The splendid Spindle in Autumn |
O, the early Autumn joys of sunny Golden Rod and moony Evening Primrose flowers!
Good Evening Primrose |
There is also a wealth of red fruits hanging in the hedgerows and decorating the fields: Hips, Haws, Bittersweet, Spindle Tree, Guelder Rose, Honeysuckle, Wayfaring Tree, Red Elder, Rowan,
Rowan berries reach for the sky |
Yew - come and learn how to identify and use them...

Guelder rose |
Bitter Bryony |
And can you spot the red berries of Black or White Bryony? Both of these beauties are poisonous and rarely used by professional herbalists.
Learning to distinguish the hedgerow healers with confidence, we can enjoy the fruits of Hops, Hazel, Crab Apple, Burdock, and the leaves of Dandelions, Brambles and Water Pepper as well...
Join us for more tips on safe and practical enjoyment of herbs, nuts and fruits.
Hazelnuts |
Water pepper |
Crab apple |
We very much look forward to seeing you there!
- Ben, The Barefoot Herbalist

Morning 9.30 - 1pm
Afternoon 2pm - 5pm
�25 for morning or afternoon
�40 for all day
...OR, you can pre-pay and SAVE! �20 for morning or afternoon / �35 for the whole day

Call Madeleine on 01342 826 965 to book
or email herestoyourhealth@hotmail.co.uk

Please bring your own lunch; drinks and bics provided.
Remember to bring clean jars and small bags for collecting your herby treasures. We recommend these items: