Chesterbrook PTA
Friday Digest


In This Issue
Don't Forget About Bake Sale Donations
Auction Item Pickup
Insider's Guide to the Chesterbrook Fun Fair
Summer Quest 2010
Got Potholes?
VA FY2011 Budget
FCPS FY 2011 Advertised Budget
5th Annual Special Education Conference
Center for Talented Youth
School & PTA Partners
ATK:  A Premier Aerospace Company
Corporate Visions, Inc., The Creative Ideas Company
Wheat's Landscaping 
The Chesterbrook PTA Executive Committee Offers Our Sincere Thanks To Our School and PTA Partners.
Auction Sponsors
  A Chesterbrook Grandmother
The Khani Family
The Brandon Family
 The Russo Family
The Clancy Family
The Gralla Family
The Chesterbrook PTA Executive Committee Offers Our Sincere Thanks To Our Auction Sponsors.
Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do


Don't Forget to Send in Yummy Items for the Fun Fair Bake Sale



A quick reminder that the Fun Fair Bake Sale needs your baked goods, whether homemade or store bought. Suggested items by grade are:


Kindergarten -- Cookies, Brownies or Bars

1st Grade -- Cookies, Brownies or Bars

2nd Grade -- Cakes, cupcakes (regular or mini) or candies

3rd Grade -- Cakes, cupcakes (regular or mini) or candies

4th Grade -- Breads, pies, pastries (e.g. scones, mini loaves, coffee cake, rolls..)

5th Grade -- Breads, pies, pastries (e.g. cinnamon rolls, croissants, mini tarts...)

6th Grade -- Baker's Choice. Go crazy!


Items may be dropped off to Room 123 on Friday morning (8:20-8:45), Friday afternoon (3-5 p.m.) or Saturday morning (9-10 a.m.).


For bake sale questions, please contact Gina Manning at Thank you!!

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Auction Item Pickup 
Don't forget to pick-up items you won from the Computer Room on Saturday, March 13th from 10-2 pm. 
Are you in withdrawal now that the auction is over?  The fun continues through Fun Fair!!  Buy a raffle ticket and enter your name in a chance to win Bon Jovi Tickets or the Golden Ticket Space Launch! Raffle tickets are $20 a piece and are available for sale in the school's front lobby.
Bon Jovi 
Space Shuttle

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Class Baskets
The Insider's Guide to the Saturday, March 13th Fun Fair (For New Families and Those Who Have Forgotten How Things Worked Last Year!)
The Chesterbrook PTA and Chesterbrook Staff look forward to seeing you at the Fun Fair on Saturday from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM.  The Fair goes on rain or shine!  All events are indoors.  Bring the whole family. There will be lots of fun games, activities and yummy food!! 
Where should I park?  You can park in the Chesterbrook school lot, at the First Baptist Church (1740 Kirby Road), or at Chesterbrook Pool (1812 Kirby Road).  Please be sure to be considerate to our neighbors and choose only legal parking spots!
Where do I report for volunteer duty? Sign in at the Volunteer Table in the Chesterbrook school lobby 15 minutes before your shift begins (9:45 for AM shift and 11:45 for PM shift).  Volunteer staff can give you directions on the location and/or timing of your assignment.
I thought I ordered tickets but didn't receive them?  We've been working really hard to make sure that all orders placed by the cutoff date March 8th were processed. Please be sure to check your child's backpack and their March 11th Thursday folder since this is the last distribution point for pre-sale tickets. The tickets are packaged in paper, a letter envelope or a plastic bag.  If you sent in a form for pre-sale tickets after the cutoff date, your check will be returned to you.  See below for information on how to buy tickets.
I didn't buy tickets yet, what should I do?  No problem!  There are three ticket sale stations (front door, in hallway outside the pod near the cafeteria, and outside the interior doors of the gym). Tickets are four for a dollar and can be used to participate in activities, games and to buy food.
Should I eat ahead of time?  No!  Chesterbrook will have delicious pizza, hot dogs, chips, and drinks for sale in the cafeteria.  We also will be selling popcorn, cotton candy and water near the gym.  You can use tickets or money to purchase food items.  Check out other yummy snacks and desserts at the bake sale in Room 123, just off the cafeteria.  All proceeds go to the Chesterbrook PTA to benefit the school. 
I didn't buy tickets yet for Class Baskets/Teacher Items, can my child still participate?  Yes!  Stop by the cafeteria.  There are ticket tables for both the Teacher Items and for the Class Baskets!!  Please join Principal Bob Fuqua at 2 pm in the cafeteria when he draws names and announces the winners of the raffles.  This is a fun event, not to be missed!
Will there be photo opportunities with Chester the Chipmunk? Yes, keep an eye out for Chester who will be circulating through the school.
Will we see my child's teacher?  Maybe!  A number of staff will be working at the Fun Fair.  You might see your teacher strolling through the halls wearing a colorful vest filled with fun toys.  Ask them about the popular "Pick-a-pocket" program.  
What is the Balloon Raffle?  For a $5 or $10 ticket you can purchase a Balloon Raffle Item.  Look for one of the teachers with the colorful balloons circulating in the halls.   
Still have questions?  Candace Stromberg and Melinda Settles are our Fun Fair Co-Chairs and can be contacted at

