NatuurApotheek Extra
Editie 33
maart/april 2010
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Magnesium, een mineraal dat weinig in onze voeding voorkomt, speelt een rol bij (spier)spanning, de prikkeloverdracht, het hartritme, de botopbouw, werkt ontspannend en is onmisbaar voor de aanmaak van enzymen en hormonen. Het kan verzuring tegen gaan en herstelt een verstoorde klierwerking. Magnesium is ��n van de belangrijkste mineralen in het lichaam dat ook borg staat voor een uitstekende nachtrust. Omdat magnesium bij zoveel processen in het lichaam betrokken is en wij relatief weinig binnen krijgen (o.a. door verschraling van de voedingsbodem), hebben wij massaal een te kort aan dit mineraal. Een degelijk magensium supplement, al of niet in combinatie met calcium en kalium zorgt voor een rustige en herstellende slaap. Volgens de wereldgezondheidsorganisatie heeft een volwassene dagelijke 460 milligram magnesium nodig. De westerse voeding zou gemiddeld 120 milligram magnesium per dag leveren. Met deze cijfers lijkt het logisch waarom zoveel mensen klagen over bijvoorbeeld slaapproblemen.

Sinds januari 2010 geldt voor de mineralen dat voor de vorm waarin ze mogen worden verhandeld een zogenaamde positieve lijst gehanteerd moet worden. Op deze lijst komt helaas het (goed opneembare en veilige) aspartaat niet voor. Gelukkig mogen we dit jaar nog "uitverkopen". Dus dat doen we !

Op de volgende magnesiumaspartaatpreparaten geven we (zover de voorraad strekt) een korting van 30%.

Magnesium aspartaat comp tabletten (FYTOCURA)
ingredienten per tablet :
magnesium aspartaat (700mg, 50mg elem Mg)
alfalfa (100mg), spirulina, chlorella, blue klamath en groene gerstesap (allen 50mg); samen een prachtige matrix om de magnesium beter op te nemen.

Magnesium 5+ capsules (FYTOCURA)
ingredienten per capsule :
167mg Magnesium L-aspartaat (20%), 167mg Magnesium aminochelaat (20%), 167mg Magnesium glyconaat (15%), 167mg Magnesium orotaat (7,5%), 167mg Magnesium ascorbaat (10%), 70 mg Alfalfa (extractum siccum), 70 mg Spirulina, 70 mg Chlorella.

actieprijzen :
per 100 stuks : 14,00 euro i.p.v. 20,00
per 250 stuks : 28,35 euro i.p.v. 40,50
per 500 stuks : 50,05 euro i.p.v. 71,50

Ook verkrijgbaar via Holland Pharma (Varuvo).
In this issue we find articles on the potential use of mushroom nutrition in degenerative neurological conditions, enzyme analysis on Agaricus blazei, Hericium erinaceus, Polyporus umbellatus and Pleurotus ostreatus. Finally, we review the final results of Dr. Silva Coutos clinical work on the use of Coriolus versicolor supplementation in HPV lesions and viral load.

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Vanaf deze uitgave zullen wij iedere keer aan een tinctuur meer aandacht besteden in een ongewone setting. Deze keer Chrysanthellum americanum of indicum.

Randomized placebo-controlled trial of a flavonoid-rich plant extract-based cream in the treatment of rosacea

D Rigopoulos*, D Kalogeromitros, S Gregoriou, JM Pacouret, C Koch, N Fisher, K Bachmann, M Brown, E Schwarz, E Camel�, A Katsambas
Department of Dermatology, University of Athens, 'Andreas Sygros Hospital', Athens, Greece, IRIS, Institut de Recherches et d'Innovations Scientifiques, Paris, France, Private Practice, Germany, �IEC Company, France.

Background Biological research suggests that vascular changes may play a major role in rosacea pathogenesis. Chrysanthellum indicum is a plant- based extract containing a unique combination of phenylpropenoic acids, flavonoids and saponosids, and has a well-documented effect on vascular wall permeability and increase of the mechanical resistance of capillaries.

Objective To determine the efficacy and safety of a cream containing 1%C. indicum extract with vitamin P properties in the treatment of rosacea.

