Newsletter of the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice

 May, 2012
In This Issue

About the Cyrus Vance Center


The Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice of the New York City Bar mobilizes the global legal profession to engage in activities that promote social justice, human rights and democratic values and principles. We perform our work in partnership with private- and public-sector lawyers, members of the judiciary, law schools, and nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs) in the regions where we work.



New PBDA Signatory

Vivanco & Vivanco

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Chile: New Legal Code of Ethics Cites the PBDA


colegio de abogados



A new code of legal ethics adopted by the Colegio de Abogados de Chile ("Colegio") cites the Pro Bono Declaration of the Americas. The Colegio is the professional organization responsible for licensing all attorneys in Chile and membership is mandatory. The new code defines the term pro bono, states that it is the responsibility of attorneys to provide pro bono assistance to the community and requires that such assistance be of the same professional quality as services for which attorneys are paid. 


Paraguay: Defending Women from Violence
Anonymous Womanjpeg
Photo by C. Walker


Our Paraguayan partner Centro Interdisciplinario de Derecho Social y Econom�a Polit�ca de la Universidad Cat�lica ("CIDSEP/UC") is assisting lawyers who represent women who are victims of violence. CIDSEP/UC conducts training programs and implements systems to identify and monitor cases.




Three attorneys with close associations to the Vance Center have recently received prestigious awards. 


A Stolper


Antonia Stolper, current Vice Chair and former Chair of the Vance Center Committee and Partner at Shearman Sterling, LLP was named International Lawyer of the Year 2011 by Latin Lawyer. For further information, click here.  

Pablo Guerrero V., Director of Fundaci�n Pro Bono Chile, a Vance Center partner and 2010 recipient of the Vance Center's Access to Justice Award, and Partner at Barrios Err�zuriz Abogados, was named Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year 2011 by Latin Lawyer. To read the full article on this award, click here.
Finally, Paula Samper Salazar, Partner atACIJ Gomez-Pinz�n Zuleta Abogados and member of the Drafting Committee of the Pro Bono Declaration for the Americas, was cited for Outstanding Contribution to the Legal Profession in 2011 by Chambers Latin American Awards for Excellence administered by Lex Mundi.  To read more, click here.
Address by Ambassador Hans Corell
Hans Corell
Photo by C. Walker


Ambassador Hans Corell addressed an audience of lawyers at an event at the New York City Bar organized by the Vance Center. Ambassador Corell served as Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and Legal Counsel of the United Nations from 1994-2004.  Since leaving the UN he has remained active in the field of international law as an adviser, lecturer, and board member.  Ambassador Corell has a particular interest in Kenya, and provided advice to Kofi Annan as the former Secretary-General led negotiations to end the civil unrest that broke out there in late 2007.  "I feel for the people of Kenya," he stated, "They are entitled to have an administration that functions well."   


Argentina: ACIJ Launches New Project  


Our Argentine partner Asociaci�n Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia ("ACIJ") has launched a new pro bono project entitled Centro de Asesoramiento a Usuarios y Consumidores de Servicios P�blicos. This new center offers residents of Buenos Aires legal advice regarding problems stemming from access to public services.  To learn more about ACIJ, click here.  


Profile Dominican Republic: La Fundaci�n Pro Bono
PB Dom Rep Logo


In the Domincan Republic, the Vance Center collaborates with  Fundaci�n Pro Bono Republica Dominicana  ("ProBonoRD").  This is a non-profit institution seeking to improve access to justice for the poor and marginalized, as well as organizations assisting them, in cases involving violations of fundamental human rights.  ProBonoRD screens and monitors all cases to ensure that the free legal services provided are of equal quality to services offered for remuneration. The doors of ProBonoRD are open to all universities, civil society institutions and law firms committed to integrating ethical values that promote the protection of human rights and fundamental liberties. For  more  information in Spanish about ProBonoRD, click here