The Friday DigestNational PTA Logo
Special Thursday Fun Fair Edition
Vol.2, No.21
March 11, 2011

FUN FAIR is this SATURDAY, March 12, from 10 am to 2 pm. Read below for important information on making it a great day!


** Want the new iPad2 that goes on sale this Friday?

Come to the Fun Fair and buy your $20 raffle ticket and hopefully take a new one home! ** 


Fun Fair Safety Reminders

As the day of the Fun Fair draws near, the PTA would like to remind families that this event is designed to be a fun-filled activity and that we need everyone's cooperation to make that happen. Please keep in mind the following as you prepare for the big day:


This is not a chaperoned event. All children should be accompanied by a responsible adult. The PTA does not assume responsibility for the safety of your children while they are in the school building or on school property and we do not monitor the doors to ensure that children remain in the building.  


You assume the risk of your children's participation in all activities and amusements. In particular, we ask that you consider whether it is appropriate for your children to enter the inflatable amusements. We will have the height and weight requirements that are required, however, if you elect to allow them to do so, please make certain that they understand and comply with all posted safety rules. 


In addition to the Teacher and Class Basket Raffles in the cafeteria ($1 per chance,


preview and presale Friday afternoon outside the library), this year we are holding two special raffles:

  • Win a second generation iPad! Tickets are $20 and are available to all.
  • Win a week of Summer Quest camp! Tickets are $5. Winner must register for a new camp--prize cannot be used on SummerQuestprevious registration or for a camp already at capacity.   

Look out for the Raffle Table in the cafeteria! And don't forget to come back to the cafeteria at 2 pm to hear Mr. Fuqua announce the winners. We will be serving food until 2:45. 


Bake Sale Drop-off

Bake Sale items can be dropped in Room 123 by the cafeteria down the kindergarten hallway at the following times:


Friday, 8:15 - 8:45 am (front lobby is OK)

Friday, 3 - 5 pm

Saturday, 9 - 10 am, before Fun Fair officially begins


Baked goods should be packaged individually for sale, but do NOT need to be homemade. Suggested items by grade are:

  • K and 1st -- Cookies, brownies, bars
  • 2nd and 3rd -- Cakes, cupcakes, candies
  • 4th and 5th -- Breads, pies, pastries
  • 6th -- Bakers' choice

For more information, or to volunteer, contact Gina Manning at 703-534-1131 or

Insider's Guide to the Fun Fair

The Fun Fair Committee, PTA, and school staff look forward to seeing you at the Fun Fair on Saturday from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm.  Cafeteria will stay open until 2:45 pm, so grab a bite to eat and listen to the raffle winners called. The Fair goes on rain or shine!  All events are indoors.  Bring the whole family. There will be lots of fun games, activities and yummy food!!


Where should I park? You can park in the Chesterbrook school lot, at Chesterbrook Swim and Tennis Club (1812 Kirby Road), St. Dunstan's LOWER PARKING LOT ONLY, or at the First Baptist Church (1740 Kirby Road).  Please be sure to be considerate to our neighbors and choose only legal parking spots!  Better yet, carpool with your neighbors or walk.


We have willed the rain to stop and the temperatures to warm up enough that you can leave your coats at home. There will be nowhere to leave them and you won't want to carry them from activity to activity.


Where do I report for volunteer duty? All volunteers need to sign in at the Volunteer Table in the school lobby 15 minutes before your shift begins (9:45 am for morning shift and 11:45 am for afternoon shift). We have made some adjustments to where a few people will be working their shifts, so please do not go straight to your location! The time will not change, but a few locations have. Volunteer staff can give you directions on the location of your assignment.


I thought I ordered tickets/wristbands but didn't receive them, what should I do?  All orders placed by the cutoff date of February 28th were processed. Please be sure to check your child's backpack and their March 10th Thursday folder since this is the last distribution point for pre-sale tickets. The tickets are packaged in paper, a letter envelope, or a plastic bag. If you sent in a form for pre-sale tickets/wristbands after the cutoff date, your check will be returned to you.  See below for information on how to buy tickets. If you believe you purchased during the pre-sale, please contact Ann-Marie Turnage and she can help you sort it out. 


