

 Volunteers get excited at the 2010 Day of Caring Kickoff event at ONEOK Field. |
A Message from Dan Ellinor
2010 Campaign Chair
As we close in on the mid-point of the campaign, the Campaign Cabinet is taking a hard look at where we are in the process of reaching - and exceeding - our $24+ million goal. The forecast is bright, but there are some clouds on the horizon.
At this critical time we are focusing on maximizing the impact of the Challenge Grant Matching Funds that were so generously made available by several local Foundations. We've had good success subscribing them, but there is plenty of money still available to be matched. On the campaign side, hundreds of campaigns are up and running with a number of significant new campaigns both in process and already done!
We're off to a strong start, but, as you know, that doesn't necessarily guarantee a strong finish. Let's remember that all the funds we raise here stay here to help our friends and neighbors.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Tulsa Area United Way and your dedication to the 2010 campaign.
Volunteers Say "Play Ball" to the Day of Caring |
The 2010 Day of Caring started bright and early with the Kickoff event. It was a beautiful morning at ONEOK Field as volunteers came together to enjoy a free breakfast of pancakes-on-a-stick and get excited about the upcoming day. The program included the premiere of the 2010 campaign video, a baseball-throwing contest for fabulous prizes and the Trailblazer companies reporting their early campaign results. 
The 14 Trailblazer companies got the campaign off to a great start with a total of more than $3.4 million raised. This is more than 14 percent of the total $24 million goal. The Trailblazer companies this year were: Bank of Oklahoma, N.A.; Coldwell Banker Select; Explorer Pipeline; Flint Energy Services, Inc.; Frederic Dorwart Lawyers; Jim Norton Toyota; McAfee & Taft; Melton Truck Lines; ONEOK, Inc.; SouthCrest Hospital; T.D. Williamson, Inc.; Video Gaming Technologies, Inc.; American Red Cross Tulsa Area Chapter and Family & Children's Services.
Thank you to Bank of Oklahoma, N.A., the presenting sponsor, and the Tulsa Drillers for hosting. The Kickoff was a great start to the Day of Caring 2010.
To see more pictures from the Day of Caring Kickoff visit our Flickr page. |
A Rewarding Day of Caring |
This year's Day of Caring saw over 3,500 volunteers from more than 135 companies working to complete projects at TAUW's 61 partner agencies. These dedicated workers completed almost 350 projects including:
- Hosting Ping-Pong, pool, Hacky Sack, and volleyball tournaments for students at Street School
- Planting trees on school grounds
- Assisting members of The Center for Individuals with Physical Challenges in participating in the Second Annual Center Challenge Games
- Indoor improvement and repair projects at a variety of locations
- Outdoor landscaping and clean up
- Reading and participating in art projects with children
- Packing Disaster Preparedness Bags at the American Red Cross
- Food and clothing
collection drive at Community Action Project of Tulsa County - Putting on a hot baked cookies and ice cream social at Broken
Arrow Seniors
Thank you to all the volunteers who took part in the Day of Caring and helped make this year's event one of the best ever!
New Challenge Grant Opportunities |
A number of leading Tulsa foundations and a corporate firm are challenging donors with matching funds to encourage our community's giving spirit. The Tulsa Area United Way is announcing several new ways that donors can make their money go further toward helping the community.The $250,000 Anne & Henry Zarrow and J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundations Community Leadership Challenge The Zarrow and Mabee Foundations have agreed to match dollar for dollar any new or increased Leadership Level ($500 per year or more) givers. The $100,000 QuikTrip Small Business Challenge
This challenge provides a dollar for dollar match for all new small company (50 employees or less) campaigns. The Tocqueville Society Step Up Program and 'Soci�t� du Pr�sident' Challenge An anonymous foundation has agreed to fund $187,500 towards a three year Step Up Program for new members of the Alexis de Tocqueville Society (donors of $10,000 and above).
Additionally, the same foundation will increase their gift by $50,000 if twenty existing Tocqueville Society members increase their gifts to the new level of Soci�t� du Pr�sident ($15,000 per year or more).
