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April 6, 2012
In This Issue
Editor's Blog
The Outside Story
What In The Woods?
Last Week's Contest Answer
Northern Woodlands News
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student center EDITOR'S BLOG
In Which Dave Finds Himself in Amherst

Dave Mance III   

So, sugaring season ended very abruptly and I'm letting myself off the hook for petering out on my maple blog by concentrating on the reflective nature of that act. Sugaring ended. I stopped writing. We ended up with 500 gallons and change - about 75% of a normal crop... 

Shed Hunting  

Kubie Brown    


Whether we see them slinking silently through the shadows of a quiet forest, darting across the road, or standing alone in a yellowed field, the sight of a whitetail buck touches some ancient and primal part of our souls. In fall, a buck's antlers, rising and curling gracefully above his head, are impossible to miss...


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speckled spring WHAT IN THE WOODS IS THAT?
Our Biweekly Guessing Game!

The Northeast's recent blast of summer-like weather set in motion some early spring buds and blossoms. To what plant do these speckled leaves belong?  


Every other week we run a photo of something unusual found in the woods. Guess what it is and you'll be eligible to win a copy of The Outside Story, a paperback collection of our Outside Story newspaper columns. A prize winner will be drawn at random from all the correct entries. The correct answer, and the winner's name, will appear in next week's column. 


This week's contest deadline is 8:00 AM, Wednesday, April 18, 2012.
wood truck Previous Contest Answer

Congratulations to our winner Bennett Leon of Orono, ME! Bennett receives a copy of our book, The Outside Story.

These three trucks, featured in Northern Woodlands' new book, More Than a Woodlot, are all filled up and ready to go. Top to bottom, which is the load of pulp? Which is the load of sawlogs? Which is the load of firewood?   

NW Answer: Top to bottom: sawlogs, firewood, pulp.

In the top photo, the truck contains a load of hardwood sawlogs totaling 6,600 board feet. In the middle photo, the same truck is loaded with about 10 cords of firewood. Firewood logs are generally tree length, and because of their rougher form, don't pack as tightly as the nearly cylindrical logs. The 8-foot logs in the bottom photo look more like a load of logs than firewood, but their poor form indicates that they're headed to the pulp mill. 


 Visit our What In The Woods Is That? contest archive.


Wildlife Conservation, Forest Stewardship Training

Vermont Coverts presents its 2012 spring training, June 1-3, for landowners with an interest in wildlife conservation and forest stewardship on their properties and within their communities. This free training includes a mix of outdoor and indoor seminars taught by foresters, ecologists, wildlife biologists, and other landowners and focuses on topics relating to forest and wildlife management. The event takes place at NorthWoods Stewardship Center in East Charleston, Vermont. To register, download an application or contact Lisa Sausville at (802)-388-3880 or by email.

Operations Manager Position Announcement

Highstead seeks an experienced individual to manage its landscape, facilities, and local operations. Highstead's 140 acres in Redding, Connecticut, are dedicated to the study and appreciation of native plants and habitats. Its facilities support ecological research and education at both the local and regional levels. Visit the company's website for a full job description and to apply.

Forest Birds of the Northeast Webinar

Audubon Vermont, through the Forest Bird Initiative and its partnership with the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, presents a webinar on nesting songbirds of the Northeast. Steven Hagenbuch, an Audubon biologist, will discuss the forest songbird species of conservation priority for the region. Participants will also hear about the innovative Foresters for the Birds partnership and explore ways that active forest management can be a tool for habitat enhancement for a wide range of bird species. The webinar takes place April 18 at 2 p.m.  Click here for more information.

Robert Perschel Named NEFF Executive Director

New England Forestry Foundation has named Robert Perschel of Hudson, Massachusetts, as its new executive director. Perschel previously served as co-founder and Eastern Forests Director of the Forest Guild, chairman of the Northern Forest Alliance, and Northeast Regional Director for The Wilderness Society. He was also founder of the Land Ethic Institute.
We Welcome Your Questions and Comments
Postal Address:
Northern Woodlands
1776 Center Road
P.O. Box 471
Corinth, VT  05039
Toll-Free: (800) 290-5232
Phone: (802) 439-6292
Fax: (802) 439-6296
General inquiries form

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The mission of the Center for Northern Woodlands Education is to advance a culture of forest stewardship in the Northeast and to increase understanding of and appreciation for the natural wonders, economic productivity and ecological integrity of the region's forests. Our programs give people the information they need to help build a sustainable future for our region. Through Northern Woodlands magazine, the Northern Woodlands Goes to School program, and special publications, we make a difference in how people care for their land.