stick bike

PLEASE RSVP by Mon 3/20/12 to:

Kristi Stillwell
Austin SRTS



Presentation & Neighborhood Bike Ride!

Thursday 3/22/12
1:30 PM - Presentation 
3:00 PM - Bike Ride
Kealing Middle School 
1607 Pennsylvania Ave, Austin 78702 
The cyclists from Ride America for Safe Routes (RASR) are rolling into Austin!  We're inviting our Austin SRTS bike partners to join us for what is sure to be an entertaining presentation by RASR to students at Kealing Middle School, followed by a short bike ride around East Austin with RASR and students from the Kealing Bike Club. 

Please RSVP by Monday 3/20 if you plan to attend either portion.  IMPORTANT: Allow plenty of extra time for parking and visitor/security check-in at the school's front office.  Presentation begins to PE students at 1:30 PM.  We'll meet outside on the west side of the school (between Kealing & Carver Library) at 3:00 PM for the neighborhood bike ride.  Bike parking is available at the bike racks in front of the school. 


Press release from RASR:

Four ambitious women are undertaking a cross country ride starting from Key West on February 5, 2012, and culminating in San Francisco in late April. Two sisters, Jeanie and Chelsea Ward-Waller, their mother, Jane, and close friend Stephanie Palmer are riding across America to benefit the bicycle and pedestrian safety advocacy efforts of the League of American Bicyclists and the Safe Routes to School National Partnership. Dubbed "Ride America for Safe Routes" (RASR), their ride follows a route traversing 13 southern states and 20 major cities, logging over 5,000 miles between Florida and California.  


The mission of RASR is to raise $50,000 for the League's Bike Friendly America program and for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs in local communities. In addition, the RASR Team will advocate the critical need for bike and pedestrian safety and promote the public health benefits of active transportation through events with local bicycle groups and SRTS programs in communities along their route.

RASR Website: