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"The Future of School Integration"

A Forum Co-Sponsored by: The Century Foundation, the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, and Howard University


Wednesday, March 7, 2012 

12:00 - 2:00 p.m.
The National Press Club 
529 14th Street NW, 13th Floor 
Washington, DC 
RSVP: [email protected] (write "March 7" in the subject line)  

In 2007, when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down racial integration plans in Louisville and Seattle, many feared that school integration was dead.  But today, more than 80 school districts educating some four million students have adopted programs to promote socioeconomic diversity in education. A panel of experts will explore the benefits and costs of public school choice programs that help students gain access to lower poverty classrooms and discuss issues related to the feasibility and political viability of socioeconomic diversity as an education reform strategy. 

  • Stephanie Aberger, Expeditionary Learning 
  • Marco Basile, Harvard University 
  • Sheneka M. Williams, University of Georgia 
  • Michael J. Petrilli, Thomas B. Fordham Institute 
  • Derek W. Black, Howard University Law School 
  • Richard Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation
National Conference on School Diversity

Advancing the Legacy of Mendez and Brown

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Hart Auditorium
McDonough Hall
Georgetown Law School  
600 New Jersey Ave NW 
Washington, DC

Please join us for the second national conference of the National Coalition on School Diversity. We will:
  • Continue engaging with key officials in the Obama Administration on education enforcement and policy  
  • Hear testimony from educators about the challenges and successes of integration efforts in their local communities  
  • Explore the connections between school diversity research and school reform policies and priorities
Click here to register
General Registration: $50 
Students: $25
NCSD Experts Testify at Minnesota Department of Education Hearing on School Diversity and Integration

In December, several members of the National Coalition on School Diversity's Steering Committee and Research Advisory Panel traveled to Minneapolis for an important hearing on the future of state school diversity rules in Minnesota. The hearing was held by the Integration Revenue Replacement Task Force, a bipartisan legislative task force charged with reviewing the state's funding formula and policies on school integration. The following day, the Minnesota Post published an account of the hearing


Contributors included: 

  • Professor Derek Black from Howard University School of Law, whose testimony addressed the legal foundations for the state's interest in school diversity
  • Professor John Brittain from the University of the District of Columbia Law School, whose testimony summarized contemporary legal issues and interpretations of the recent DOJ-DOE "guidance" on voluntary school integration
  • Professor Linda Tropp from the University of Massachusetts, whose testimony summarized social science research on intergroup relations benefits of racial integration
  • Professor Roslyn Mickelson from UNC-Charlotte, whose testimony summarized social science research on the academic benefits of racial integration
On February 15th, the bipartisan task force issued its report and recommendations urging the state to continue its historic commitment to school diversity, and to include financial support and incentives to make integration work. Click here to read additional news coverage about the report. 
Reviving Magnet Schools: Strengthening A Successful Choice Option

The Civil Rights Project's latest policy brief, by Genevieve Siegel-Hawley and Erica Frankenberg, finds that magnet schools funded in the 2010-2013 federal funding cycle reported more inclusive admissions processes, a resurgence of interest in pursuing racially diverse enrollments and an increased willingness to allow out-of-district students to attend magnet programs.  The brief also shows high levels of demand for magnet schools.


"[U]ntil states and national leaders affirm a vision of integration and clear plan for achieving it, forward thinking educators. . .will be left largely on their own and needlessly vulnerable as they face some of the most vexing challenges of our time."  


-- "Not Your Father's Suburb: Race and Rectitude in a Changing Minnesota Community" by Susan Eaton (2012)


This "Story from the Field" was produced by One Nation Indivisible, a new documentation and organizing project that harnesses the power of storytelling and strategic organizing to support and celebrate people struggling to create, sustain and improve racially, culturally, linguistically and socioeconomically integrated schools, communities, workplaces and social institutions.


February 2012

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About NCSD
The National Coalition on School Diversity is a network of national civil rights organizations, university-based research institutes, local educational advocacy groups, and academic researchers seeking a greater commitment to racial and economic diversity in federal K-12 education policy and funding. We seek to procure a more significant political and financial commitment to racial and economic integration. We also support the work of state and local school diversity practitioners.
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The National Coalition on School Diversity is forming a network to help increase communication between education researchers, policymakers, and advocates. If you are an educational researcher and are interested in learning more about this developing community of researchers, please email the NCSD. 

To help inform NCSD's efforts, we are also in the process of creating a Research Advisory Panel. Confirmed members to date include:
  • Dolores Acevedo-Garcia, Northeastern University
  • Jomills Henry Braddock II, University of Miami
  • Casey Cobb, University of Connecticut
  • John Diamond, Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • Erica Frankenberg, Penn State University
  • Douglas Harris, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Jennifer Jellison Holme, University of Texas at Austin
  • Richard Kahlenberg, The Century Foundation
  • Jamie Lew, Rutgers University
  • Roslyn Mickelson, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Pedro Noguera, New York University
  • sean reardon, Stanford University
  • Vanessa Siddle Walker, Emory University
  • Linda Tropp, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
  • Richard Valencia, University of Texas at Austin
  • Amy Stuart Wells, Columbia University
  • NAACP Legal Defense Fund
  • Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
  • American Civil Liberties Union
  • Poverty & Race Research Action Council
  • Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
  • Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
  • Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School
  • Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles at UCLA
  • University of North Carolina Center for Civil Rights
  • Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at the Ohio State University
  • Chief Justice Earl Warren Institute on Race, Ethnicity and Diversity at UC Berkeley School of Law
  • Institute on Race and Poverty at the University of Minnesota
  • Professor Derek Black of Howard University School of Law
  • Professor Kevin Welner at the University of Colorado
  • Professor John C. Brittain at the University of the District of Columbia School of Law

National Coalition on School Diversity

c/o Poverty and Race Research Action Council (PRRAC)


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 202-544-5066 

Mailing Address: 1200 18th St. NW #200 Washington, DC 20036