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eNewsletter - June 2012, Volume 40                 

In This Issue
Socially Responsible Investing - Is it for you?
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Is it possible to invest without compromising your values? And if so, do you have to give up the potential for good returns?


Toronto based Money Coach, Ren�e Verret explores the growing area of socially responsible investing and has some good news to share in her article below.
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Would you like to see more emphasis on social responsibility in your investment options?  We'd love to hear your comments.


 Socially Responsible Investing - Is it for you?
 by Ren�e Verret, CFP, BComm     


Recently, I attended a seminar on Socially Responsible Investing (SRI), by Eugene Ellman Executive Director of the Social Investment Organization (SIO).  I was struck by the never-ending choices and decisions facing consumers with respect to their investment options. Don't get me wrong, choice is good.  But in an area where most investors feel out of their depth, more choice can be overwhelming and even paralyzing. Here are some highlights for you to consider.


With the ever increasing impact of climate change, political unrest, movements like Occupy Wall Street, country debt defaults, and environmental issues, many Canadians are making more considered daily choices about the products they buy, the way they live, and the companies they support. The question is why not extend that thinking to your investments? 


Socially Responsible Investments (SRI) are defined as: the integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations into the management and selection of investments. SRI investors have a desire to align their values with their investments and to influence positive social and environmental change.


3 common criteria of SRI are:
  • Positive & Negative Screening

Screening to exclude investing in companies involved in undesirable activities and to include companies demonstrating leadership in environmental, social, and governance issues (ESG). Negative screens could exclude companies involved in weapons contracting, pornography, and nuclear power. Positive screens could include companies with good track records in employee relations, international labour standards, gender & cultural equality policies.

  • Shareholder Advocacy

Shareholders use their power to influence companies' behaviour through dialogue with company management, filing shareholder resolutions, and participating in companies' annual meetings.

  • Impact Investing (or Community Development Investments)

Impact Investing is about local communities mobilizing local capital to create projects and jobs within the community.


Not all investors or fund companies use the same SRI criteria for selecting companies to invest in so make sure you are aware of, and aligned with, the criteria used to select the funds you are considering. There are several Canadian SRI Mutual funds and only one Canadian SRI exchange-traded fund, the iShares Jantzi Social Index Fund (stock symbol: XEN)i . The US has more SRI offerings than Canada.

Socially Responsible Investing Returns
Often the biggest consumer concern with SRI investing is whether it will it negatively impact their returns. According to the Social Investment Organization (SIO), the national membership-based organization for SRI in Canada, SRI returns based on the Jantzi Social Index (Canada) were identical to the S&P/TSX 60 returns over a 10 year period when comparedii  as of December 2011.  The Jantzi Social Index (Canada), launched Jan.1st, 2000, is the most commonly used benchmark index for SRI in Canada and holds 60 companies as does the S&P/TSX 60.

As of June 2010, there were $531 billion of assets in SRI, representing approximately 20% of all assets under management in Canadaiii. Interestingly, 85% of the $531 billion is managed by pension fundsiv which have proven to be early adopters of this category and are managing their holdings in a way that incorporates ESG issues.

If this article resonates with you, be sure to let your Investment Advisor know. Ask about your options in this sector, how different fund companies use SRI criteria, and explore the impact (if any) of allocating a portion of your investments to SRI.

Some investment firms already include questions about SRI in their Know Your Client form. If your advisor isn't too keen on this sector, be sure that they explain their reasons. SRI may be one way for you to invest in a more positive future!

For more information:


i Source:

ii Source:

iii SIO - Advocis presentation, Socially Responsible Investing & your clients, March 8, 2012

iv SIO - Advocis presentation, Socially Responsible Investing & your clients, March 8, 2012


Ren�e is a Certified Financial Planner specializing in high income earners facing financial transitions and retirement planning.



Upcoming Women's Financial Learning Classes and Events
Group of Women7 Mistakes in Salary Negotiations - Find out the 7 mistakes you'll want to avoid during salary negotiations, and learn great tips on how to E.A.R.N. Your Worth™ - Downloadable Audio

Rethinking Retirement Teleclass Series - Sat June 2nd, Sat June 9th, Sat June 16th, & Sat June 23rd, 2012.  This series will provide you with essential knowledge and skills for planning your later life.  Register for one class or the whole series.  

Smart Money Essentials 
- Start anytime with our Home Study program. If you're tired of worrying about your finances and ready to take control, this program is for you.

Private Practice Finances Made Easy - Home Study Program - This program will help you through any confusion, doubts or overwhelm that you may have about private practice financial management so that you can free up your time and energy to focus on building a rewarding and profitable private practice.  4 session downloadable audios, workbook and simple to use worksheets

Careers - Are you passionate about helping others to manage and make the most of their money?  Are you a self-directed entrepreneur who wants to work independently but not alone?  If so, we want to hear from you! Train to be an Associate of Money Coaches Canada Inc. as a  Money Coach in a 5-day intensive training program in October 2012 on Salt Spring Island, followed by 3 months of experiential mentorship as you successfully launch your practice with our leadership and support.
It's all About Connections  
Sheila -  Headshot
Welcome to our section on exciting events and resources to help women connect with each other and to the opportunities we have to take a leadership role in our lives and in our communities. 



Intro to Steadyhand Investments - June 20th in Vancouver  

Interested in learning more about Steadyhand? Join Tom Bradley and David Toyne for lunch as they provide an overview of our company, investment approach and fund lineup. We'll also share the guidance we're providing to clients on asset mix and portfolio positioning. Details of the session are as follows:

Date: Wednesday, June 20th
Time: 12:00 - 1:15 PM (lunch provided)
Location: UBC Robson Square, Telus Boardroom (800 Robson Street)    

Please RSVP if you plan on attending, as space is limited.



Solopreneur Lifestyle Network Breakfast - June 27th in West Vancouver

June Presenter: Cheryl Brewster, The Intuitive Life

Connect with other solopreneurs - swap stories of wins, successes, and challenges.


Date: Wednesday, June 27th

Time: 8:30 - 10:00 am

Where: Silk Purse, West Vancouver / 1570 Argyle, (below Bellevue Ave on the waterfront / between 15th & 16th St.) - free parking right outside

Price: $20 (includes HST)

Pre-registration required at [email protected] 



Clear Your Money Clutter Program with Carrie Gallant

A 3-Part Teleseminar Series to help you clear the physical, emotional and energetic gunk that is blocking your relationship with money and prosperity!  This home-study course will give you the exact tools you need to clear your money clutter, have that difficult conversation about money and create a profitable path to increased abundance.
For more information or to register please visit the website   



If you have an event or resource you'd like to share with us, email
[email protected] to find out about our sponsored links. 


Questions? Contact Us 
Contact us with any questions or money topics you want to know more about.  We'll do our best to include them in an upcoming newsletter.

All the best,
Karin, Sheila and the WFLC Team
Phone: 1-855-877-0977 (toll free)