I didn't buy tickets or wristbands yet, what should I do?  Wristbands were only available during pre-sale, but you can still purchase tickets. There are two ticket sale stations (front door and outside the interior doors of the gym). Tickets are two for a dollar and can be used to participate in activities, games and to buy food. Food can also be purchased with cash or tickets.


Should I eat ahead of time?  No!  Chesterbrook will have delicious pizza, Subway sandwiches, chips, and drinks for sale in the cafeteria. You can use tickets or cash to purchase food items.  Check out other yummy snacks and desserts at the bake sale in Room 123, just off the cafeteria. The cafeteria will serve lunch until 2:45 so grab a bit to eat while Mr. Fuqua announces the raffle winners.  


How do prizes work this year? New this year, winners will be awarded colored tickets representing different denominations, instead of the plastic coins from the past. You might want to bring a resealable bag to keep track of them on your way to the Prize Redemption Room...or better yet, buy a treat from the Bake Sale in the morning and reuse that bag! 


What are the new First Grade and Kindergarten Fun Rooms? New this year just for first graders and younger in both kindergarten rooms there will be games with instant prizes (no need to bother with the prize redemption room!) and even a moonbounce just for first grade and younger.  Of course, younger kids can still go anywhere else in the Fun Fair too, but these rooms are just for them!  


Are the Class Baskets and Teacher Baskets really as amazing as my child says they are?  Yes!  Thank you Chesterbrook Families and Teachers for your amazing donations!  You won't believe the cool items in our baskets.  Come check them out in the cafeteria, but don't forget to buy $1 ticket for each.  You can't win if you don't play!! Be sure to stay and hear Principal Bob Fuqua announce the winners at 2 pm in the cafeteria. This is a fun event, not to be missed!


What is the photo booth room all about? Gather your friends or Chester the Chipmunk and have your picture taken in our photo booth!  


Will we see my child's teacher?  Maybe!  A number of staff will be working at the Fun Fair.  You might see your teacher wearing a colorful vest filled with fun toys.  Ask them about the popular "Pick-a-pocket" program.  They will be stationed outside the library with the Lollipop Tree this year. 


What is the Balloon Raffle? For a $5, $10, or $20 ticket you can purchase a Balloon Raffle Item.  Look for one of the teachers with the colorful balloons circulating in the halls.


Is it true there are four moonbounces? Yes, stop by the gym to check them out! This year we have two regular moonbounces AND two competitive bouncy stations! Be sure to leave your shoes in the new Shoe Hall right outside the gym.


What is the Market? Looking for something to do when the kids are off bouncing and playing games (with another responsible person)? Come stroll around the new Fun Fair Market.  Look at the new Spring collection of Scout Bags. A Pampered Chief associate will be there along with Discovery Toys.  And for the baseball player in your family, we'll have a craftsman who creates custom wood bats.  McLean's Preppy Pink Pony store will be there.  There will be jewelry, baby things, artwork, so many beautiful things. Come browse. The Market will be located past the Cake Walk in the pod, and along the hallway leading to the music room. Many, but not all, vendors take credit cards, so be sure to bring your checkbook. 


What else can I buy? Limited quantities of Chesterbrook Spirit Wear will also be available for purchase at Fun Fair. Look for the Spirit Wear table in the new Market area, and bring your checkbook as we cannot take credit cards. And if supplies run out, or you're having too much fun to stop by, we are again taking orders for t-shirts, sweatshirts, and magnets. T-shirts/$15 - Sweatshirts/$25 - Magnets/$5. Orders due by Friday, March 25th. Look for order forms in your Thursday envelope or download at our website. Delivery expected by April 28th.  


