NSA Virginia Newsletter
NSA Virginia Rocks Oct 2007
In This Issue
Coming Attractions
Article Headline
Sam Horn
New Benefit for Members
Member News

Quick Links
Dona Storey  is looking for a literary agent that has good relations with some of the publishers of the currents affairs genre for books.
If you have a recommendation for Dona, please contact her at
757.490.4710 or
Visitors are always welcome
Advance Registration is appreciated
Join us October 12  in Richmond  for a great program featuring  Sam Horn
Visitors are always welcome
Join us at the August 10th meeting in Norfolk for a great event. 

October 12
   Sam Horn
   in Richmond
November 9
   Annette         DeBrouillette
   in Richmond
December 7
   Tom Antion
    in Hampton Roads
January 18
    Ron Culberson
    in Richmond
March 28
    Glenna Salsbury
    in Hampton Roads
June 20
     Darren LaCroix
     in Richmond
   (back by popular
   demand to judge
   NSA Idol Contest)

speaker for the
NSA Virginia meeting on March 28, 2008
will hold an intensive workshop in Norfolk at the Tazewell Hotel
245 Granby Street
Norfolk, VA 23510
beginning Friday night March 28 and ending at noon on March 30, 2008
Limited to 12 persons
for more information contact Glenna at
1-480-483-7732 or ISpeak4u@aol.com
of changes in mailing address or membership status
ARE YOU ONE OF MANY OR ONE OF A KIND?http://maillist.c.topica.com/maahBJ2abAQXVb9BSy7e/

 Will give you 8 Fun, Innovative Ways to POP! Out and Become a Topic Expert, Best-selling Author, and Go-To Media Resource

Register now at www.nsavirginia.org under Event Calendar

 There are literally thousands of speakers, trainers, consultants and authors on various topics  What are you saying that's different? What are you offering that distinguishes you from others in your field? Why would meeting planners, media, and potential clients choose you over your competitors?

 The premise of this program is that Jerry Garcia was right when he said, "It's not enough to be the best at what you do; you must be perceived as the only one who does what you do."   Are you thinking, "Easier said than done?"

Thankfully, with Sam Horn's critically acclaimed POP! Process, you'll learn how to generate Purposeful, Original, Pithy, never-before-seen-or-heard topics, titles, techniques, and brands that position you as the #1 resource in your area of expertise. Ms. Horn will provide real-life ideas you can use right away to make quantum leaps that catapult your success.   

Bring plenty of paper.  This will be a hands-on workshop in which you'll immediately apply what you're learning to your business, brand, book, presentations, blog, website, articles, and business. Plus, three lucky participants will have a "Hot Seat" opportunity to brainstorm their priority project and receive feedback from Sam and the group. 

Sam Horn, is the author of such best-selling books as POP! Stand Out in Any Crowd, Tongue Fu!, What's Holding You Back, ConZentrate, and Take the Bully by the Horns
 Her impressive client list includes NASA, Hewlett-Packard, Fortune 500 Forum, Boeing, and American Society of Association Executives. Her work has been sold around the world and featured in hundreds of publications including Investors Business Daily, Entrepreneur, and Readers Digest.


If you are a member of NSA Virginia, you are now also a member of the first official virtual NSA chapter in existence, Virtual New York NSA (www.nynsa.org).  The new virtual chapter came into existence to overcome the problem this group was having in serving a large geography with many speakers.  Their solution-a virtual chapter-opened the doors to NSA members across New York and the rest of the country, and the NSA Virginia Board recently took advantage of this opportunity on your behalf. 


NSA Virginia has purchased a group membership for $10 per person, a significant discount from the usual $25 per person rate.  While this is for a trial one-year period beginning in September, it immediately benefits NSA Virginia members in the following ways:


   Free access to live telecasts of upcoming programs

   Free access to recordings of past programs

   Member discounts to in-person "intensive development programs"


About the new benefit, NSA Virginia President Sandy Dumont says, "NSA Virginia is dedicated to helping its members become better speakers, and when we heard about this great learning opportunity, we wanted to share it with our members. The lineup of speakers is a Who's Who of NSA, and these virtual meetings can be heard live or downloaded and listened to later."


So in addition to taking full advantage of your NSA Virginia membership (i.e., seminars and workshops, networking, newsletter, library, listings and the Pro-Track learning system), you now have NYNSA's great programs and resources at your fingertips as well.  


If you are currently a member of NSA Virginia, you have already been registered and have probably already received your welcome letter and the latest notifications of upcoming events (if you have not, let Jean Austin know). 


If you are not a member, please consider joining right away and multiplying your benefits as a member of both chapters!



Ron Chapman -
Ron  was a breakout session speaker at the Coast Guard National Human Performance Technology Workshop.  His topic was Learning Happens!  Applying Life-Long Learning in the Workplace. The feedback was excellent and I was invited back for next year's workshop

Ron also spoke as the closing key note for the annual conference on Customer Service for the Virginia Chapter of the American Water Works Association.  My topic was "Only Two of Us are Interested in Your Problem and One of Us is Losing Interest Fast! - Dealing with Difficult Customers" .  

Steve Patterson -
Steve has recently published "Steve Patterson's Street Smarts For Success" a Step-By-Step Guide, available at barnesandnoble.com
"After two degrees and 25 years in the work force, I've discovered a roadmap to success that all people need - and I outline that roadmap in a manner that's simple to understand."
Charlyne Meinhard-
Dorothy Erlanger -
Charlyne and Dorothy led a successful program entitled "Pricing Projects:  Performance & Pitfalls" on Tuesday, Sept 25 at The Successful Consutlants Forum in Richmond.   
Will Turner -
Will Turner, President of Dancing Elephants Achievement Group, was selected to be a contributing author to a recently released book on sales, Top Dog Sales Secrets, 50 Top Experts Show You Proven Ways To Skyrocket Your Sales. Will has also added to the monthly sales columns he writes for various magazines. His articles currently appear in Chesterfield Living, West End's Best, Hanover Lifestyle and Heritage Rivers.