Emerging From Hibernation

Emerging bear cub

A bear cub's first foray into Spring

Spring plants are beckoning... 

The legend goes that bears are awakened from their deep slumber by the scent of the first plants of Spring.

 The pungent Ramsons (Allium Ursinum), or 'Bear's Garlic', was thought to be their first food on waking. 

Ramson emerging


Like the bears, we can eat it to clean the digestive tract and regain strength after the long winter...


Learn to identify wild Spring herbs and discover how they can benefit you and yours -  join us on the first Herb Walk of the year with Ben Fairlight-Edwards   


The Magic of Oats
Field of oats

Last year's harvest 

Oats (Avena Sativa) are a nervine - they nourish nervous system function, allowing it to switch itself on and off more efficiently.This explains their seemingly paradoxical effect of being energising as well as calming.  

The holistic effect of whole plant medicine offers a wide range of active ingredients, enabling the body to take what it needs at any given time.

Close up oats

Oats in the breeze

 The modern phenomenon of being too exhausted or too "wired" to sleep is a problem for many people. Eating oats in the evening fills the stomach, giving us the soporific post-prandial effect while they warm and soothe the digestive system. Oats have a relaxing effect on the body and mind and are a great aid to restful sleep.



  oat groats
...are cheaper than rice, grown in England and contain all the wonderful properties of oats in a healthy whole grain!
(only 99p at Seasons in Forest Row - come to the Herb Walk and nip over to Seasons in the lunch break!)

Lipids, lambs & lanolin

lamb friends

Sharing secrets for soft skin

Lanolin's role in nature is to protect wool and skin against the ravages of climate and environment. Lanolin is a natural moisturiser with powerful softening, soothing and protective properties, valued for its beneficial qualities for thousands of years.


The composition of lanolin closely resembles the intercellular lipids of the outermost layer of our skin.
These lipids play a crucial role in the skin's moisture control.

Leaping lambs


Lanolin Ointment to the rescue

Speaking of sheep, Madeleine's Lanolin Ointment is a must for the transition from windy, chilly winter. Chapped hands, cracked and sore skin, ragged lips, nose and ears - lanolin is a natural soother for skin troubles.
Lanolin Ointment

Madeleine's Lanolin Ointment


Madeleine's Cream and Ointments contain a bouquet of organically-grown herbs, traditionally seen as great healers of the plant kingdom - Calendula, Urtica and Stellaria, as well as a selection of flower and colour essences - all blended with a tiny dose of mineral carbon, softening Vitamin E oil and Almond oil. The cream and ointments are carefully hand-made; they are also unperfumed so can be used and stored with homeopathic remedies. 

 Madeleine's Lanolin Ointment, Madeleine's Cream and Madeleine's Beeswax Ointment can be purchased online; go to www.madeleines-cream.com or www.madeleinegrove.com to read the story of Madeleine's Cream & Ointments.


 Wake Up

  Spring Herb Walk 

  with Ben Fairlight-Edwards

sunny weather

 Thursday, 24th March 2011 

Spring clean for your insides with homemade 'Equinox Elixirs'

  In the next session we'll be looking for cleansers for blood, skin and lungs. This is Oestra, the opening time, when things begin to flow again.


Will we hear the sap rising? It will be well in flow by then, whatever the weather. How do we release ourselves from the stagnation of winter...?  

Herbs are brilliant for this!  


Cheeky chickweed

In sheltered spots and pots, chickweed is ready for picking and eating - its flavour will be quite strong when young. You don't need much - even a pinch will have a stimulating effect on the metabolism. Savour it, chew, then hold it in the mouth for a while to feel invigorated, grounded, alert and relaxed, also   surprisingly nourished and satisfied. Soon after chickweed will come cleavers in the hedgerows, ramsons in the woods and nettles wherever there is iron in the soil. 

Cleavers and nettles

Spring cleansing herbs: cleavers and nettles

They offer large amounts of two vital partners: flavanoids and Vitamin C. This powerful combination decongests, opens blockages, releases and supports the flow of blood.

Flavanoids potentise Vitamin C and, in the natural world, they always occur together.You can make a spring soup of these herbs and add onion, potato or squash from the winter store.  

dandelion leaves

Spring green dandelion leave

Early dandelion leaves are also appearing. Dandelion is a deep spring cleanser - it stimulates and restores the liver. If you are weeding your lawn, don't forget you can use the roots - grate or finely chop into a salad, or bake like a parsnip. Thistle root can be used in the same way. 



Good old rosemary has come through the snow and ice and is a terrific fiery circulatory stimulant; chew a few leaves - it gives as much of a kick as coffee and clears your head too. This is due to the steroids locked in the resins of the leaves.


Where does the cycle of the year begin? It's an evergreen flow... we've come through a lugubrious time, out of the gulf of winter into the mainstream of spring.  

- Ben, The Barefoot Herbalist


    Thursday, 24th March 2011


standing bear

See you there!

Morning 9.30 - 1pm

Afternoon 2pm - 5pm


�20 for morning or afternoon

 �35 for all day


Please bring your own lunch; drinks and bics provided


Bring the usual Barefoot essentials:

1 jar (small)

1 plastic bag (freezer/sandwich bag)

1 pair small scissors / penknife

1 small thermos flask (optional for making a Field Infusion)


To book, call Madeleine on 01342 826 965  

or send an email to:



All herbal wisdom in our newsletters is provided by Ben

 New bed this year? Look here first  

Tired of counting sheep? Longing for a good night's sleep? There is hope... 

Nikken Naturest Mattress Topper

Nikken Naturest Mattress Topper


Nikken Naturest is a magnetic mattress pad made from 100% all-natural materials. Kenko Naturest products are an impressive merger of exceptional design principles.  


They feature advanced sleep innovations - including a radical new design in magnetic technology, seen nowhere else - with natural, environmentally responsible materials that are conducive to quality rest. The result is a mattress topper and pillow that give an unparalleled sleep experience.  

Nikken Naturest Pillow

Nikken Naturest Pillow

These products have been selling in America for some time and will finally be available in the UK from this March!

For health-transforming magnetic products for you and your home, click here

For information about Nikken products or wholesale distributorship, contact Madeleine on herestoyourhealth@hotmail.co.uk

Nobel Prize winner speaks up for Homeopathy
Homeopathic liquid remedy

It's in the water...

On 30 January 2011, an article appeared in the Huffington Post written by Dana Ullman, a prominent spokesman for homeopathic medicine in the U.S.

He reported the comments of Dr Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for his collaborative work in discovering the AIDS virus. 

Dr Montagnier has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic medicine. For the full, fascinating story, click here