March  2009
The Interfaith Union

Dear Friend of The Interfaith Union,

We have the opportunity to welcome to the Union School/Under 5's at St. Raymond's a special guest speaker from the new Skokie-based Holocaust Museum, on Sunday, March 22nd. Jerry Kellman has graciously agreed to switch his presentation to May 3rd.  PLEASE NOTE THIS IMPORTANT CHANGE.

Please join us as we warmly welcome Ms. Agnes Schwartz. Ms. Schwartz is from Budapest, Hungary. During the Second World War, during the Occupation, her family was forced into the ghetto (1944). At the age of 10, the family maid - Julia Balazs - took Agnes in as "her niece" who was fleeing the Russian Army. During the Allied bombings she was sent to live underground for months. While her father was saved by Raoul Wallenberg, hiding in one of his safe houses, her grandmother, grandfather and aunt drowned in the Danube. Her mom was deported and perished at Bergen Belsen..

We are honored to have Ms. Schartz speak with us. Please join us from 10:45-11:45am on the second floor of the Parish Ministry Center (I-Oka and Milburn) at St. Raymond Parish, Mt. Prospect
  Sunday morning March 22nd.
For information, please contact us:

We pledge ourselves to remember
We pledge ourselves never to forget