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The Leading Voice of Business in Orange County
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Black ChamberAfter a quarter century of enhancing visibility, credibility and loyalty in the business community, the Black Chamber of Commerce of Orange County celebrated its 25th anniversary and gala last week at Disney's Grand Californian Hotel in front of 500 local business leaders and elected officials.  

The gala included an awards ceremony recognizing leaders throughout Orange County. Special congratulations to OCBC member Time Warner Cable, which was honored  as Corporation of the Year for their commitment to promoting diversity throughout the community.  The event also featured a special appearance by Ed Grier, President of the Disneyland Resort, who introduced Princess Tiana, Disney's first black princess who stars in The Princess and The Frog.

The Black Chamber has been a strong and valued partner of OCBC-especially on transportation and education initiatives. The Business Council tips its hat to the Black Chamber of Commerce of Orange County and its dynamic President, Bobby McDonald, for continually providing leadership, transparency and diversity to not only the business community in Orange County, but the entire southern California region at large. For more information on the Balck Chamber of Orange County, please visit www.ocblackchamber.com.
red carpetYour OCBC Economic Development experts have developed a "Red Team" to help retain, attract and promote Orange County business and jobs.  Over the last two weeks, OCBC has assisted in strategizing to keep an Irvine manufacturer working, briefed a Detroit company looking to relocate on the best of Orange County, assisted a wonderful restaurant, Charlie Palmer at Bloomingdate's with business development, assisted several non-profits with fundraising and cost-cutting ideas, strategized with a housing developer on how to provide the best transit-oriented development, strategized with a new Irvine business catering to pet needs on its grand opening, and agreed to assist a new chamber of commerce develop its work plan, introduced key business contacts to each other to "connect the dots" in mutual benefits at an Angels' game in the Snell & Wilmer suite-thanks Wayne Gross and Bill O'Hare!--advocated for a City of Anaheim Enterprise Zone for substantial business tax credits, distributed the ground-breaking "Fueling California" gas tax study to Governor Schwarzenegger's Commission on the 21st Century Economy, and many, many other things. 
You have unique needs.  We can help.  Contact Celeste Signorino, VP Investor Relations, or Dr. Wallace Walrod, VP Economic Development.

SpierkelPlease join OCBC, and CLB series sponsor AT&T, for a candid interview and breakfast with CEO of Ingram Micro, Mr. Greg Spierkel. As the chief executive officer of Ingram Micro Inc., the world's leading technology distributor, Spierkel leads a dynamic organization employing 13,000 associates in 36 countries.

Join OCBC former chairman Tom Phelps, of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips, for a candid no-holds-barred interview with one of nation's leading business leaders. Are you an OCBC investor of $10K and above? Contact Michelle Hart to receive your free ticket to the breakfast!

at&tDate:    Thursday, September 10, 2009
Time:    7:30 a.m. breakfast | 8 a.m. program
Place:   The Center Club, Costa Mesa, CA
Info?     Michelle Hart at 949.794.7219

Online Registration | Event Flyer
waterOCBC members, Steve Sheldon of the Orange County Water District, Jeff Kightlinger of Metropolitan Water District, Garry Brown of OC Coastkeepers, and Lucy Dunn, OCBC President and CEO, testified before the California State Assembly Select Committee on Regional Solutions to the Water Crises, on August 21, 2009.

Chaired by Assembly member Jose Solorio, including Assembly members Mike Duvall and Diane Harkey, the panelists highlighted Orange County's and the region's unique solutions and needs for water reliability.  Dunn added, "It's all about jobs creation, isn't it?"  With a comprehensive water solution, the infrastructure needs alone will create jobs for a state with a 12% unemployment rate-and a predictable, reliable water supply assures a stable economic future.  The time to say 'yes' to new water storage, Delta restoration, levee repairs, fish recovery projects and other interim solutions is now.

