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Puttery Household Hints
Housewife Sewing...
Hello Sweeties!

I do hope you are well.

 Homemaking is something of an occupation to those of us who like to think of ourselves as Vintage Housekeepers isn't it?
It is the little nuggets of information we seem to acquire almost by osmosis that define us as experts in our field and make sure that we always have a cunning little trick up our sleeve in even the most obscure of homemaking crisises...

But we are of course only human (with minds like sieves) and so it helps to write down these gorgeous little tips as soon as we come across them so we can always refer back to them in the future, creating in essence our very own "Household Encyclopedia": something which if scribed in fountain pen in a truly lovely hard-backed journal could one day become a treasured family heirloom or quite the loveliest gift for your little girl on her wedding day...

So Start Your Household Encyclopedia Today!

Go back through the archives of Brocantehome and you will find an abundance of vintage housekeeping hints or indeed start with the tiny little selection I have included below...

  * When fitted sheets are in short supply, make a knot in each corner of a flat sheet and tuck the knots tightly under the mattress.

* Bonkers as it seems, Worcester sauce makes a great brass cleaner.

*Prevent damp in your vintage linen cupboard by placing a saucer full of cloves on the bottom shelf.

* Try to remember to pour used coffee grounds straight down the sink as they do an excellent job of keeping the drains free from grease.

*Rinse dusters in water to which a spoonful of glycerine has been added. Leave to dry et voila, dusters which will hold grease rather than wafting it around the room.

* Add a spoonful of salt to the water in your hot water bottle and it will stay warm longer.

* Make the most of fresh snow by taking rugs out and laying them face down over the snow for ten minutes. Then stamp over the rug and bring into the house, leave for two hours then vacuum thoroughly for scrumptiously freshened carpets.

*Placing sprigs of thyme amongst the pages of favorite books will prevent damage by an invasion of silverfish.

*Adding a spoonful of starch to the water in which you hand-rinse your tea-towels will de-fluff them.

* Silver polish on a cloth will remove tidemarks from around a plastic bath.

* Chucking a handful of mint leaves onto the fire after a thorough room-scrub will instantly freshen it.

* Keep a piece of scrunched up newspaper at the back of the fridge to absorb obnoxious  smells like fish and garlic.

Oh and Don't Forget to Be Kind To Yourself Housekeepers!