
December 2009

Issue No. 6

Cook County Partner News

In This Issue
Winter Websites
Program Offerings for December
Become a Science Volunteer
Quick Links
Have you washed your hands lately?
National Hand Washing Awareness Week is December 6-12. Now is the time of year when we are most vulnerable to illness and infection. Click here for our newsletter on hand washing.  

bannerAs we quickly approach the end of another year, we want to thank you for making our monthly e-letter a success. It is one of the several ways we hope we are keeping you informed about Extension programs. 
The most important investment Extension can make is to focus on residents needs. We recognize that those needs are unique and constantly evolving, so your comments and suggestions are always welcomed regarding our outreach efforts.  
Happy Holidays & Best Wishes for the New Year,
Willene Buffett
Cook County Director 
Winter Websites
Ideas for bringing the outdoors in, and keeping the outdoors out
Tree facts, farms, types and traditions, as well as recipes for fresh garland and ornament ideas. child with tree
Find a fabulous fir, a perfect pine or a special spruce anywhere in Illinois! 
As the weather turns, get information on preparing and dealing with Midwestern weather hazards, the H1N1 virus, and indoor air quality.
It's that time of year again - here is info on some of the more popular tax updates.
Everything you need to know to select, dress and carve your turkey.  And there are plenty of side dish recipes too!
So Many Programs...So Make Some Time!
Tax Training Program
Learn how to complete your individual tax return! This program is done in partnership with Right Start Outreach Center. It is ok if you cannot make each session. We welcome your participation!
December 7 - 18, 2009
  (2 weeks)
Monday through Friday 
each class is provided twice per day: 10am - 1pm or 4pm - 7pm
13800 South Trumbull
Robbins, IL 60472

To register, or if you would like additional information email Kim Nute-Jones:, or call (708) 720-7500.  

Science is Super! Professional Development for Classroom Teachers 
Science is Super! is a 3-day science "boot camp" for teachers interested in boosting their science curriculum within the classroom. Built upon Illinois State Board of Education science standards, participants will leave with sample curriculum, a deeper understanding of scientific concepts, new classroom ideas and a new way of teaching science to students in an integrative and non-threatening fashion.
December 14-16, 2009
4pm - 6pm
University of Illinois Extension offices
5527 Miller Circle Drive
Matteson, IL 60443
$15.00 per participant
In Food Analysis, the principles of the scientific method, biology and chemistry lessons are fused together to provide cohesive curriculum and classroom demonstrations.
Let it Flow focuses on osmosis and diffusion. Understanding the differences between the two allows for greater understanding of the movement of molecules and water. This curriculum can be tied into state standards for scientific data collection and application to human body systems.
To register, contact Karen Meyer: or 708-449-4320.
Want your Clients to be Competitive in the Global Economy? Bring in Extension's Workforce Preparedness Educator to Help. 

Help your clients learn how to repackage and refocus their experience and skills to meet the needs of today's employers with:

Career/Job Preparation for the Competitive Global Economy
The five sessions include: Transferable Skills, Interviewing, On-Line Job Search, Resume Writing and Career Advancement. These interactive, three hour workshops are relevant to both employed and unemployed people.
-each workshop costs $20.00 per participant
-participants earn a Certificate of Completion or Recognition
-participants can register to become eligible for an individual coaching session
To bring this program to your organization, contact Barbara Seales: or 773-933-6774.
Shake the Winter Blues with Extension's Winter Learning Explosion
Bring your children to enjoy Extension programming at the Winter Learning Explosion in partnership with Proviso Township! CSI forensics, robotics, community health, nutrition and Mobile Science Lab demonstrations are all part of the day. Join us from 10:30am until 2:00pm at any one of these four locations:
December 22:  Westchester Community Center
10201 Bond St.
register with Regina Rivers: 708-449-4307 or

December 23:  Eisenhower Community Center
700 Speechley Blvd. in Hillside
register at 708-547-3900 EXT. 0  or

December 29:  Forest Park Community Center
7640 Jackson Blvd.
register with Karen Dylewski: 708-771-7737 or

December 30:  Sharp Community Center
1609 N. 36th Ave. in Melrose Park
register at 708-547-3900 EXT. 0 or

Register by December 13, 2009!


Are You a Fan of the TV Series CSI? Become a Science Volunteer!
STEM team seeks adult volunteers to launch youth forensics programs  
U of I Extension is looking to expand its Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programming in Cook County with the use of program volunteers. If you like CSI: New York, Miami, or Las Vegas, this is the volunteer opportunity for you! banner
Science volunteers will be trained and deployed to classrooms and other venues where they will work with youth. Programs will focus on forensic science and careers in forensics.
For more information, and to express your interest in becoming a science volunteer:
  University of Illinois Extension in Cook County, 2009.
  University of Illinois * U.S.D.A. * Local Extension Councils Cooperating
  U of I Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
  If you need a reasonable accommodation to attend an Extension program, contact the
  local office.  
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