The committee also heard testimony in support of continuing conservation efforts, groundwater replenishment, "showers to flowers" and desalination opportunities, including cutting-edge water technology.  As we face another year of drought and continued water supply shortages, OCBC will encourage that every arrow in the quiver be added to increase the Southland's ability to meet a growing population and recovering economy's needs.  For more info, contact Kate Klimow
enterpriseThe City of Anaheim, with the support of the Anaheim Chamber of Commerce, OCBC and others, submitted an application to establish a state "enterprise zone" within certain economically challenged areas.  Fifteen applications were submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for four vacancies to fill the 42 slots created by the legislature.  Five applications, however, were approved.  Anaheim was not one of them-not because they were not worthy, but likely because the state focused attention on smaller jurisdictions, smaller jobs creation, thus fewer tax credits.
This is just not right!  In this economy, with 2,000,000 folks out of work, the entire state needs to be an enterprise zone.  The tax breaks and hiring credits for business that result from these zones allow businesses to expand, hire more folks, pay taxes and fuel the economy.  OCBC will continue to work with the Anaheim Chamber to seek immediate legislative approval of ALL applications for enterprise zones, including Anaheim, as a unique, powerful measure for jobs growth in a tough economy.  For more info, contact Lucy Dunn.  See Cal Chamber article on benefits of enterprise zones here
orange globeActually, they're already here. Lucy Dunn, OCBC President and CEO, Celeste Signorino, VP Investor Relations, OCBC Past Chairman Wayne Wedin, and Orange County's Protocol Officer, Joann Sokolski, welcomed Philippe Guionnet, President of the French American Chamber of Commerce and its Director, Michele Ashkar, to the Orange County Business Council this month.  On August 20, 2009, the group also welcomed the new British Consulate-General, Dame Barbara Hay, Andrew Lewis, Consul and head of Investment and Trade for the British Consulate-General and Jon Harrison, Deputy Head of Public Affairs.

Both the French and British delegates were interested in learning more about Orange County, its cutting-edge medical device industry, opportunities for public-private partnerships in infrastructure, financing and general strengthening of the business ties between these countries and the U.S.  Dunn, in her role as California Transportation Commissioner, was particularly interested in French high speed rail, with the ARTIC/Anaheim to LA Union Station link planned to begin California's own high speed rail line.  There is much we can learn from each other as we challenge in a highly competitive, ever-changing global economy. 

Special thanks to Joann Sokolski for her leadership and expertise in advancing Orange County's global economy by building strong personal relationships.  For more info, contact [email protected] or Lucy Dunn.
orange graphThe latest numbers were released by California's Employment Development Department (EDD) last week, showing California's unemployment hitting an all time high at 11.9 percent in July. That is up from 11.6 percent in May and a remarkable jump from last year's numbers at 7.3 percent during the same time.

The good news? Orange County claimed, once again, the lowest unemployment rate of any metropolitan county state wide and the sixth lowest of all 58 counties. OC's numbers rose slightly, another .3 percent, bringing the total unemployment for the county to 9.5 percent.Click here to read more.

What is next for Orange County and the nation? Join OCBC In partnership with California State University, Fullerton's Mihaylo College of Business and Economics for the 15th annual Economic Forecast Conference Tuesday, October 27. Economist Anil Puri, dean of Cal State Fullerton's Steven G. Mihaylo College of Business and Economics, and Mira Farka, assistant professor of economics, will present the economic trends including housing, employment, inflation and finance, facing Orange County, the state and nation during these turbulent times. Click here for event information.
Click here to learn more about OCBC's Economic Development initiative or contact Dr. Wallace Walrod for more information.
c-17OCBC, the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC) and Boeing, among others, support the production of more C-17 Globemaster III Transport Jets (C-17) as a critical move to protect  the nation's security as well as skilled jobs in this sector.  According to Boeing, the 2010 Department of Defense Appropriations Act (H.R. 3326) recently passed in the House--which funds only three more C-17s--would considerably weaken our nation's ability to effectively respond to and address ongoing humanitarian and military obligations.

