TAUW e-newsletter 

TAUW's Quarterly E-Newsletter                              Vol. 2, Issue 4 | December 2010

LIVE UNITED in skyway

A giant LIVE UNITED sign greeted Unite! 2010 guests in the skyway over Second Street.


A Message Messagefrom Dan Ellinor,

2010 Campaign Chair

Dan speaking at Unite
Dan Ellinor at Unite! 2010


What an incredible year! We set the goal at just over $24 million, the second highest goal in TAUW history, and we exceeded that goal by raising $24,324,803 - more than $250,000 over goal! This great result will make it possible for our partner agencies to have an even bigger impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in the Tulsa area.


This campaign would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the TAUW Campaign Cabinet, staff and Loaned Executives. Each and every one of you truly gave your heart to this campaign, and for this I am very grateful. I also want to especially thank the companies, organizations and individuals who gave so generously to this year's campaign. You truly exemplify the philanthropic spirit of this community. Thank you all for an outstanding campaign and a remarkable year.


Unite! 2010 UniteCelebrates Campaign Success

Unite! 2010 was an exciting evening and a celebration of the success of the 2010 campaign. With a final number of more than $24.3 million, we surpassed the goal by over $250,000.

Unite banner with Mark and Dan
Dan Ellinor and Mark Graham with
30-foot banner at Unite! 2010

Hundreds of people gathered at the Crowne Plaza in downtown Tulsa for the party Nov. 11. Guests were greeted by the "larger than life" LIVE UNITED in the skywalk over Second Street as they arrived.

Mark Graham, TAUW President and CEO, took time to h
onor TAUW's 61 partner agencies and volunteers. Then the Campaign Team Leaders reported on the generosity of the Tulsa area. At the end of the program, everyone moved outside for the big reveal. The crowd cheered wildly as a banner was unfurled and suspended 35 feet in the air from the bucket of TFD Station #4's ladder fire truck. The banner announced the total raised during this year's campaign, $24,324,803.

Fire truck with TAUW banner
Thank you to everyone who had a part in the success of the 2010 Tulsa Area United Way Campaign.


Meet Jim BenderBender, 2011 Campaign Chair

Jim Bender, Senior Vice

Jim Bender at Unite! 2010
Jim Bender at Unite! 2010

President and General Counsel at Williams, has been involved with United Way campaigns in different cities since he first started practicing law in 1983. His first experience with TAUW was in 2003 when his boss, Steve Malcolm, asked him to chair the Attorneys' Division.

New to Tulsa, Bender jumped at the chance to be involved in the overall campaign to gain better insights into TAUW.

"I have always been a financial supporter of United Way," said Bender. "I have great respect for the processes that United Way uses to allocate funds based on community needs and assessments of [partner] agencies," he said.


Bender acknowledges that TAUW's broad impact on the community is very important. "In the case of the Tulsa Area United Way, I am extremely comfortable with how my contributions are allocated and that is why I choose to continue to support TAUW like I do." 


Matching Challenge GrantsGrants Give Boost to 2010 Campaign 

One of our early campaign strategies was securing Matching Challenge grants from a number of the Tulsa area's leading foundations and corporate citizens. We wanted to leverage our community's amazing legacy of philanthropy with the generosity and innovation of these foundations and corporate citizens. A series of six different Challenge grants totaling over $650,000 were pledged by these organizations which provided an incredible opportunity to individuals and small businesses to have their investments doubled through the matching programs.

That initial groundwork proved to be a winning strategy and we are very appreciative of the following foundations and company who participated in the Community Challenge grants:

Anne & Henry Zarrow Foundation
J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation
H.A. and Mary K. Chapman Charitable Trust
The Hille Foundation
The Walton Family Foundation
QuikTrip Corporation

Employee Campaign ECCCoordinators Share Campaign Memories


Now that the extremely successful 2010 campaign season is over, it is fun to reflect on a few favorite memories.

Employee Campaign Coordinator Ryan Garrett from First Oklahoma Bank ran the company's first employee campaign this year. Bank employees and officers took tours of several partner agencies, which was the highlight of the campaign for them. Garrett remembers how seeing the faces of the people who benefitted from their donations made an impact and emphasized the importance of TAUW's mission.


Saint Francis Health System employees enjoyed working with clients from LIFE Senior Services for their Day of Caring project. SFHS also saw success with their United eWay Basket Auction, an online auction of donated gift baskets.

Claudia Butler, Employee Campaign Coordinator at Magellan Midstream Partners, and her committee learned an important lesson from their chili cookoff several years ago when too many plugged-in crockpots blew a breaker in one part of their offices. "We had to scramble to warm up the chili in [other] offices and break rooms - crockpots of chili were everywhere," said Butler. We don't know if the delicious smells all over the building helped increase attendance, but Butler reflects fondly on her five years as ECC. "I enjoy the camaraderie that comes naturally when everyone is working toward the same cause of helping others," she said.

Explorer Pipeline Day of Caring group picture
Explorer Pipeline employees at 2010 Day of Caring at ONEOK Field.

Bruce Robateau has been a part of coordinating Explorer

Pipeline's United Way Employee Campaign for eight years. He remembers the success his committee saw when they included everyone from other companies in their building in their campaign. They planned a hot breakfast fundraiser and got the word out to everyone. People were lined up out the door to get a good breakfast and to support a great cause.


A big thank you goes to all the Employee Campaign Coordinators who helped us exceed our $24+ million goal for the 2010 Campaign.


If you have a campaign story to share please let us know! Email your story suggestions to brucker@tulsaunitedway.org.


Annual AMMeeting
Save the Date

Mark your calendar for TAUW's Annual Meeting luncheon Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2011 at the Tulsa Convention Center.

A Look lookbackBack at the 2010 Campaign 
Reveal Video
Unite! 2010 Final Amount Reveal
Pumpkin Smash Video
Pumpkin Smash Campaign Event at CB Richard Ellis | Oklahoma

Congrats are in order...congrats

In each e-newsletter, we want to celebrate our amazing partner
agencies and highlight their special recognitions. 


Sandra Lewis, Executive Director of Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless was recently named 2010 Communicator of the Year by the Tulsa Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators.


Congratulations, Sandra!


Thank you, Campaign CabinetCabinet
We want to express our gratitude and appreciation to the 2010 Campaign Cabinet. Thank you to the 46 community leaders who gave generously of their time, energy, talent and heart.

Click here to see a list of the 2010 Campaign Cabinet.

Thank you, Loaned ExecutivesLE

The TAUW 2010 Loaned Executives pulled out all the stops for this year's campaign. Thank you all for a job well done!

Click here to see a list of the 2010 Loaned Executives and sponsor companies.

Employees' Campaign ECHits Home Run  


Through a series of fun events and hard work by TAUW staff and Loaned Executives, the 2010 TAUW Employee Campaign lived up to this year's theme: "United We Play, United We Win." The sports theme for the campaign kept everyone in high spirits and pushing toward the finish line. The ambitious goal of $99,153 was surpassed to a total of $110,253. Congratulations to our campaign committee and TAUW staff for an exceptional campaign!
Employee Campaign results

Volunteers Needed for 2011 Community CIInvestments Review


It's time again to recruit volunteers for TAUW Community Investments Panels. If you are interested in assessing local agencies to make funding

recommendations, please fill out the form at www.tauw.org/CIvolunteer.


Click here for a panel member task list. For more information about the community investments process, click here or call 918-583-7171.


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Tulsa Area United Way 1430 S. Boulder, Tulsa, OK 74119 918-583-7171
�Tulsa Area United Way. All Rights Reserved.