Results Treatment with the C. indicum extract-based cream resulted in significant improvement (P < 0.05) in severity of erythema, overall rosacea severity compared to baseline and placebo, and investigator and patient overall efficacy assessment scores (P = 0.046 and P = 0.001, respectively) compared with placebo scores. Adverse reactions were mild, and did not differ between the C. indicum extract-based cream and the placebo groups.

Conclusion Chrysanthellum indicum extract-based cream is an effective and well-tolerated topical agent for the treatment of moderate rosacea. The mode of action of the active ingredient suggests that additional efficacy might be expected from combination with other topical treatments.
Triterpenes augment the inhibitory effects of anticancer drugs on growth of human esophageal carcinoma cells in vitro and suppress experimental metastasis in vivo.

Yamai H, Sawada N, Yoshida T, Seike J, Takizawa H, Kenzaki K, Miyoshi T, Kondo K, Bando Y, Ohnishi Y, Tangoku A. (Department of Thoracic, Endocrine Surgery and Oncology, Institute of Health Bioscience, The University of Tokushima Graduate School, Tokushima, Japan.)

The antineoplastic effects of combinations of anticancer drugs (5-fluorouracil, irinotecan and cisplatin) and triterpenes (ursolic acid, betulinic acid, oleanolic acid and a Japanese apricot extract (JAE) containing triterpenes) on esophageal squamous carcinoma cells were examined by the WST-8 (2-(2-methoxy- 4-nitrophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)- 5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, monosodium salt) assay in vitro and by an animal model in vivo. Triterpenes and JAE showed additive ........................
Betulinic acid augments the inhibitory effects of vincristine on growth and lung metastasis of B16F10 melanoma cells in mice.

Sawada N, Kataoka K, Kondo K, Arimochi H, Fujino H, Takahashi Y, Miyoshi T, Kuwahara T, Monden Y, Ohnishi Y. (Department of Oncological and Regenerative Surgery, School of Medicine, The University of Tokushima, Tokushima 770-8503, Japan.)

We examined the antitumour effect of a combination of betulinic acid (BA) and vincristine (VCR) on murine melanoma B16F10 cells in vitro and in vivo. Betulinic acid, a pentacyclic triterpene, showed a synergistic cytotoxic effect on melanoma cells by combinational use of VCR. Betulinic acid and VCR induced cell cycle arrest .................
OP DE MAT viel the Journal of Chinese Medicine met een aantal aardige artikelen Onder anderen


Modern biomedicine currently does not have a satisfactory method to treat multiple sclerosis (MS). In this paper the author summarises her experience of treating MS using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine by analysing the treatment of 20 patients. The advantages and disadvantages of different treatment modalities are assessed, with emphasis on the importance of choosing the correct method and dosage of acupuncture in order to successfully manage the various symptoms and stages of MS. In the experience of the author the key to successful treatment of MS is an integrated approach that employs both TCM pattern differentiation and biomedical diagnostic findings.

en ook (echt leuk :


Congee ‑ creamy rice soup ‑ is a nourishing and easily assimilated food and constitutes an ideal meal for patients with digestive difficulties or qi and blood deficiency. It is, however, very different from contemporary Western foods, and because few enticing cooking instructions are available it can be difficult to get patients to follow advice to eat it. This article gives an introduction to the use of congee in the diet, a recap of the functions of the digestive system and clear instructions for congee preparation. A handout designed for patients with congee recipes and a tick list for additions can be downloaded from the author's website.
Ook OP DE MAT viel Phytomedicine. Heel interessant om eens te zien hoe de wetenschappers onze praktische arbeid aan het onderbouwen zijn en blijven. Bijvoorbeeld het eerste artikel :

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) suppresses tumour necrosis factor alpha and accelerates healing in patients with Crohn's disease - A controlled clinical trial. van Simone Krebs, Talib N. Omer, Bilal Omer.

