How to Get Organized and Concentrate on Your Work
It is hard to concentrate when you have a lot on your mine and there is a lot to do. Here are a few steps to keep you more organized, help you to better concentrate on the work at hand and actually accomplish more.
Step 1 Make a list of daily and weekly tasks.
If you make a bullet-form list it will be quick and easy to read and follow. Make sure that you are thorough and include time for extra tasks that may inevitably arise in your day. It is always best to be realistic in your desires and not expect to take on too much or you will become frustrated.
Step 2 Decide what is most important.
There are some tasks that will be more important than others. These tasks need to have a priority set to them
Step 3 Divide the tasks throughout the week or month.
Make sure that you give yourself additional time just to relax. Get plenty of sleep to think more clearly and creatively. Leave time in your schedule to do work that is not priority. Set aside time to take care of things that come up unexpectedly. Also remember that some things are going to take a little longer than you anticipate and make sure that you leave time for error.
Step 4 Accomplish small tasks.
Break down your more time-consuming tasks into smaller increments. Decide which projects are to be accomplished in one sitting and which will take multiple sessions. Take a break to relax between sessions. It helps refresh you to better concentrate when you return to your work. Short breaks also help to reduce your stress level.
Step 5 Stay Focused.
Try not to start a new session until you have completed the desired goal from your last session. Concentrate on one thing at a time and do that one thing well. Write "Focus On Priority" on post-it notes and keep them near the phone computer or where ever you need to help remind you.
Step 6 Review your progress.
Sit back and look over your work. Have you progressed as far as you should? Is there a more effiecient way to accomplish what you are doing? You may need to reassign portions of your project to another day or even delegate to another person if needed.
Step 7 Be flexible.
Try to complete your projects, but if you are unable to do so, complete them up to a certain point and then leave them for another day. Don't forget to allow for the flexibility of incoming phone calls that you will have to respond to.
Step 8 Plan a deadline.
Stay on track and on schedule. If you are scheduled to do something do it, unless it is very inconvenient or impossible to do so.
Here are some additional tips to remember as you try to stay organized.
- Leaving projects half-finished will make you feel disorganized. Plus you'll feel as if you haven't accomplished anything.
- Begin your day by doing the most important task first. Just getting that done will have accomplished a lot.
- Before you begin your day, meditate to relax your mind. Concentrate on one thing that needs to be done.
- If the task is of highest priority you may need to occasionally seclude yourself away from any distractions like phone or tests or co-workers until that is finished. Some tasks are just that important. But. in reality this should be extremely rare as we all know how needs change from time to time.