The C-17 program is a part of the nation's shrinking aerospace manufacturing base and there are more than 33,000 direct jobs for American workers employed at 650 supplier firms in 44 states that rely on the C-17 for their livelihoods.  For California, the C-17 program means 14,000 skilled workers at 384 firms who are directly employed in the manufacturing and supply of this aircraft.  Additionally, the C-17 program contributes about $2 billion to the California economy each year. In the City of Long Beach alone, where the C-17 is manufactured, almost 5,500 direct workers would lose their jobs if production was shutdown.  Boeing, with the help of OCBC, is currently leading bipartisan efforts to support increased production of these jets that are so vital to the overall economic health of California. For more information, or to offer your support, contact Kate Klimow.
lansing2Join Orange County Business Council and the Orange County Workforce Investment Board for the 2009 Workforce Development Conference: Reboot OC. This year's guest speaker is Sherry Lansing, former CEO of Paramount Pictures and Founder and CEO of the Sherry Lansing Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to public education and engaging retirees in their communities. Lansing will be interviewed by Orange County's Superintendent of Schools Bill Habermehl on the latest issues affecting Orange County's workforce.

The conference will also unveil Orange County's 2009 Workforce Indicators Report with Dr. Wallace Walrod analyzing the county's economic and labor force trends. The research partnership between OCBC, County of Orange, and Orange County Workforce Investment Board (OCWIB) examines the growth of industry and employment, salary and wage trends, demographic changes and the educational attainment of Orange County students. All attendees receive a complimentary copy of this study.

Click here
to learn more about the report and view last years research.

Date:    Thursday, October 15, 2009
Time:    11 a.m. registration | 11:30 a.m. lunch & program
Place:   The Hyatt Regency Irvine
Info?     Alicia Berhow at 949.794.7215

Online Registration | Event Flyer
| Sponsorship Info

WDC Sponsors 3
spottedOCBC's blog, Dunn and Done has been nominated for the 2009 "You've Just Been Spotted" Orange County Blog Awards! Vote for Dunn and Done as your favorite local blog in Orange County. Dunn and Done blog entries include:
Click here to vote! Follow the page down on the left hand side and click on Dunn and Done under the Favorite Local Blog category.

goodwillWe know it's tough out there! That's why OCBC is pleased to offer its members discounted offers from our members.  OCBC member, Goodwill Industries, can help protect your business and your customers' privacy with secure shredding services from Goodwill's Document Destruction Services and OCBC members will receive 25% off your first order from now until October 30, 2009. Plus you'll save valuable on or offsite storage space that could save you even more money!

Contact Peter Bares, Business Development Manager at Goodwill Industries [email protected] or at 714.569.0449 ext. 288 to get an estimate for your monthly document destruction needs and to receive your discount! For more information visit http://www.ocgoodwill-documentdestruction.org/ (Valid for Orange County businesses only.)


Chairman's Leadership Breakfast:
Greg Spierkel, CEO, Ingram Micro
Thursday, September 10, 2009 | 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. | Center Club, Costa Mesa

Workforce Development Conference:
Sherry Lansing, former CEO, Paramount Pictures
Thursday, October 15, 2009 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. | Hyatt Regency Irvine

Economic Forecast Conference:
Richard Davis, CEO, US Bank
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 | 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 a.m. | Hyatt Regency Irvine

Click here fore event details and registration!

August 2009

Infrastructure Committee
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 from 7:30 - 9 a.m.

Latino Educational Attainment
Friday, September 11, 2009 from 9 - 10:30 a.m.

Workforce Development Committee
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 from 7:30 - 9 a.m.

Workforce Housing Committee
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 from 9:30 - 11 a.m.

Community College Working Group
Thursday, September 24, from 3 - 4:30 p.m.

Government Affairs Committee
Friday, September 25, 2009 from 9 - 10:30 a.m.

