Bramble mouse

A Dormouse scrambles in the brambles

Siberian Cedar forest

Siberian Cedar forest

Autumn Delights

Seasonal wonders in the hedgerows, fruits in the fields...


Cedars growing in the Siberian taiga - they say that every part of the tree, from the tips of the needles to the bark and roots are endowed with healing. Siberian Cedar Nut Oil now enriches our Creams and Ointments - see below for special September savings


Catch Trevor Gunn at Helios Clinic

Colored white and red cells

The 'red berries' of our internal ecosystem

For the last 20 years, Homeopath and Medical Biochemist Trevor Gunn
has helped people come to more informed decisions about how to support and enhance their health and the health of their children.


Over the years he has seen an increase in chronic and serious illness despite an ever-growing investment in pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines and medical technologies.

White blood cell

A white blood cell busy maintaining health

To find out why, come to his fascinating two-part talk, 'Comparing Natural Immunity with Vaccines' at Helios Clinic, 97 Camden Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 2QR


Part I: Weds, 26 October 7:30pm-9:30pm

Part II: Weds, 9th Nov 7:30pm-9:30pm


�20 per person or �35 per couple, concessions available on request


To book, please call Madeleine on 01342 826 965 or email via this link

Bee Buzz on the Beeb

Honey bee on Sedum flower

Honey bee

Heidi Herrmann, a Founder Trustee of the Natural Beekeeping Trust, will be speaking on BBC Radio 4, Friday 2nd September 2011 at 11:00am. 
"Spirit of the Beehive" explores the mysterious life of bees and what human beings can learn by observing these inspiring creatures and their wondrous ways.


FREE P&P for online orders !

 Madeleine's Cream

Madeleine's Original Recipe Cream, New Scented Cream, Beeswax & Lanolin Ointments are all available with FREE postage and packing when ordered through Madeleine's website and delivered to any mainland UK location. Click HERE to order -  it's easy! Hurry, offer only valid from 5th-30th September 2011

Follow me on Twitter 

Remember, Remember Your Herbs in September 

Herb Walk with Ben Fairlight Edwards, Thursday 15th Sept


Spindle tree

The splendid Spindle in Autumn

O, the early Autumn joys of sunny Golden Rod and moony Evening Primrose flowers!



Evening Primrose

Good Evening Primrose








There is also a wealth of red fruits hanging in the hedgerows and decorating the fields: Hips, Haws, Bittersweet, Spindle Tree, Guelder Rose, Honeysuckle, Wayfaring Tree, Red Elder, Rowan,

Rowan berries

Rowan berries reach for the sky

Yew - come and learn how to identify and use them...

Guelder rose fruit

Guelder rose









Bryonia dioica

Bitter Bryony

And can you spot the red berries of Black or White Bryony? Both of these beauties are poisonous and rarely used by professional herbalists.


Learning to distinguish the hedgerow healers with confidence, we can enjoy the fruits of Hops, Hazel, Crab Apple, Burdock, and the leaves of Dandelions, Brambles and Water Pepper as well...


Join us for more tips on safe and practical enjoyment of herbs, nuts and fruits.    




Water pepper

Water pepper









Crab apple

Crab apple

We very much look forward to seeing you there! 


- Ben, The Barefoot Herbalist


Morning 9.30 - 1pm

Afternoon 2pm - 5pm 


�25 for morning or afternoon 

�40 for all day


 ...OR, you can pre-pay and SAVE! �20 for morning or afternoon / �35 for the whole day


Call Madeleine on 01342 826 965 to book

or email



   Please bring your own lunch; drinks and bics provided.

 Remember to bring clean jars and small bags for collecting your herby treasures. We recommend these items:


1 clean jar (small)

1 plastic bag (freezer/sandwich bag)

1 pair small scissors / penknife 

Thermos flask (for making a Field Infusion)

Bounteous Burdock
Burdock root

Burdock root

 Burdock is one of our most potent tonics. The root can be roasted like a parsnip - though it's best to wait till early Autumn or until the plant has died back, so that its strength has been drawn back down into the root stock.

Burdock with flowers

Burdock in flower


Burdock root has such a prime combination of cleansing the whole body, stimulating and stabilising digestion and restoring liver function that it has been traditionally used to treat cancer.


As a strong infusion, the thistle-like flowers and leaves of Burdock are an excellent skin wash for acne, as the plant is a specific anti-microbial for treatment of staph aureus.

Thanks as always to Ben Fairlight Edwards for the herbal wisdom he shares with us for these newsletters, and to the Natural Beekeeping Trust for doing their best to save our precious bees. The honey bee photo is property of SciencePhotoLibrary; we hope they don't mind us using it. Many of the photos here were gleaned from the web; a few are hidden links so have a click!