Swarming with Life
bees in tree

Bees resting in a tree during their search for a new home

"When a colony prepares to swarm, it has reached a stage in its development where a division of one into two is possible. In a swarm, a wonderful and awe-inspiring sight to behold, the old queen and up to half of the colony's inhabitants leave their home together and go in search of new quarters, leaving their old home well-provisioned and ready for the emergence of a new virgin queen who at the point of swarming will still be developing inside her cell." 

- Queens and Swarms, Natural Beekeeping Trust website 


bee close up on lavender
Lavender and Rose geranium are making an appearance in Madeleine's Cream & Ointments...

Rose geranium

...find out more further down! 


heart-shaped bee swarm
Any sightings of bees swarming in the Forest Row area, please let me know.

We have a beautiful Warr natural beekeeping hive (very much like the one pictured here) ready and waiting to host a homeless swarm.
Warre hive at NBKT

Heidi Herrmann's Warre hive

 I am happy to come and collect the bees - all you have to do is tell me where they are...
swarming bees are usually very docile, so don't be tempted to swat!

Please call me on 01342 825 649  or email:

herestoyourhealth @hotmail.co.uk

If you spot a swarm elsewhere, contact the Natural Beekeeping Trust
and they will try to help. Thank you!

 Bee natural

bee on a flower
Click HERE to find out how you can learn about and help our precious bees
Hawthorn flower

May blossom on the Hawthorn hedge 

Thursday, May 19th Herb Walk  

...it's time to go a'Maying again


            May blossom is still with us so it's a good time to look at our own sweetness. May (Hawthorn) leaves and flowers help regulate sugar uptake across the digestive tract wall. By tonifying the gut lining, they can aid in stabilising insulin and non-insulin dependent diabetes. 

Bugle flower

Bugle blooms

silverweed close up

'Silverweed' has lovely arched silvery leaves, then for a short while, little golden flowers appear - the moon and sun together


As a society we are getting too sugary, so herbs like Silverweed, Hawthorn, Strawberry, (all in the Rose family) as well as Burdock and Bugle, are  very good general tonics.


These herbs  can assist our whole system to work more efficiently and so help reduce cravings or the need for quick-fix energy sources.   


We are likely to find all of these plants, as well as the Clovers and Medicks (both of the Pea family).

Burdock flower



We will make tonics in the field and revise the making of as many preparations as we can (eg Teas, Decoctions, Juices, Salads, Oxymels, Tinctures, Oils, etc).


I look forward to seeing you there!

- Ben Fairlight Edwards, the Barefoot Herbalist  


 Thursday, 19th May 2011


Morning 9.30 - 1pm

Afternoon 2pm - 5pm


�20 for morning or afternoon

 �35 for all day

Please bring your own lunch; drinks and bics provided

Bring the usual Barefoot essentials:

1 jar (small, clean, with lid)

1 plastic bag (freezer/sandwich bag)

1 pair small scissors / penknife

1 small thermos flask (optional for making a Field Infusion)

To book, call Madeleine on 01342 826 965  

or send an email to:




Creams group

An exciting NEW addition to Madeleine's Cream & Ointments:

Lavender and Rose geranium organic aromatic waters lend extra healing aspects to the original recipe. Now available in shops and online.  


You can still get the original unscented versions of the Cream and Ointments, but the new combination smells delicious so give it a try!

Go to www.madeleines-cream.com and add a note to your order. It's easy!  

Pi-Mag� Water - Natural High Quality

PiMag system

PiMag water filter   


Do you want the best water? This is it, and you can buy it online.


The PiMag � Water System
Layers of specially selected filters, silicates and magnets create a completely natural cleansing process that transforms ordinary tap water into delicious, mineral-rich, PiMag� water.

Go to www.madeleinegrove.com 

and click on the Nikken link at the bottom of the Welcome page. From there, click on the picture of the water filter and take your water to a new level of purity! 

Acknowledgements: the bee-related photos in this newsletter were taken by Heidi Herrmann of The Natural Beekeeping Trust, and the herbal wisdom was provided by Ben Fairlight Edwards.