Tudor in Chair
Antony Tudor Ballet Trust eNewsletter
www.antonytudor.orgJune 2011

Introducing the Antony Tudor Dance Studies Curriculum!


In This Issue
Corps de Ballet Conference
Paula Weber
Judith Chazin-Bennahum
Tudor Curriculum Introduced at Corps de Ballet
13th Annual Teacher Conference
June 22-26, 2011 
Kansas City, MO
Corps de Ballet Brochure

Legacies of Ballet: "Examining Tradition and Innovation"

The CORPS de Ballet International is a professional organization dedicated to the development, exploration, and advancement of ballet in higher education.


Special Conference Guest Artists include Sally Brayley Bliss, Amanda McKerrow and John Gardner. Participants willl experience the new Tudor Curriculum presented by The Tudor Trust, as well as master classes, rehearsals, and discussion. The program will include an informal concert by the Kansas City Ballet School and the Conservatory Dance Division. 

Presentations will center on various areas of research and creative activity in ballet.

Tudor's Students: Learning from the Master  
Jardin - Juilliard rehearsal - 1967

Jardin aux Lilias  Juilliard - 1967. Photo: Elizabeth Sawyer

"We really had to think about what we were doing in class and why we were there. And he loved to give an exercise, say, in 3/4, and then ask someone to demonstrate it in a 6/8. And it would become an allegro from something very round and soft and so you had to know how to translate that.. such an incredible idea of how the space would be moving." - Carla Maxwell


"He meant so much to us who were young at that time. Because he gave us classes, and we suddenly saw things and combinations we'd never seen..." - Gerd Andersson


"Exercises would start at the barre, he would manipulate, change a little bit in the center exercises, develop into bigger things, into turns with adagio and intricate little nuances and that same theme going through into allegro. When I left class I just kind of floated out. I felt like I'd had a total workout, but it had intelligent design... with Mr. Tudor it didn't feel like choreography. It was just so organic. And I thought, 'How can I do that as a teacher?'" - Sandra Noll Hammond


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Paula Weber, President of CORPS de Ballet International, Inc.:
Paula Weber, UMKC Chair Dance Div.

Paula Weber, Chair, Dance Division, UMKC


What most intrigues you about Tudor's teachings?  His incredible insight to human emotion and the way Tudor conveys this in his dances.  He knew how to touch the soul both in tragedy and comedy.  His ballets are timeless.  It is absolutely imperative that these works are never lost!!

Why is an Antony Tudor Dance Studies Curriculum necessary?  I feel that in today's social media world we all spend a large amount of time in front of a screen - especially our young people who are so "connected." I find it hard to reach the emotional quality that is so important for dance/dancers. Their eyes seem to have that glazed over "computer screen" look. Perhaps by studying the master of emotional sense through the Tudor Curriculum, students can bring heart back to their work by getting in touch with the most important part of dance - personal connection, personal feeling, the personal communication that happens between a dancer and the audience.

Accreditation ensures that the education provided by institutions of higher learning meets acceptable levels of quality.  How will the conference further that purpose?  The beauty of the CORPS de Ballet International Conference is the interaction of a membership of 90+ dance professors and representatives of approximately 50 colleges, universities and professional schools. It is our time for renewal, recharging, networking, and learning. Those attending the conference will learn directly about the Antony Tudor Dance Studies Curriculum and have the wonderful opportunity to work directly with Sally Brayley Bliss and the committee of scholars and r�p�titeurs. Even those members who don't attend the conference will have the opportunity to learn about the curriculum through the CORPS website and the members' forum. The knowledge we gain by this opportunity will be shared with our students and open doors for the Tudor curriculum group to have residencies at many of our schools. Exposing our dance students to the teachings of Antony Tudor is not only an historical experience, but also a rare dance training experience - Tudor was a master, and as with all great works projects, the intellectual growth and exposure to the artistry of the masters vastly enhances the education of our students. This exposure to such art is the quality of education that is absolutely essential as it fosters discovery, creativity and learning of the highest caliber.


Paula Weber is Chair of the Dance Division and a professor of dance with UMKC's Conservatory of Music and Dance.  


Judith Chazin-Bennahum Honored with 2011 CORPS de Ballet Lifetime Achievement Award: 
Judith Bennahum - Corps honoree
Judith Chazin-Bennahum


Judith Chazin-Bennahum, dancer, teacher, researcher, and choreographer was born in New York City. Bennahum attended the old Performing Arts on 46th street where she was a ballet major. She became Principal Soloist with the Metropolitan Opera Ballet Company when Antony Tudor was Director of Ballet.


Ms. Bennahum was invited by George Balanchine to join the New York City Ballet on their first trip to Russia and danced in numerous modern dance companies in New York. She also danced in companies with Robert Joffrey, Agnes De Mille and The Santa Fe Opera Ballet with Thomas Andrew and John Butler that toured Europe under the musical direction of Igor Stravinsky. She has worked with many choreographers including Antony Tudor, Pearl Lang, Alexandra Danilova, Todd Bolender, John Taras and studied with many teachers including Margaret Craske and Martha Graham.


She is the author of many articles as well as five books including "The Ballets of Antony Tudor" (Oxford University Press 1994) which was awarded the De la Torre Bueno Prize in 1995 for the best book on dance.


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The Antony Tudor Centennial Book and DVD
Antony Tudor

Our 137 page hardcover "coffee table" book features an impressive array of black and white photographs of Antony Tudor throughout his illustrious career and dozens of written "remembrances" and photos from Tudor dancers and students.


Our 90-minute DVD features interviews, demonstrations of Tudor classes, and more. All proceeds from the sale of these items go toward an endowed Tudor scholarship at The Juilliard School.


Purchase a Centennial Book/DVD and Support an Endowed Tudor Scholarship at The Juilliard School! Click here for sneak peek!


See you in September!

Adria Rolnik headshot

Adria Rolnik

It's been a pleasure bringing you the Trust's monthly eNewsletter. We've tried our best to include noteworthy interviews, Q & A's, new and archival photos, Tudor remembrances, the latest news and more. If you have any suggestions or ideas for future issues, or something you'd like to read or learn about - please let us know! You can contact me at arolnik@antonytudor.org.


On behalf of myself, Sally Brayley Bliss, Tara McBride and all of our contributors, best wishes for a wonderful, joyous summer filled with warm weather delights. Enjoy the season, have fun, and see you in September!


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