Empowering Women to take charge of their quest for hormone balance on their journey to healthy living.
Happy Hormone Cottage
25 W Franklin
(behind Joli Boutique)
Centerville, OH 45459

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Happy Hormone Happenings from the Cottage!   

    Happy Holidays! We hope you and your families have a blessed Thanksgiving with loved ones! We, at the cottage, are also full of thanksgiving for the opportunity to have worked with so many amazing women over this past year. We are so gratified that so many are so much better! Thank YOU for your faith and trust in US and customized hormone therapy. Keep on keeping on and we will keep on checking in!

   Calls! We got phone calls and emails in October following the Katie Couric news report, and the Nancy Snyderman segment on the Today Show about HRT-hormone replacement therapy. Katie did a good job of hammering the nails in the coffin of the synthetic drugs that mask as hormones-Premarin� and Provera�. It is unfortunate that she labeled these drugs "hormones" and considers them "hormone replacement," when in reality they are drugs masking as a hormone. What we compound in our compounding lab at our Piqua Medicine Shoppe are bioidentical hormones that replicate the hormones that are made in your body. They are NOT drugs masking as hormones. So Katie's terminology only confuses the uninformed person.
  Nancy Snyderman, in her segment on the Today Show, discussed these same serious health risks associated with these synthetic drugs, but then she went on to erroneously state that there is "no clinical evidence that the natural alternative is any safer."  I emailed her with links to the clinical studies (see below) that do indeed show the safety and efficacy of the natural alternative. I am very disappointed in her lack of credibility. She came across as just another talk-box for pharmaceutical companies. Shame on her! This is why your OWN education and knowledge base in hormone replacement therapy is so important. It is the uninformed woman who takes her doctor's word (and Nancy Snyderman) at face value and accepts their word as the FINAL word on the subject. I have to tell you that the days of going to your doctor and in blind faith, taking everything he says at face value, is simply unacceptable. Remember, medical school teaches drug therapy. What we, at the cottage, embrace is alternative therapy. We check hormone levels in 3 areas: sex hormones, adrenal hormones and thyroid hormones (including the T3 and TPO) and then replace those with customized natural therapy. This is HRT! Doing this eliminates the need for drug therapy, gets rid of pesky hormone imbalance symptoms, AND helps prevent disease.
  I personally don't believe that our current standard of care in our country is acceptable. And why are we ok with dosing for the masses? Why would I take drug therapy for hormones without first checking my levels and then customizing them for me? It boggles the mind! Rest assured that just because your current practitioner may not embrace what we do, doesn't make it wrong. It makes it alternative.

    Interestingly, when I flew to Florida in late October to present a Happy Hormone Power Hour in St. Augustine, FL, every woman there thought HRT (hormone replacement therapy) was the "awful stuff with the cancer risks." I totally get why they have this opinion. That is why I am out there educating women, one woman at a time! It is the drugs masking as hormones (we call this DST- "drug substitution therapy"!!) that have the serious health risks. What we do, customized BHRT, does not. THIS is true HRT.


Here are some articles you can click on to read more about the safety and efficacy of BHRT:

Dr. Kent Holtorf is a leading authority in the field of hormone therapy.
Click here to read Dr. Holtorf's article about the benefits of customized hormone therapy.

Also, on my website, under "Resources/Readings," you will also find a "Practitioner's Resource" section. Go to http://www.happyhormonecottage.com/resources_reading.htm
Nutritional Supplements...featuring Ultra Preventive� X

   At the Happy Hormone Cottage and The Piqua Medicine Shoppe, we want to help you be healthiest you can be. We offer a full line of nutritional supplements to help you on your journey to a better feeling you! Our featured nutritional product this month is Ultra Preventive X.  One of our professionals can help you make your selection or you can order all your nutritional supplements in our online store.


