Autumn Healing from the Fields
Autumn Herb Walk, 7th October
& Beeswax Ointment
sunny bee  
A wise bee,
gathering the power of the sun... 
 ...essential contributors of Madeleine's Beeswax Ointment, and the most important members of the chain - thank you sun and bees!

Diary Dates

The lung-shaped Elderberry
Elderberry lung
This Autumn we're on the trail again discovering helpful herbs and free medicine in our next series of Herb Walks with our wonderful guide to the hedgerows and plants, medical herbalist
Ben Fairlight Edwards,
who has this to say:
"Our respiratory system is intimately linked to our digestive system: look after one and you look after the other. So, Nature provides the Autumn fruits that are yummy for our tummy - and that heal, cleanse and disinfect our lungs.

Sweet Marjoram
If you can, harvest Marjoram and Thyme at the time of this posting. 
Ensuring that they are completely dry at the moment you pick them, simply hang them somewhere slightly warm and dry, surrounded by brown paper (with holes pricked in) or muslin (to keep off insects / dust).
We will use these herbs, together with others that we gather outdoors, to make balancing teas and some steam inhalations."
7th October 
Morning 9.30-12.30
Afternoon 1.30-5.30 
...or stay all day!
For more information or to book call 01342 826 965 or click here
Rosehip Sweets
Slice the rosehips in half, scoop out the seeds with a spoon and put in the compost.
Then dip the rosehip halves in honey, sprinkle with sesame seeds and pop into a warm oven to dry. They make the most delicious healthy sweets!
Wild rosehips
Wild rosehip
Raw sunflower seeds can be used to make a delicious, nutritious alternative to peanut butter. 


Once again, Trevor Gunn, Medical Biochemist and Homeopath appears at Helios in Tunbridge Wells for a 2-part talk on immunity and vaccination.

Don't miss it!

Part I: 3rd Nov 
 Part II: 17th Nov


What people are saying about Trevor's talks: 


"Informative... clear... enlightening... confidence-building..." 

 - General Public & Health Professionals


"I wish I'd gone to this talk before I made any decisions about my child's health"

- The Observer


"This two-part talk was excellent - it completely changed the way I look at my immunity. Fascinating, inspiring and very empowering." 

- Clare Forrest, Kent


For more information or to book a place on the talks, please call Madeleine on
 01342 826 965
Beeswax Ointment to the Rescue
Beeswax is a key ingredient in Madeleine's Beeswax Ointment. It is soothing and softening, and helps the skin retain moisture. Even after processing, beeswax is biologically active and retains its antibacterial properties. It also contains vitamin A, a vital element in human cell development. 
'Merrybuds' was Shakespeare's name for Calendula
 Another vital ingredient in Madeleine's Cream and Ointment is Calendula. Pot Marigold, as it's also known, is antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and soothing to a variety of skin complaints such as acne, shingles, eczema, and can be used on cuts, scrapes, burns, scars, etc.
Madeleine's Beeswax Ointment also contains other flower essences, and uses the easily-absorbed almond oil as a base. 
Almond oil serves as a great emollient, balancing or restoring moisture in the body. It makes a marvellous lubricant and natural moisturiser thus combating itching and inflammation.
Madeleine's Beeswax Ointment
Beeswax Ointment
It's easy to buy online! Simply go to

See the bees in the trees

Amazing video of a swarm being calmly collected !

The Natural Beekeeping Trust aims to promote awareness of ways of beekeeping which take as their starting point the nature and needs of the bees, rather than maximising honey yields. The founders of the Trust believe that this is the best way to ensure long-term bee health.

 Dandy Lions
The flowers may come and go, but the marvellous dandelion leaf is available any time of year as a 'salading', and provides - like any green leaf veg when freshly picked - an excellent source of Vitamin C, Iron and Bio-flavonoids (which facilitate the flow of blood without affecting blood pressure). It is a blood cleanser and also a wonderful liver tonic.
a dandy bee
Dandelion bee
Any dandelion flowers you find will not only beautify your salad but will also be sweet if they still have nectar in them! 
Herb Walks on Film
In July, we discovered that Musk Mallow makes a soothing field infusion
Musk Mallow in flower
In May, our Herb Walk was filmed as part of a feature by Tor Bridges called 'Growing Food Locally'. The film will premiere on 7th October in the Village Hall (8pm). For more information, go to the Forest Row Transition website 
In the meantime, there is a short video on YouTube from our last Herb Walk, 'July Flower Riot', showing highlights from the morning session - film courtesy of Michael. To watch, click here
From Summer Drink to Winter Medicine
Elderberry bunchElderflowers have become Elderberries out in the great green pharmaceutical laboratory - the lovely summer flowers we used for cordial are now ripe black berries for you to turn into a powerful winter tonic.
The antiviral properties of the flowers are now increased in the berries. The berries are especially good for respiratory problems as they heal, restore and tonify the lung tissue. They also help the whole body deal with infections.
It's best not to eat elderberries raw; simmer the berries for a few minutes in a saucepan with a little water and sugar (ideally muscovado or molasses sugar). The cordial is best drunk warm to help with colds and flu.
The Magic of Magnets in Your Bed
Far-Infrared technology provides balanced temperature control
 A layer of magma stone releases negative ions
Contains Chitosan, a natural antibacterial agent for increased hygiene
It's a great time to buy a magnetic mattress and bedding !! 
20% off until 30 September 2010
For more information or to place an order, click here


Sunflowers on the roof at Helios Homeopathic pharmacy looking into the windows of the clinic, bringing their own healing to the place named after Helios, the Greek god who drove the Chariot of the Sun across the heavens