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   June  2011  Newsletter                                 Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park 


Baby Boy Born After Thirteen Years in the Freezer!

A record breaker for the mid-west of the US  


"Everyone shall stand in awe and confess the greatness of the miracles of God....  

they will realize what amazing things He does."

Psalm 64:9    


Nic and Melisaa 

Congratulations Mom and Dad! We are so thrilled for you!  


We have some incredible news this month! A very special miracle boy was born ten days ago in Illinois. You see, this special one spent thirteen years in the freezer! The family that donated the embryos read an article in a magazine over a year ago about our embryo adoption ministry. This family had twin girls, and then sadly the mother died of cancer when the twins were six. This father is now raising the girls by himself. His pastor encouraged him to call us, and he did. Then, in another part of the country, a lovely couple contacted us that were interested in embryo adoption. These two special families were such a wonderful and complimentary match. When we told them about each other, both immediately confirmed, "This is our family match!" We then flew the embryos Fedex 1800 miles to the doctor's office of the adopting family. Embryos were transferred to the waiting mom, and two weeks later we were thrilled to hear,

 "We're pregnant!" 

 Here is a photo of the Miracle Boy and his family.  

Look what the Lord has done!  


cooper cropped


The "BIG BOY" about 10 days old! 


What a plan He must have for this special little man. 


"I knew you before you were yet formed in your mother's womb." Psalms 139:13

Again, our very best congratulations to our new Mom and Dad. May you and your household be blessed!


The Lancasters at Cedar at Cedar Park
Jeff and Maria Lancaster with Elisha, adopted as a frozen embryo in 2003.

Maria D. Lancaster  

Executive Director

email me here.. 










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Embryo Adoption Services is a ministry of Cedar Park Church. All contributions
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(Designation: Adopt an Embryo)
About Us
Faith for Life

Pastor Joe Fuiten

Dr. Joseph B. Fuiten
President, Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park 


Psalm 139:13-18   


For you created my inmost being;

   you knit me together in my mother's womb.


I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;

   your works are wonderful,

   I know that full well.


My frame was not hidden from you

   when I was made in the secret place,

   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.


Your eyes saw my unformed body;

   all the days ordained for me were written in your book

   before one of them came to be.


Jesus painting   

We want to wish our new Dad a Happy Father's Day. The first one is always very special!  We also want to acknowledge the Dad that made the gift of this life, to this family possible. We wish these two families all the joy there can be, in the celebration of the miracle of this child!   




"Just born, and handsome already!"  


Embryo Adoption Services of Cedar Park


Lake Place Office Center

1605 NW Sammamish Road #250

Issaquah, WA 98027



425-214-4512 or 425-657-2225