The $50,000 H.A. & Mary K. Chapman Foundation New Foundations Program This program will match funding from any Tulsa area foundation that did not make a contribution in 2008 and 2009.
For more information regarding how you can get involved with one of our new community challenges, call the Tulsa Area United Way at 918-583-7171.
| Kendra working on a Day of Caring Project at Youth Services of Tulsa | Why I Give
Kendra McColloch has been a long-time supporter of the Tulsa Area United Way. She started giving through her paychecks more than a decade ago. "It just felt like the right thing to do as I was just starting my career and wanted to do my part in contributing to my community," McColloch said. She continues to support TAUW and likes knowing that her contributions stay in the Tulsa area. "Of course giving to any charity is always the best answer - but why not help those in our backyard first?" McColloch said. She is proud to be a Key Club member ($500 per year or more) at PennWell Corporation and encourages everyone to consider giving at that level. When asked what she would tell someone who was considering giving to the United Way, McColloch mentioned TAUW's involvement in the community, the commitment to those in need and the organization of allocation of funds. She concluded by adding, "Knowing that when I give to the United Way that I am helping my own community gives me a good feeling that makes me want to continue to give." Thank you, Kendra McColloch, for your dedication in giving to the Tulsa Area United Way! If you have an interesting "Why I Give" story to share please let us know! Email brucker@tulsaunitedway.org with your story suggestion. |
Welcome to the 2010 Loaned Executives |
Our 2010 class of Loaned Executives already have their noses to the grindstone as the campaign season is in high gear. This year, the TAUW staff has grown by 23 people who have been loaned to us by local businesses and organizations for the campaign season. These talented individuals work with our staff to help us meet the fundraising goal and expand the donor base. A big "thank you" goes to the following companies who either loaned an employee or sponsored one:
American Airlines ARVEST AT&T/CWA Local 6012
Bank of Oklahoma, N.A. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma ONEOK, Inc. QuikTrip Southwestern Power Administration
American Heritage Bank - Sapulpa
First United Bank of Sapulpa
Samson Investment Company State Farm Insurance Companies Transport Workers Union of America Local 514 US Army Corps of Engineers USPS-APWU Local 1348 USPS-NALC Branch 1358 USPS-NRLCA The Holmes Organisation T.D. Williamson, Inc. Williams
Trailblazer 5K Run and Block Party a Success 
More than 800 runners came out to Trailblazer 2010 and beat the heat to finish either the 5K run or the 1-mile Fun Run. Many more people enjoyed the block party at Centennial Park which included live music by Steel Horse, food and lots of fun activities for the kids.
During the program, Trailblazer Chair Rod Sands, President and CEO of Explorer Pipeline, helped kick off the early campaigns for the 14 Trailblazer companies. | |
Unite! 2010 Save the Date | Join us Thursday, Nov. 11, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel to honor the 61 TAUW partner agencies and the 2010 Campaign Cabinet and celebrate the final 2010 campaign accomplishments. There'll be a reception with free hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar at 5:30 p.m. and the announcement of the final 2010 campaign results at 6:30 p.m. |
Congrats are in order... |
In each e-newsletter, we want to celebrate our amazing partner agencies and highlight their special recognitions.
- LIFE Senior Services names new Chief Executive Officer, Laura Kenny. Read more.
Early Holiday Help |
Several of TAUW's partner agencies help make Christmas a special time for families in the Tulsa area. But they can't do it without your help. It's still early, but the agencies listed below will begin organizing Christmas baskets very soon. Consider how you might be able to help.
- Bristow Social Services, Inc.
- Broken Arrow Neighbors
- Community Care, Inc. of Sapulpa
- Owasso Community Resources
- The Salvation Army
- Sand Springs Community Services
- Wagoner Area Neighbors
- Family & Children's Services
- The Parent Child Center of Tulsa
- Youth Services of Tulsa
2010 Campaign Video |
Visit the TAUW website to view the 2010 campaign video. The video was provided free of charge again this year by the creative team at Littlefield. We thank Littlefield and Cloud 9 Productions for their generous donation. Contact TAUW if you would like a copy of the video to show at your United Way event. |
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