we FELT for them, as if we were in their place!
We were fortunate to be in the audience, fellow NSA members, as all eight ProTrack-ers who presented to us had masterfully accomplished their mission.  They enlighted and enthused us with their topics, and they endured the tension of the spotlight for our benefit. 
Less brave than they, we sit here now, reflecting on the best deal of the day:  we got to learn while they got to sweat!  Is it even possible to vote, to compare? 
Each person has poured out his experience, her expertise--each with a story that has moved us in his/her own way. Each stepped into position and spoke from a full heart:
  • Ramsey Williams
  • Coleen Kenny
  • Yvonne Ortega
  • Melissa Simmons
  • Debbie Bowie
  • Amy Harden
  • Winston Bersch
  • Mary Lee Hardcastle

From their honesty, we learned authenticity.  From their life lessons, we learned courage.   From Doris, Tom, and Darren Le Croix's feedback we learned concepts that we can apply to our own speaking. 

"Not quite fair that I learned so much," I am thinking.  "I wasn't even up there."
The judges return to the room.  The impossible has been done--the winners have been selected.  Sandy Dumont, "Dynamic Dean" and convener of this year's Pro Track, beams with major mentor-ly pride as she announces:
  • 4th Place Winner--Yvonne Orgtega!
  • 3rd PlaceWinner--Winston Bersch!
  • 2nd Place Winner--Coleen Kenny!
  • 1st Place Winner--Debbie Bowie!
Fabulous Prizes!  Awesome Accomplishments! Great Learning for All! 
To NSA Idol Contestants and Winners:  Congratulations to all of you!  You are all winners!  You made it a winning day for everyone there.  Our best encouragement goes to you as you advance in your professional speaking career.
p.s.--To Debbie Bowie, 1st Place Winner:  You'll be glad to know that your story about your Feng Shui client motivated me to purge my office of ten years of business files.  But I'm still working on it after four weeks.....!?....Charlyne
We welcome Tom Davidson as he steps up to President for 2009-2010
From Our President....
What a great chapter of the National Speakers Association we have!  NSA Virginia is the most vibrant and growing chapter of its kind in the Nation. 
This is the place for you, speaker and business person, to find community, knowledge and continuous improvement. Whether you are a coach, consultant, trainer, sales professional, business owner, author or executive, you'll find NSA Virginia to be one of the most valuable professional organizations in the region.  
In this economy, no one is joining organizations like this just for the fun of it - though we certainly do have plenty of entertainment.  Business people are looking for value for every dollar, and at NSA Virginia, that means learning, networking, and building our businesses faster and smarter.
 To do that, we meet regularly and enjoy content-rich events that feature world-class programs by the best in the business.  A trip from any part of Virginia or North Carolina will be worth the effort to take advantage of these exceptional programs. 
We also invite guests from every profession who require expertise, eloquence, ethics and enterprise skills.  I think of it as "the crossroads" for every professional who needs to:
     1.  Build and maintain the core skills of a speaking business (or a business that includes speaking).
     2.  Access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs and business leaders.
     3.  Stay up to date with the latest trends, techniques, and technologies of the world's best speaking professionals.
I'm sure you will quickly see that NSA Virginia is your new home base for professional development, business development, and fun!  Sign up now for our next meeting, and I will look forward to seeing you there.
Warm regards,
Tom  Davidson


Got Some News? Like To Write?
Want a Byline? 
Send your news item or an idea for an article to:
call Charlyne at 804-382-5054