Also, the SCA will be selling pencils and other goodies down the Kindergarten hall, along with Ms. Butler's booth with handcrafted Guatemalan items supporting the Escuela Caracol. Ask the SCA kids what they have planned for this spring--lots of new ideas! This is a great spot for kids to shop! 


Who created all those underwater decorations? Your kids! Don't forget to search for your student's sea creatures!

Still have questions?  Trisha Downey and Kim Johnson are our Fun Fair Co-Chairs and can be contacted at Thanks Trisha and Kim for all you've done!!


Thank you in advance for your cooperation. We are looking forward to a fun-filled day for everyone! The Fun Fair Staff, Auction Committee, PTA Executive Officers and School Administrators sincerely offer our gratitude to all who have contributed to our major fundraising event. The Fun Fair could not happen with your support! All your generous donations go back to our school for various programs.

Looking Ahead
Register for Summer Quest

We have already filled a few classes and have publicized our offerings to neighboring (and competing) schools and are seeing registrations pick up. We cannot give priority registration to Chesterbrook students, so please register soon. You can review the catalog of summer camps or a quick-reference table and then go register on our new PTA website. Email with any questions.


Attend MCC Art Show

March is Youth Art Month which is a nationwide event that celebrates the Arts and Art Education. We will be participating in this event by having our annual Art Show at the McLean Community Center which will be open March 9-20. On Sunday, March 13th from 3-5 pm, we will be having a reception.  Please join us at this special event as we celebrate our young artists and Youth Art Month. Click here for a list of students whose work will be on display -- congratulations to all!


Attend Ann Dolin Discussion

The Lemon Road ES PTA is inviting neighboring school families to attend a presention by Ann Dolin on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:00 pm. Some of the topics Ann will cover in her discussion,  "5 Proven Strategies for Raising an Academically Successful Student" include:
  • Creating an afterschool structure with built in routines
  • Teaching your child essential study skills that all students must have
  • Choosing and implementing effective rewards and consequences
  • Realizing when you are helping too much or not enough
  • Praising effectively to increase motivation
The Lemon Road ES PTA Hospitality Committee will welcome our members and all of our guests from 6:30 - 7:00 pm in the Library. Please RSVP to the Lemon Road PTA mailbox at if you plan to attend.

Attend Town Hall with School Board Member Jane Strauss
Please join our PTA and PTA members from Kent Gardens, Franklin Sherman and Haycock for a town hall meeting with Janie Strauss, Dranesville District School Board Member in the Kent Gardens cafeteria on Tuesday, March 15th starting at 7pm. This is your opportunity to hear directly from her and ask her questions about topics related to education in McLean, including, but not limited to, the FCPS 2012 Budget. We hope you will join us.

Attend Race to Nowhere Follow-Up Program
The Langley HS PTSA Family Network Committee, in partnership with the Safe Community Coalition (SCC), will offer RESPONDING TO RACE TO NOWHERE with Dr. Bill Stixrud, a well-known local clinical neuropsychologist. The documentary left us wondering how we can effectively help our kids manage the stress described. Join us for a discussion on the balance of academics, extra-curriculars, and social stresses during the fast-paced, high-pressure years of high school. Dr. Stixrud, presented to a packed-house last year on the teenage brain.  Regardless of whether you saw the documentary, come hear his ideas and strategies for ways that we can help our teens and our families achieve balance.

March 11, 3:30 pm                  Fun Fair Set-up

March 12, 10 am - 2 pm          Fun Fair  

March 13, 3 - 5 pm                  Art Show at MCC (see list of students above)

March 15, 6:30 tour, 7 prog.    Kindergarten Parent Orientation (tell your neighbors) 

March 15, 6:30 pm                  Ann Dolin Presentation at Lemon Road

March 15, 7 pm                       Jane Strauss Budget discussion at Kent Gardens  

March 22, 7 pm                       Race to Nowhere Followup Discussion at Langley  

In This Issue
Safety First
Bake Sale
Looking Ahead
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ATK:  A Premier Aerospace Company

Corporate Visions, Inc., The Creative Ideas Company

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