NatuurApotheek Extra
Editie 29
augustus 2009
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Foeniculum vulgare (venkel), waarvan we het zaad gebruiken, is vooral bekend bij moeders. De moeder drinkt het (melk) aftreksel om de darmkrampjes van de zuigeling tegen te gaan en krijgt als beloning een fantastische stimulering van de borstvoeding.
Droge venkelzaadjes hebben een koortswerende, pijnstillende en hongerremmende werking. En ook voor volwassenen is het een effectief carminativum.

prijzen :
venkelzaad euro 9,29/100gr
venkeltinctuur 1:5 euro 14,29/100ml
etherische olie euro 6,50/10ml
geconcentreerd venkelwater euro 8,35/50ml

Een seminar van een dag met Martin Powell; BSc (hon), DipAc, DipCHM, MRCHM.

Over de toepassingsmogelijkheden van paddenstoelen in diverse klinische settings.

NatuurApotheek is bereid om dit seminar, dat in Engeland op 26 september zal plaatsvinden, naar Nederland te halen.

Heeft u belangstelling ? Reageer dan door een antwoordmail te sturen met de opmerking "BELANGSTELLING VOOR LEZING PADDENSTOELEN".

Klik op de foto voor meer informatie over het seminar.

voor een prijsoverzicht KLIKKEN MAAR

Viel onlangs bij ons op de mat : het 2e nummer van 2009. Een 80tal pagina's met interessante wetenschappelijke informatie uit de TCMwereld van China.

The English Edition of JTCM, inaugurated in 1981, is an international quarterly devoted to clinical and theoretical research in this branch of medicine. The main columns include: Expert's Forum, Clinical Observation, Basic Investigation, Reviews, Lectures, Teaching Round, and Questions and Answers involving Acupuncture, massotherapy and Chinese materia medica. Papers by outstanding clinicians, acupuncturists and researchers provide the latest information on the development of this discipline. JTCM is an indispensable reading for clinical practitioners and others interested in basic medicine research.

Helderheid en de waarheid over wat een substituut lijkt te zijn, maar wel eens een verbetering zou kunnen blijken te zijn.
Enkele fragmenten van het internet.

This plant has an unusual requirement for survival: it must have the Armillaria mellea mushroom mycelia incorporated into the tuber in order to maintain its maturation and growth, and it requires another fungus, Mycena osmundicola, to sprout the seeds. When supplies of the crude gastrodia became rare in the 1970's, attempts at cultivating the plant repeatedly failed until this complex synergistic plant/mushroom relationship was determined. Then, cultivation became easy, though it was not until the late 1980's that an adequate cultivated supply of gastrodia was developed.
Interestingly, the medicinal benefits of gastrodia were found to be mainly the metabolites of the Armillaria mushroom. In other words, if one could grow the mushroom, the gastrodia tuber could be dispensed with and one could use just the mushroom material in place of gastrodia.

The Armillaria mushroom that is necessary for the growth of the gastrodia tuber has been given the Chinese name of tian ma mihuanjun. It is more potent than the gastrodia tuber because it is the source of the tuber's active compounds. Although exact comparisons have not yet been determined................

All available literature regarding the chemistry, pharmacology, animal data, and clinical use of tian ma and its constituents are reviewed, showing that tian ma, its constituents, and its symbiotic fungus Armillaria mellea have antiepileptic properties in in vitro and in vivo models. One clinical study reportedly demonstrated the AED effects of a component of tian ma, vanillin. Thus, tian ma, its constituent vanillin, and its symbiotic fungus armillaria hold promise as cost- effective and less toxic alternatives to standard AEDs. In addition, similar chemical compounds may be developed as AEDs.

The Chinese herb Tian Ma (Gastrodia elata) grows symbiotically with Armillaria mellea and has recently been found to share many of its therapeutic properties with it, indeed its actions are considered to be related to the metabolites of Armillaria mellea and in some cases Armillaria mellea has been found to have a stronger action on the body than Tian Ma itself.