woman gardening   Proper diet and nutrition, exercise, assessment of risk factors and screening with mammograms and self-exams are all important for breast health. Research shows that a woman who is over 40, or whose mother or sister has had breast cancer, may be at greater risk, but this does not mean the woman will develop breast cancer. The purpose of knowing your risk factors is to help devise a breast health program suited to each woman's individual needs.
   A growing body of evidence suggests that breast cancer in many cases is preventable. For example, studies suggesting that eating a low-fat diet, and a high ratio of omega-3 fatty acids to omega 6 fatty acids in a diet may help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Many knowledgeable healthcare practitioners recommend supplements to support breast health.   
Unequal Risks for Breast Cancer Associated with Different Forms of Hormone Therapies
  Many forms of hormone therapy are available for the treatment of menopausal symptoms and the proper selection of hormones is critical. To determine whether some hormones are more harmful than others regarding breast cancer risk, data was reviewed from a study of 80,377 postmenopausal women. The findings suggest that it could be preferable to use natural progesterone instead of a synthetic progestin as part of hormone therapy.
  The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) reported that women who take conjugated equine estrogens ("estrogen" from pregnant mares' urine) and the synthetic progestin medroxyprogesterone acetate have an increased risk of breast cancer. Recently, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association noted that when breast cancer does occur in women taking synthetic hormones (such as progestins which are NOT found in humans), the cancer is more likely to be node-positive and have a higher risk of mortality. 
Vitamin D and Breast Protection
   Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with elevated risk of about 20 types of cancer, according to Dr. John Cannell, vitamin D expert and director of the Vitamin D Council. Dr. Cannell suggests adults need around 5000 IU per day of vitamin D3 to maintain healthy body functions and even higher doses may be needed to fight diseases.
   Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with elevated breast cancer risk, and women who have an aggressive form of breast cancer are eight times more likely to be diagnosed with vitamin D deficiency. African-American women are at a higher risk because their skin color reduces the efficiency of the absorption of UV rays, which are needed for the body to produce vitamin D.
   Not only does vitamin D inhibit breast cancer cells from growing, it makes those cells grow and die more like natural cells. Furthermore, vitamin D inhibits the formation of excessive blood vessel growth around the cancerous tumor, a process called anti-angiogenesis.
   In 2004, a group at the University Hospital in Quebec confirmed that vitamin D, especially when taken with calcium, significantly reduced abnormal mammograms. In fact they found women with the highest vitamin D intake had only one fourth as many abnormal densities on their mammogram as did women with the lowest intake.
   Researchers in Norway discovered that women who were diagnosed with breast cancer during the summer and fall, the season where vitamin D levels are the highest, had the best prognosis. The researchers concluded that high vitamin D levels during the course of cancer treatment may improve the prognosis of women with breast cancer, plus, both colon cancer and prostate cancer showed similar improvements. 
Note:  Vitamin D is not a cure-all and should never be used as the main treatment for cancer. Oncologists prescribe treatments with proven efficacy that should be considered the mainstay of therapy. At the same time, evidence suggests that the proper amount of vitamin D may help in the fight against breast cancer.

We work together with patients and practitioners to individualize Bioidentical Hormone Therapy and other medications to meet specific needs, and can recommend quality supplements such as vitamin D. Vitamin D is available in our online store. We welcome your questions and your medication problems.


Copyright 2010, Storey Marketing. All rights reserved.

Mark your calendar for our upcoming events!!!

Cincinnati Happy Hormone Hour

at Beckett Ridge Family Medicine
Tuesday, December 7
4870 Wunnenberg Way
West Chester, OH 45069
Join us for an evening of education and empowerment in the area of customized hormone replacement therapy. Hors d'ouevres and desserts provided.
To register or for more information please call the Happy Hormone Cottage at 513-444-6343.

Happy Hormone Coffee Hour

Wednesday, December 8 11:00am
At the Unique Celebrations Gathering Room (next to the cottage)
33 W. Franklin Street
Centerville, OH
All are invited to join us.
For more information please call the Happy Hormone Cottage at 513-444-6343

All of our upcoming events are listed at www.happyhormonecottage.com/events.htm.
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Get Tested, Get Treated, Get Better!