TAUW e-newsletter

TAUW's Quarterly E-Newsletter                              Vol. 3, Issue 4 | December 2011


2011 Unite reveal photo 

Annual CampaignUnite Concludes at "Unite!"

TAUW Surpasses 2011 Goal


That was the reaction of guests at "Unite!" when the Tulsa Area United Way announced it had raised $24,746,883 for its 61 partner agencies - $190,310 more than the original campaign goal.

The excitement was accompanied by laughter and tears as nine agency clients - the real faces of the United Way - walked onto the stage one by one, telling their stories and revealing this year's campaign total. The final two "digits" were TAUW President and CEO Mark Graham and his mother, who is currently receiving assistance from three United Way partner agencies.
The event, a celebration of the annual campaign's culmination, was held at the beautiful new Lorton Performance Center at the University of Tulsa.

"To surpass our goal during a period of economic sluggishness is a testament to the vast generosity of our community," Graham told guests. "The residents of the Tulsa area demonstrated their giving spirit and enduring support of the important work conducted by our partner agencies and the needs of their friends and neighbors."

Total on building
The 2011 Campaign total displayed in lights on the BOK Tower.

During the event, more than a dozen key volunteer leaders, representing local companies, small businesses and foundations, reported the total amounts raised by their teams. Several hundred volunteers at companies and organizations across the Tulsa area, in addition to 22 loaned executives, led the United Way in completing the successful campaign.
"This year's campaign was truly a community-wide effort, with more than 1,500 companies and organizations participating, and over 50,000 individuals making contributions," said Jim Bender, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for Williams, who served as Chairman of this year's TAUW Campaign Cabinet.

Reporting at Unite
Becky Frank reports on TAUW's Women's Leadership Council at Unite!

Providing a boost to the campaign were a number of challenge grants, including the Leadership Challenge Grant of $250,000, issued by the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation, in conjunction with an anonymous donor, matching all new and increased gifts by individuals of $500 or more. 

QuikTrip again issued a Small Business Challenge of $100,000, matching dollar-for-dollar all first-time gifts by small businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

In addition, T.D. Williamson and an anonymous foundation offered two Alexis de Tocqueville Society challenge grants,
encouraging new members to join the Tocqueville Society and current members to increase their level of support. 


Each of the challenge grants were "subscribed," or fulfilled by donors.

The University of Tulsa served as host of the event, opening the doors of its new Lorton Performance Center for the first time to an organization outside the university, and the Tulsa World was a major supporter.  

Campaign CabinetCabinet at Core of Our Efforts


The Tulsa Area United Way's Campaign Cabinet is the heart and soul of our annual fundraising campaign.

The all-volunteer cabinet provides leadership for the campaign, develops strategies for success, and reaches out to business, industry and government sectors to attract support.

As Chair of this year's Campaign Cabinet, I could not be more proud of our team - more than 40 individuals who dedicated hundreds of hours of their time. Their effort led to an immensely successful campaign, surpassing our goal and raising more than $24.7 million for our 61 partner agencies.

Providing leadership for this year's Campaign Cabinet were Chet Cadieux, QuikTrip, Leadership Team and Loaned Executives Chair; Suzanne and Jim Kneale, Alexis de Tocqueville Society; Alison Anthony, Williams, Foundations; Rod Sands, Explorer Pipeline, Trailblazers; David Wagner, Schnake Turnbo Frank|PR, Marketing; John Gaines, Northeastern Oklahoma Labor Council, Labor; Charlie Jackson, Public Service and Government; Scott Anderson, Dollar Thrifty Auto Group, Green Country and Commerce; Rob Martinovich, ONEOK, Inc., Energy and General Business; and Mike Cooke, Hall Estill Attorneys at Law, Professional Business.

Also serving on the Campaign Cabinet were 31 team members who joined our Loaned Executives and TAUW Campaign Staff "on the front lines." A full list of our Cabinet can be viewed by clicking here.


Jim BenderJim Bender
2011 Campaign Chair


EC Final Number
The Luchador-themed 2011 TAUW Employee Campaign raised $107,104.

Believing in theCause Cause

TAUW and Partner Agencies Know the Importance of Supporting the Campaign 

At the Tulsa Area United Way, we believe in what we do, and we know how to show it.

his year the TAUW Employee Campaign raised more than $107,000 for the overall 2011 Campaign. Through Jeans Fridays, Chick-fil-A lunches, our spectacular Silent Auction, and many other fun events and generous gifts, the TAUW Employee Campaign surpassed the goal of $93,155 by more than $13,000. 

However, TAUW is not alone. Our 61 partner agencies also know how to give back. All together the partner agencies raised approximately $800,000 toward the 2011 Campaign.


Volunteers Needed forCIPanels
Community Investments Panels


The Community Investments process is the hallmark of the Tulsa Area United Way. This important group of volunteers undergoes the research and legwork required to ensure that all dollars invested in our 61 partner agencies are put to the best possible use and address the primary needs in our community.