Committee meetings are open to OCBC members and invited guests only.
All committee meetings are held at the OCBC offices unless otherwise specified. For more information on upcoming committee meetings for 2009 check out OCBC's Committees.
Looking to get more involved? Click below to receive specific committee notices.
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Former Governor Pete Wilson to Join Townhall Debate -- Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Join the Lincoln Club of Orange County and event co-sponsor OCBC for riveting townhall debate: Is a Constitutional Convention the Answer? The debate will feature former California Governor Pete Wilson and syndicated columnist Dan Walters. Is it time to overhaul our state's constitution? What would be the benefits, and what are the dangers? Would the delegates be qualified  to handle the task? What if the convention were corrupted by special interests? Register to find out! Space at the event is very limited and available by reservation only and on a first-come-first-served basis. Please make your reservations now by clicking HERE.

Save the Date: September 3. 2009
UCI Law School Presents "Rescues, Reforms & Recovery Threats and Opportunities for Businesses"
Join UC Irvine's School of Law and Manatt, Phelps and Phillips for an executive briefing that will shed light on the policy issues affecting Southern California. This program will explore the immediate and long-term prospects for, and ramifications of, the evolving federal policy stimulus in finance, healthcare and energy. Experts representing government, the private sector and academia will share their perspectives and insights regarding the likely effects of the changes in federal policy, presented in a series of panels and discussion forums. OCBC's Lucy Dunn will be modorating a "Kings of Law" panel with Chuck Manatt of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips and Erwin Chemerinskly, Dean of UCI's School of Law.

Click here for event flyer and details.

Building Industry Association, Orange County to Hold Food & Wine Benefit at the Brand New Children's Museum Pretend City -- Thursday, September 10, 2009
This year BIA/OC's Annual Food & Wine benefit has a new location and a new theme. Wine Safari in the City, will be held on Thursday, September 10 at the brand new Children's Museum Pretend City in Irvine. Guests will enjoy fabulous wine selections, scrumptious culinary delights and micro-brew tasting of specialty beers. A silent and live auction will feature unbelievable prizes to bid on, with proceeds benefiting the Building Industry Technology Academy (BITA) programs at Katella, Western, Anaheim, Valencia, and Brea-Olinda High Schools.

Click here for more information on this great event!

Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County - Business Opportunity Day
The Orange County Chapter of the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce is proud to present A Twenty First Century Business Opportunity Day. Save the date: Thursday, September 17, 2009. Highlights will include updates on the Obama health reform, panel discussion on preserving the eco-systems, tax incentives for starting green businesses and more. For event information and registration, please visit www.faccoc.org

Orange County Forum Luncheon with U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez -- Friday, September 18, 2009
Join the Orange County forum for another insightful luncheon with U.S. Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez who will be discussing the nation's current economic state and road to recovery.

Click here for more information.

2009 Komen Orange County Race for the Cure - Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure� is an important community event bringing women, men, families and teams from corporations, businesses and friends together to celebrate breast cancer survivors and remember those who have lost their battle with the disease.  The beautiful Newport Beach route is a 5K run and walk and draws more than 25,000 people each year.  The early run/walk steps off at 7:30 a.m.; survivor tribute at 9:00 a.m. and the second run/walk starts at 9:45 a.m.  Pre-registration is strongly encouraged.  To register and for more information visit: www.komenoc.org.  75% of funds raised will provide breast health services in Orange County and 25% will go to breast cancer research.  All registered participants receive a Race for the Cure shirt; breast cancer survivors receive a special pink Race shirt.

indicator Have an event coming up? Was your company just highlighted in the news? Are you doing something great in Orange County? The Business Council wants to know about it. Now OCBC members can submit news stories for OCBC's E-Update Indicator Newsletter.

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If you have questions on how to get connected with the Business Council online, please contact Director of Communications, Matt Prince at 949.794.7221.
2 Park Plaza, Suite 100, Irvine CA 92614 | www.ocbc.org | PH: 949.476.2242 | FAX: 949.476.9240