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Summer Quest 2010 Registration In Progress
Summer Quest 2010  
  • Registration is open to all students, regardless of their local school affiliation.
  • View the online catalog and register at
  • Additional classes may be added to the catalog during the registration period.
  • In the event of low registration, management may eliminate or combine a class with another class.
  • Children registered for full day of classes will need to bring lunch. Lunch is between Noon and 12:30 PM.
  • Chipmunk Avenue is the PTA's new online class registration feature.  Information about Chipmunk Avenue is available by clicking HERE.
  • Chipmunk Avenue allows payment by personal check, credit card or PayPal.
  • $2.50/week fee added to tuition at time of registration.
  • Questions about classes may be directed to
  • Billing questions may be directed to
  • Scholarships for Chesterbrook ES students are available; please inquire at the front office, 703-714-8200.
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    Got Potholes?  
    Dranesville District Supervisor John Foust has alerted us that Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell and the Virginia Department of Transportation have launched a "Pothole Blitz"* to expedite pavement repairs throughout the Commonwealth. To report a pothole, please go to
    You can also call 1-800-367-ROAD (7623). The faster the problems are reported, the faster VDOT can get to them!


    The Senate and the House of the Virginia General Assembly have passed two very different budgets for FY2011.  The Senate would fund K-12 education $278 more per student in Virginia.  The Senate and House bills have gone to a committee that will try to reconcile the two budgets.


    Please, write the budget conferees requesting that they adopt the Senate's proposal for K-12 Education Funding. The easiest way to do this is to use the Virginia PTA - Action Center Links below.  Also consider signing up for Action Alerts from the Virginia PTA regarding the Virginia General Assembly. 


    Senate Budget Negotiators (Conferees)


    House Budget Negotiators (Conferees)


    Sign Up for Virginia Action Alerts:


    Senate Budget Negotiators (Conferees) are as follows: 

    Charles Colgan

    Edd Houck

    Janet Howell

    Richard Saslaw

    Walter Stosch

    William Wampler


    House Budget Negotiators (Conferees) are as follows:

    Kirk Cox

    Chris Jones

    Steven Landes

    Lacey Putney

    Beverly Sherwood


    Information provided by David Edelman, Legislation Chair

    Northern Virginia District PTA


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    FCPS FY 2011 Advertised Budget
    FCPS Logo
    Earlier this month the School Board approved the FY 2011 Advertised Budget with amendments.  
    Here are a few of the amendments/revisions included in the Advertised Budget: 
    • Restore funding of $17.1 million to eliminate the class size increase of one student per teacher for all classes except special education; 
    • Restore $2.2 million for the Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools (FLES) teacher positions in elementary schools, as well as the FLES support position in Instructional Services;  
    • Restore funding of $1.4 million for assistant principal positions;  
    • Restore funding of $0.8 million for instructional assistant positions;  
    • Recognize additional reductions in central office support to schools of $0.9 million;
    Here are a variety of budget presentations that should serve to inform you about what parents, teachers, administrators -- but most of all, students are facing come July 1, 2010.

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    5th Annual Special Education Conference
    Date:   Saturday, March 20, 2010
    Time:   8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
    Location:  Lee High School
    6540 Franconia Road, Springfield, VA 22150 
    Audience:  Families and educators of students who receive special education services in Fairfax County Public Schools.

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    JHU Center for Talented Youth

    Regular registration for the Johns Hopkins University's Center for Talented Youth Residential Summer Programs will remain open until April 3rd. CTY offers summer residential and day programs on the east and west coasts for qualified students who have completed grades 5-6.

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    The Chesterbrook PTA Chronicle Newsletter may contain external links to non-Chesterbrook ES PTA web sites and access to certain third-party services, which may include, without limitation, social bookmarking services. These external links and services are provided as a convenience, and the Chesterbrook ES PTA is not responsible for the content of any linked web site or use of any third-service service. Any external link to a non-Chesterbrook ES PTA web site or service accessed from the Chesterbrook PTA Chronicle Newsletter is independent from the Chesterbrook ES PTA, and the Chesterbrook ES PTA has no control over, and assumes no responsibility for, the content, privacy policy, terms of use and practices of such web site or service.  Any such web site or service has terms of use and a privacy policy different from the Chesterbrook ES PTA's privacy policy.  In addition, an external link to any non-Chesterbrook ES PTA web site or access to a third-party service does not imply that the Chesterbrook ES PTA endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or use of such web site or service.  By using any such web site or service, you expressly release the Chesterbrook ES PTA from any liability arising from your use of such third-party web site and service and any related content.