TAUW is currently in the process of recruiting volunteers for the 2012 panels. Volunteers for these panels should be willing to devote approximately 20 hours of time from January through May.  


To read more about the Community Investments process, click here. For more information about serving as a panelist, call Maxine Street at 918-295-6644.

Here's what a few returning panelists had to say about their experience:

"[Panel members] will receive a rare opportunity to gain insight into organizations that are vital to the community." - Nate Waters, Williams. Next year will be his second year to serve on a panel.

Jim Barnes enjoys the opportunity to work with really great people who he would have never had the chance to meet except though the TAUW. Jim has been serving as a Community Investments panelist for two years.

"I really enjoy getting to visit the nonprofits to see first hand the impact they are having in our community, the passion that nonprofit employees have for the communities they serve, and the hope developing in the clients." - Chan Hellman, Ph.D., associate professor and director of the Center of Applied Research for Nonprofit Organizations at the University of Oklahoma.

"[Community Investments panels are] a very rewarding effort which contributes significantly to the ability of many organizations to support the needy and underserved populations in our community and area." - Norma Woolsey. Next year will be her second year to serve on a panel.

"You receive a first hand glimpse of what the United Way agencies are doing to meet the various needs and issues in our community and gain a better understanding of what the agencies face with funding, and how they use and leverage the money they are provided by the United Way. I have found that serving on a Community Investments panel is a great way to become involved in the volunteer community." - Elizabeth Echols, Bank of Oklahoma, panel member for three years. 

Get Involved with the Women'sWLC Leadership Council during the HolidaysWLC logo

The new Women's Leadership Council is focused on improving the lives of people in our community. And what better time of year to do this than during the holidays?

During the month of December, the WLC has provided several opportunities for members to give back through The Salvation Army. Volunteers hosted a party for children who live at The Salvation Army Center of Hope. They have worked hard sorting and organizing donated toys. And in the coming weeks they will help with distributing donated toys and food baskets.
There are still some upcoming opportunities to volunteer, so be sure to visit www.tauw.org/wlc and sign up right away. Email wlc@tulsaunitedway.org with questions.

TAUW's RemodelNew Look


If you've visited the Tulsa Area United Way in the last few months, you may have noticed that our lobby has been closed. The new and improved lobby is now open! See the photos below to get an idea of our new look. And be sure to stop by soon to see it all in person!






Unite! BigReveal Reveal
Unite Reveal

Clients and volunteers from several TAUW partner agencies donned white t-shirts with big black numbers to reveal the total amount raised during the 2011 Campaign. Click the above picture to watch the reveal.

Save the Date forAMSTD Annual Meeting
Be sure to mark your calendar for TAUW's Annual Meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012 at 11:30 a.m. at the Tulsa Convention Center.

We'll see you there!


Agencies NeedAgencies Your Holiday Help

Many of our partner agencies have been hard at work preparing to help families during the holidays. Here are a few last minute needs you and your family may be able to help with this month. If you are interested or would like more information, contact the person listed:
Broken Arrow Neighbors
Needs: New toys for gift gallery

Contact: Gladys Decker,
Caring Community Friends
Needs: Help sorting gifts and packing food baskets

Contact: Mary Walters, 
The Salvation Army
Needs: Help with bell ringing and meal serving
Contact: Rhonda McDaniel,
918-587-7801 x113
Sand Springs Community Services
Needs: Help with food pantry and gift sorting
Contact: Judy Treat or Cecilia Lee,  918-245-5183
Youth Services of Tulsa
Need: People to "adopt a teen" for the holidays.

Contact: Click here to read more about this program.

Congrats Congratsare in Order...
We like to celebrate our amazing partner agencies and highlight their special recognitions:
  • Bristow Social Services has named Toni Godwin its new Executive Director.


Employee ECCCampaign Coordinators Make it Happen


Company campaigns are extremely valuable to the overall TAUW campaign every year. And Employee Campaign Coordinators (ECCs) are volunteers who work hard to put together fun and inspiring campaigns at their companies with their coworkers.  


We want to take an opportunity to let these folks know how much we appreciate their hard work, creativity and passion. We would not have been able to surpass our fundraising goal without the dedication of all of our ECCs. The Tulsa Area United Way and our 61 partner agencies are extremely grateful and thank all ECCs for their leadership.


Loaned ExecutivesLEFinish Strong


The 2011 Loaned Executives worked hard for 12 weeks to help surpass the TAUW fundraising goal. These talented professionals played a big part in raising more than $24.7 million for the Tulsa area community. Thank you for your dedication and perseverence throughout the campaign and congratulations on a job well done!


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Tulsa Area United Way 1430 S. Boulder, Tulsa, OK 74119 918-583-7171
ŠTulsa Area United Way. All Rights Reserved.