Suppression of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF- α) and other interleukins by wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) extracts were reported recently in in vitro studies. The aim of the present study was to find out if this effect can be also be observed in Crohn's Disease (CD) patients where TNF-α appears to play an important role. In a controlled trial, 10 randomly selected patients suffering from CD were given in addition to their basic CD therapy 3�750 mg dried powdered wormwood for 6 weeks. Ten patients, also randomly selected who met the inclusion criteria served as control group. Minimum score of 200 on Crohn's Disease Activity Index (CDAI) was required at baseline for inclusion in each group. Patients who received infliximab or similar were excluded from the trial. TNF-α level in serum were measured at baseline, and after three and six weeks. During this period all concomitant CD medications was maintained at the baseline dose levels. Average serum TNF-α level fell from 24.5�3.5 pg/ml at baseline to 8.0�2.5 pg/ml after six weeks. The corresponding levels in the control group were 25.7�4.6 (week 0), and 21.1�3.2 (week 6). On the clinical side, CDAI scores fell from 275�15 to below 175�12 in wormwood group with remission of symptoms in eight patients (CDAI score below 170 or reduction by 70 points), compared to only two in the placebo group (CDAI of placebo group 282�11 at baseline and 230�14 on week 6). IBDQ also reflected accelerated clinical response with wormwood. Of clinical significance were the findings that wormwood also improved mood of the CD patients, as reflected in Hamilton's Depression Scale. These findings provide a base to test wormwood in clinical conditions thought to be mediated by increased production of pro- inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α.
De Vereniging Van Arts en Auto geeft een blad uit en dat heet : Arts en Auto. Dat blad heeft een enquete gepubliceerd onder haar lezers om de mening te peilen over alternatieve geneeswijzen. Zoals te verwachten waren de vragen nogal sturend en vielen er soms open gaten.
In vitro antioxidant activity of Juglans regia L. bark extract and its protective effect on cyclophosphamide- induced urotoxicity in mice.

Bhatia K, Rahman S, Ali M, Raisuddin S. (Department of Medical Elementology and Toxicology, Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University), New Delhi, India.)

Walnut (Juglans regia L.) bark has been claimed to possess anti-inflammatory, blood purifying, anticancer, depurative, diuretic and laxative activities. It contains several therapeutically active constituents, especially polyphenols. We studied the antioxidant potential of aqueous extract of walnut bark and its modulatory effect on cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced urotoxicity in Swiss albino male mice. Free radical- scavenging activity of extract was assessed ........
Effects of chronic administration of Melissa officinalis L. extract on anxiety-like reactivity and on circadian and exploratory activities in mice

Alvin Ibarraa, Nicolas Feuillereb, Marc Rollerb, Edith Lesburgerec and Daniel Beracochea.

This study aimed to determine the effects of chronic (15 consecutive days of treatment) per os administration of Melissa officinalis L. extract (Cyracos®, Naturex) on anxiety-like reactivity in mice. As measured by HPLC, Cyracos® contains significant amounts of rosmarinic acid and the triterpenoids oleanolic acid and ursolic acid, which inhibit gamma- aminobutyric acid transaminase (GABA-T) activity and increase GABA levels in the brain (Awad et al., 2007; Awad et al., 2009). Thus, we evaluated ...............
Study Finds Echinacea/Sage Throat Spray as Effective as Chlorhexidine/Lidocaine for Acute Sore Throat

Schapowal A, Berger D, Klein P, Suter A. Echinacea/sage or chlorhexidine/lidocaine for treating acute sore throats: a randomized double-blind trial. Europ J Med Res. September 1, 2009;14(9): 406-412.

Sore throat is one of the most common ailments in general medical practice. Fewer than 20% of people with a sore throat are infected with Streptococcus and require antibiotic treatment, and sore throat is typically treated with pain relievers alone. Common over-the- counter drugs for relief of sore throat pain include analgesics and throat sprays (containing numbing agents or antibacterial ingredients). Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea) and common sage (Salvia officinalis) have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immune modulating properties and are also used to relieve sore throat and other symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a throat spray containing echinacea plus sage with a throat spray containing chlorhexidine plus lidocaine in relieving sore throat pain.

The authors conclude that the throat spray containing echinacea plus sage was as effective in reducing sore throat symptoms and as well tolerated as the spray containing chlorhexidine plus lidocaine. They suggest that the spray is an effective alternative to oral and spray products containing analgesic and anesthetic drugs. The authors address the possibility that providing ibuprofen to the subjects may have biased the results. However, a subanalysis showed that the results were the same, regardless of whether or not subjects took ibuprofen.

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