More importantly, the medicinal components of gastrodia were found to be mainly the metabolites of the Armellaria mushroom (3-9). In other words, if one could grow the mushroom or just culture its mycelium, the slow growing gastrodia tuber could be dispensed with and one could use just the mushroom material or the metabolites released into culture medium to get the desired therapeutic effects. Batch fermentation of Armellaria mycelia was easily accomplished: the mycelia grow well in a simple sugar solution with just a few basic nutrients. The mycelial material was tested in the 1970s, and, as a result of more than 25 years of continual work by many research groups, the mycelia or its culture medium is frequently used instead of cultivated gastrodia. Dozens of investigations have been undertaken to show that the chemical constituents, pharmacology, and clinical effects of Armellaria and its culture medium after growing the mycelia, are indistinguishable from that of the gastrodia tuber.
klik op DHARMANANDA om het hele artikel te lezen
Volume 16, Issue 9, Pages 801-896 (September 2009)

Dit interessante wetenschappelijke tijdschrift over fytotherapeutische zaken mag u over mijn schouder meelezen, als u wilt.


The Psyche in Chinese Medicine explores the nature of the Mind (Shen), Ethereal Soul (Hun), Corporeal Soul (Po), Intellect (Yi) and Will-Power (Zhi) and then presents the diagnosis and treatment of the most common psychological disorders with both acupuncture and Chinese herbs in detail. Specific chapters focus on the treatment of common conditions including depression, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, bipolar disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Each condition is illustrated with case histories from the author's 35 years-long practice
Het onregelmatig verschijnend magazine over klinische toepassingen van paddenstoelen is bijna gedrukt. De abonnees krijgen het dan weer toegestuurd.
Maar de PDF is er al wel. Dus voor de nieuwsgierigen onder u !

Over de inhoud :

In this issue we find articles on the potential use of mushroom nutrition in degenerative neurological conditions, as well as an enzyme analysis conducted by the University of Catania on Agaricus blazei, Hericium erinaceus, Polyporus umbellatus and Pleurotus ostreatus.

we review the results of a year long clinical trial examining the effects of Coriolus versicolor supplementation in patients with Human Papillomavirus (HPV-LSIL) which was presented at congress.

Dr. Jose Silva Couto and Dr. Daniel Pereira da Silva of the Cervical Pathology Unit of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology in Coimbra, Portugal presented their findings at the 20th European Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, in Lisbon Portugal. This study provides a promising set of results and demonstrates proof-of concept for the question as to whether immunonutrition supplements can be successfully used to improve HPV status in patients.
J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Aug 12;
Authors: Wang J, van der Heijden R, Spruit S, Hankermeier T, Chan K, van der Greef J, Xu G, Wang M

Chinese herbal Medicines, often referred as Chinese Materia Medica (CMM), are comprised of a complex multicomponent nature. The activities are aimed at the system level via interactions with a multitude of targets in the human body. This review aims at the toxicity aspects of CMM and its preparations at the different steps of production; harvesting, processing and the final formulation. The historic perspective and today's issues of the safety of CMM are introduced briefly, followed by the descriptions of the toxic CMM in the current Chinese pharmacopoeia (2005). Subsequently, several aspects of safety are illustrated using a typical example of a toxic CMM, Aconitum roots, and some recent findings of our own research are included to illustrate that proper processing and multi-herbs formulation can reduce the level of toxic components. This also explains that in CMM, some herbs, such as Aconitum, Ephedra species are never used as single herb for intervention and that aconite is only used when it is processed and in combination with specific matched other herbs. The formulation principle of multi-herbs intervention strategy is a systems approach for the treatment and prevention of disease. In this light, the role of systems toxicology in the safety and quality of Chinese herbal medicine is proposed as a promising method. Moreover the principles of practiced-based and evidence-based research are discussed from a symbiotic perspective.
Matkovic Z, Zivkovic V, Korica M, et al. Efficacy and safety of Astragalus membranaceus in the treatment of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis. Phytother Res. Jun 5, 2009: [Epub ahead of print].

The symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) include sneezing, runny nose, nasal passage obstruction, watery eyes, and itchy nose, throat, and eyes. The purpose of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial was to assess the efficacy of an "herbal-mineral complex" containing an extract of astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) root in the treatment of SAR. Astragalus is used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and research has indicated that it stimulates the immune system.

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